193. Organization

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A/n: Hi everyone! So, from this imagine, a new idea book was spawned: Love Letters Between Shawn Mendes & His Wife. I'm not sure of when it will be out, but I'll do it as soon as I can. Okay, please enjoy this imagine. Without further ado, let's begin!

I've been married to the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes for a little over twenty amazing and wonderful years, but he asked me to be his girlfriend almost twenty four years ago. Shawn is currently on tour - he was on tour before our anniversary, but he flew home to celebrate our anniversary, and then a couple days later he went back on tour - and the kids and I miss him so much.

Shawn and I have three kids together. Our oldest child is Rose Lucille Mendes, who's nineteen. Our middle child is Jacob Alexander Scott Mendes, who's seventeen, and goes by "Jake" and we also have Sarah Grace Mendes, our youngest, who's fifteen years old. I was looking around mine and Shawn's bedroom when Rose knocked on the door.

"Hi Mom." She said. She's home from college for now.

"Hi sweet pea. What's up?" She asked.

"Well, Daddy is coming home in, like, a month. Should we make a surprise for him?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

"I was just thinking about that. He always likes it when things are neat and clean. Should we clean the whole house?" I asked. Rose's eyes widened.

"Mom, you know that I get overwhelmed easily." She said.

"Right, sorry. Yeah you get that from me. Let's start with cleaning our own rooms. Obviously mine and your father's room is bigger since we have the bathroom and the closet but I can handle this. I just need to break things down. You know what? Let's have a family meeting." I said. Rose nodded and got her brother and sister to go downstairs.

"Are we in trouble?" Sarah asked. I shook my head.

"No, not at all. As you guys know, your father is coming home in about a month, so Rose had the idea of surprising him. I know that you guys probably aren't going to like this, but I was thinking that we could each start by making sure that all of our rooms are clean. Mine and your father's room might take longer because it has the bathroom and closet, but you guys should be all set with your rooms." I said. The kids groaned.

"Can't we just get him presents?" Jake asked.

"Nope. You guys know that he likes things neat and tidy. I'll also take care of cleaning his office. Once we're all done cleaning our own rooms, then we can clean other rooms together, okay?" I asked. The kids nodded.

"Okay." They said. I smiled.

"Good. I know that he's not coming home for another month, but we can start cleaning now and then just maintain how the rooms look. Sound good?" I asked. The kids nodded.

"Yeah." They said. I smiled and we all went upstairs and got to work. I immediately started to dust the photos that were on the walls and on dressers in mine and Shawn's room. Once I was done with that, I swept the floor in the bedroom, closet, and bathroom. After that, I cleaned the mirror that's on one of the two dresses in our bedroom, and the bathroom mirror. I cleaned the toilet and the tub/shower and the sink. I then decided to tackle the closet. It felt good to do all of this.

I walked into our closet and took a deep breath. Shawn had left some of his sweatshirts for me to wear, but a lot of his clothes were gone. I got down on my knees and organized his boots and sneakers. I arranged our clothes by color. I then looked up and saw the shelf above the hangers. How had I never noticed that box before? It was too high up, I couldn't reach it. Jake is tall like his father, so I knocked on his door.

"Hi Mom." He said as he swept his room.

"Hi honey. There's something high up on a shelf that I can't reach, would you mind grabbing it for me please?" I asked. He nodded and we went into my closet. He got the box down with ease and handed it to me.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 3 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now