Sehun Luhan imagine (3) *part 3*

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"Are you okay?" Luhan asked softly.
You bit your lower lips hardly. "I-I was scared." you said between your tears.
"What did he do? Has he kissed you already?" Luhan asked.
You lowered your head. "Fortunately he hasn't. Thank you for coming, Mr. Lu. But he didn't want to hear me. I told him that I didn't like him for real but he forced me and stated that I liked him. That's why I don't like boys whose age is same with me." you uttered.
Luhan didn't know what to do. He patted your head gently. "Mr. Lu." you called.
"I...I..." you bit your lips harder then you sighed hardly. "Nothing. Forget it."
You stood then you took your bag. You bowed a little to him than you walked away from your class. In your heart you cursed yourself for almost telling your feeling. It was really almost you confess to him but you could manage it.
"Wait, (y/n)!" Mr. Lu called.
You turned your head. "What's wrong, Mr. Lu?" 
"Let me take you home, okay?" he asked.
You shook your head. "No, it's okay. See you tomorrow!" you said then you left.
You thought it was better to walk alone instead of being with him in his car and feeling awkward. You also didn't to blurt your feeling to him, like you almost did before.


The next day you were shocked to find Sehun in front of your house. "What's wrong, Sehun?" you asked softly. 
"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm sorry for yesterday."
"It's alright." you replied.
"Thank you! I was so worried to think how if you wouldn't want to apologize me. Once again I'm sorry." he told. You just smiled a little and nodded.
"Well, let's go to school now, shall we?"
Sehun offered his arm for you but you didn't see it and walk quickly. Sehun thought you were still mad and he couldn't help but regret his action yesterday. Sehun stared at your back which slowly moved away from him. He grabbed his left chest. "Why I can feel this feeling? It hurts to see her crying or sad but I can be happy when she's happy. I've never felt it before. Is it love?" he asked to himself.
You still walked but you didn't feel Sehun's presence. You turned your head. "Sehun! What's wrong with you?" you asked again while approaching him.
Sehun stared at your face then at your eyes. But a minute later he avoided your eyes. "N-nothing." Sehun stuttered.
You frowned and gazed at his face. "Are you serious?"
"Yes, of course!" he answered while taking your arm quickly. "Well, let's go to school."
You nodded then you followed him. You didn't realize Sehun was linking your arms with his because your mind was full with thought of what was wrong with Sehun. But a pair of eye watched you and Sehun carefully. That person couldn't help not to feel jealous. But that was he did. And yeah, he was Luhan.


An announcement on school's announcement board just made almost all students excited. They kept talking about that news. News about a school trip to a sea. Not only the students, Luhan was also excited. It was his first time having a school trip as a teacher. So he though it would give him a different feeling.
As soon as he knew about that school trip, he went quickly to you. "(y/n)!!" he called from the door of the classroom.
You moved your sight from the book and looked at him who walked quickly to you. "Yes?" you asked.
"Will you go to school trip?" Luhan asked to the point. Some students who left in the classroom looked at him weirdly.
"Yes I will, I guess." you answered.
Luhan couldn't help his happiness. He was happy -- of course -- because he would spend 3 days full with you. Luhan hugged you tightly to express his feeling. "Woah! Glad to hear that!" Luhan said.
Your face blushed as he did a skinship with you. But indeed, you felt comfortable with the warmth from Luhan. You also could smell his scent.
Both of you and Luhan were so drunk with the feeling until you two couldn't realize the situation around. Female students cried inside her heart while one of male student looked so angry and jealous. He went quickly to you and pulled you into his arms.
In just a second Luhan didn't hug you anymore. You felt the different feeling of the warmth and the body scent. You looked up to see who just pulled you and your eyes almost jumped off.
"Sehun." you whispered.


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