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"There she is!" Scott exclaimed as you came into view with Steve still carrying you. You looked at your family and felt thankful seeing them all in one room again. You were only missing Laura and the kids.
"You do realize you are taking a leave of absence young lady, and when you come back you're behind a desk" Tony told you as Steve sat you down in a chair beside Nat who turned and wrapped her arms around you. You cuddled into her and she gave you a kiss on the forehead. You kept your eyes closed until she pulled away and you looked around the table. Everyone looked haggard but happy. Loki and Wanda looked exhausted, and you couldn't help but give a smile.
"No phantoms" you said in relief.
"No darling, no more phantoms," Loki shook his head.
"If they come back, you need to tell us" Wanda added and you quickly nodded your head.
"I promise" you promised. "I think it's all that helped me cope," you said in a small voice.
"I've also booked you weekly appointments with the team therapist" Pepper told you softly. "That starts tomorrow," she added.
"Understood. I also know I have to give my report" you said with flushed cheeks.
"Only when you're ready, Angel," Steve shook his head. "We can wait" he leaned over and kissed you on your temple.
"How are the babies doing?" Clint asked worriedly.
"Strong, they move so much," you said with a proud smile. "It's nice that I can touch my stomach now" you ran your hand over your belly. Each time before you spoke, you still hesitated and touched your throat to remind you that the shock collar wasn't there.
"Did they touch you?" Bucky asked with a worried look in his eye. You shook your head.
"They didn't want to mess with their data yet. I was just chained to a bed most of the time, and walked around once a day by the collar" you explained and they all looked almost devastated to hear as much. "I'll detail it in my report" you said softly.

"You've lost too much weight, you need to eat" Sam said suddenly and food was passed around. Nat and Steve put extra portions of food on your plate and you bit your bottom lip.
"What did you need Angel?" Steve seemed to be immediately concerned.
"May I ask for pickles?" you asked softly. "The dill kind. I've been craving them for a while, but I was never well behaved enough to get it" you said, a little embarrassed. Peter got up and went into the kitchen. He came right back and opened a large jar of Moshi dill pickles and put it in front of you.
"These are your's. Eat as many as you want" he said in a somber tone. You reached up and ruffled his hair and he leaned down and kissed you on top of your head before going back to his seat. You took your fork and pulled out a pickle and everyone seemed to be watching you closely. You took your first bite and you moaned loudly at the first crunch and closed your eyes just enjoying your treat. You did a small dance in celebration. It had been worth the wait and at the same time you had no idea how you lived so long without this flavor in your life.
"And?" Steve asked expectantly. "Are all my girls happy?" he asked with a grin.
"So happy" you moaned again.
"Friday, I want you to put more pickles on the grocery order" Tony called out.
"Yes, boss" Friday came back quickly.

Everyone started eating then, and you happily ate everything on your plate plus half the jar of pickles. Happy then brought you some cookies, and even though you were full you forced yourself to eat them and you made sure to do your happy dance. Once the table was cleared off you promised that you would have tea tonight and you saw a lot of hopeful looks in your direction. You explained you just needed a shower, and you headed back upstairs. Halfway up the stairs you were a little winded and Steve just picked you up like a new bride and carried you all the way to the suite.

"I missed this" you sighed happily standing under the showerhead just letting water beat down on you. Steve had taken the time to undress you before getting undressed himself. If you had any doubts that he would still want you, they were promptly gone by the sight of his raging erection standing straight up as he took off his pants. He had gotten in the shower behind you and soaped up a loofah and started washing you down, paying attention to every nook and cranny.
"Me washing you?" Steve asked coyly.
"A hot shower" you smiled. "No strangers watching me bathe" you added.
"I would kill them again if given the chance" Steve growled.
"You did sometimes in my dreams. I'm glad the last time it was for real" you had your eyes closed and your face tipped up. Steve tapped you to signal you to turn around and you did. He claimed your lips in a soft, slow, and sensuous kiss. He started washing your front, taking extra time washing your stomach. Once he was done, he got down on his knees and kissed your stomach and held his face to your stomach almost reverently. You ran your hands through his hair and he kissed your stomach again.
"Mine" he said softly.
"Yours" you agreed in a whisper. "I need to wash you now," you said decisively.
"No, I'm washing your hair" Steve stood back up. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and you tried to stop him but he stubbornly continued on his task. You finally gave in and closed your eyes as he washed and conditioned your hair. When he was done you tried to take the loofah to wash him as well, but he was too quick. "Don't, if you touch me I'm going to try to make love to you in this shower and there's only so much self control I have. I don't want to hurt you" he said, touching your cheek.
"You won't hurt me," you said in a small voice.
"Just for now. Tonight I'll try not to be rough with you" Steve said, his eyes full of promise. "But I will be celebrating our reunion, mark my words" he promised.
You nodded and watched him quickly shower, just enjoying the show and the feeling of hot water. When he was done he got out first and grabbed you two towels and just put one haphazardly around his hips. You wrapped one towel around your head to take care of your hair, and Steve started drying you off, making sure he didn't miss a spot. You called on your powers when he was done and walked out of the bathroom invisible with just the towel on your head. You went into the closet and found a sundress and tried to put it on, but it was too tight and bunched up on your stomach. You huffed and Steve came in and stood at the door watching you since you were visible again. He wordlessly grabbed another pair of leggings for you and then handed you one of his t-shirts and sweaters again. You had a hard time getting the dress back up over your stomach again, and Steve came over and helped you. You had tears of frustration in your eyes, and he just looked at you adoringly. He then proceeded to help you get dressed, noting that your underwear was digging into your hips and not fitting properly.
"Does this hurt, Angel?" he asked with concern.
"A little" you admitted. "It's just uncomfortable," you said.
"We will order you lots of clothes online," he promised. "Did you want to try on my boxer briefs?" he asked.
"No, they won't fit," you giggled. He finished getting you dressed then he put on a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You dried your hair as best you could with the towel while you waited and then you headed back to the bathroom to hang up your towel and brush your hair. Steve came in behind you and took the hairbrush and started brushing your hair for you.
"Steve" you giggled. "You can't keep doing everything for me!" you sighed.
"Watch me" he chuckled. He seemed focused on his task, and once he was done he gave you a kiss on your temple and walked out, going into the kitchenette.

"We're here!" Bucky came in with Clint, Nat, Bruce, Sam, and Loki on his heels. He banged the door open with force that the door vibrated and you giggled from your seat on the couch.
"We brought extra chairs" Sam proudly showed his camping chairs under his arms. Bucky helped him set up a few chairs and sat in one of them. Steve was still making tea for everyone, and Bruce went over to give him a hand. You were sitting with your shirt pulled up over your stomach and you were rubbing your belly.
"There's my little mama" Nat came over and looked at you as though asking permission and you gave a slight nod and she put her hand on your stomach and her face broke out in wonder. "Busy babies" she said, eyeing the engagement ring on your finger. "Busy mama," she added with a chuckle.
"They're girls" you said softly and the room went quiet for a moment.
"I can't wait to see Steve running after his twin girls," Sam chuckled.
"I can't wait to meet them," you sighed.
"That will be a while yet" Bruce reminded you. "How are you feeling, Starshine?" he asked.
"Uncomfortable," you frowned. "None of my clothes fit me" you pouted.
"That sounds like a job for mama Nat until you are ready to go in public again" Nat grinned. "I'll take your measurements and head to the store and figure out your sizing. Then you can order online when I get home. I'll get you enough for a few weeks" she promised.
"Can it be pretty clothes?" you asked hopefully.
"It can be whatever your heart desires," she nodded. "You want pink to match your girls?" she asked, and you nodded.
"So when are you going to start discussing your mothers ring on her finger?" Bucky asked as Nat pulled away, and she gave you a kiss on your forehead.
"No shit! You finally got to do it" Clint grinned happily.
"He didn't waste time," Loki chuckled and congratulations went around the room.
"I'll fight you to walk her down the aisle" Bruce said quickly to Clint.
"You'll both walk me down the aisle" you said, seeing that Clint was going to fight him on it.
"Congratulations, you're going to be a husband and a father" Bucky got up and patted Steve heartily on the back and they gave each other a hug.
"We need to start planning for a nursery" Nat said, as she sat down on the back of the couch and started playing in your hair.
"I've had nothing to do but think about a nursery" you admitted. "If it's girls I wanted a Disney princess theme" you moaned as she started braiding your hair.
"Done," Steve said over his shoulder. "You'll have two nurseries to decorate" he advised.
"We only need one for a while" you rolled your eyes as he came over with your chocolate covered strawberries and your tea. He gave you a kiss on the lips and set them down. You took one of the strawberries and popped it in your mouth and did a happy dance.
"No, you need to decorate two. One for here, and one for our new home" Steve grinned.
"Our new home?" you echoed.
"Your Christmas gift was a new house. You're my new neighbor and Laura and the kids are over the moon about it. They are also relieved you are okay" Clint winked at you.
"You... you bought a house?" you asked in shock.
"He bought it before you got taken" Bucky was more than happy to advise.
"Steve..." you trailed off and he leaned down and kissed you on the lips again.
"We need a home to raise our babies, and it's been your dream to have one. It's almost done in construction. I'll let them know to paint the nursery pink" he sat down beside you.
"This is so much" you said, tears welling up in your eyes. "I don't deserve this" you wailed as you started crying.
"You deserve the world!" Steve told you quickly.
"And what better man to show you that than the one that can give that to you, songbird?" Nat asked softly.
"I feel so blessed" you tried to dry your falling tears.
"You blessed me the moment you walked into my life, now I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you" Steve said softly, wiping at your tears.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz