Spoiled princess

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Steve won. You hated to admit it, but halfway through the night you were far too blissed out, and your body couldn't handle much more. You could tell it was starting to get to him too, but he was too stubborn to give in. You ended up saying museum at first, and his kisses had gone from rough and demanding to sweet and sensual. But by three in the morning, you needed reprieve and said red after he came in you again. You had quickly gotten up to go pee, wash off your makeup and take your pills before coming back to bed and he was already half asleep. You curled up to him naked and went to sleep quickly.
When you woke up in the morning, you weren't sure that you could move. Your legs felt like jelly from the marathon you and Steve had done last night and you sighed softly, nuzzling into Steve more. You heard a deep chuckle and you looked up at him and he had a proud smile on his face.
"What are you so happy about?" you giggled.
"I won," he winked at you.
"I think we both won" you kissed his chest, running your fingers through the hair. He hummed to himself and rubbed his hand up and down your back.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, sounding honestly concerned.
"My legs feel like I ran a marathon" you gave a soft giggle. "Worth it"
"Are you sore?" he asked, pulling you in a little closer.
"In a good way" you answered honestly. "I like it," you shrugged.
"How sore?" he quirked an eyebrow, and you knew that look of hunger he was giving you.
"Not that sore" you said in a soft whisper. "Museum sore" you decided quickly.
"I think I can handle that" he hummed to himself and quickly pushed you on your back. His lips sought out yours and you sighed against his lips as his hands went into your hair for a moment. You both heard a loud knock at the door and Steve cursed while pulling back. "We can ignore it" he said a little hopefully, but the knock came again only a little louder this time.
"Don't forget your mask" you whispered and he had a defeated look on his face. He got out of bed and grabbed one of the complimentary robes before slipping on his mask. He left the bedroom, closing the door quickly behind him to give you some privacy and you heard Bucky and Clint's voices come from down the hallway. You slipped out of bed, and went straight for a shower. You figured whatever they needed, could wait. You needed time to recuperate. You used the expensive hotel soaps, shampoo and conditioner frowning slightly that it wasn't your preferred soap. You washed up, taking a moment to enjoy the spray of the shower heads coming from multiple directions and hummed as you got out of the shower. You quickly dried off, and you heard the bedroom door open and close a few times while you took a moment to get started on your makeup. You went for a daytime glow on your eyes, but kept the bold red lip because it reminded you of confidence, and you needed plenty of that to pull this mission off. You came out of the bathroom, and saw it was almost time for your breakfast. You knew the target wouldn't be at the restaurant for breakfast, so you hoped that you could just grab something quick and simple instead. You knew you had a lot to do today, and you needed to keep up appearances. You went to the closet and picked out the short powder blue dress that Nat had picked out for you and put on a white lace thong and bra. You found the white bolero that she had paired with it and quickly put it on. You reached for your mask and snapped it in place, letting your hair air dry for a few minutes before you decided what to do with it.

When you came out you saw it was just the three men there, and none of them were wearing their masks. You quickly took yours off and put it on the side table as they all looked up at you with smiles.
"Good morning" you blushed.
"So you were wearing red undergarments yesterday" Clint chuckled and you flushed even more if that was possible.
"We forgot to clean up" Steve had a small blush on his cheeks as well, standing to the side still in his robe, but you could tell he had taken the time to put on a pair of boxer briefs.
"We ordered breakfast, since you clearly need to keep your strength up" Bucky teased you.
"Oh, thank goodness. I didn't want to go down to the restaurant again this morning" you sighed and sat down beside Clint on the couch. You thought about how you were riding Steve last night in the exact spot you were sitting in and your breath caught in your throat. You felt your pulse speed up at the mere memory of last night and your eyes darted to Steve who licked his lips looking at you. You saw the same hunger there that you had seen this morning when you had woken up.
"Our target only went back to his house last night, but his internet search was interesting. He found your fake online profiles, and spent half the night looking you and John Smith up. Now he thinks you both came from money, which was our plan. He's also looked you up again this morning. You are officially his new distraction" Clint smiled at you proudly.
"That's what I'm here for, right?" you frowned a little.
"If it's not for you, we won't get the chance to get in his office" Bucky reminded you.
"Scott could have done that" you blushed, finally saying it out loud.
"You needed the experience, and I haven't been on an undercover mission for a long time. We both needed it. Bucky normally takes the very back end, where he's not even seen, and the same with Clint. We all needed the experience basically, and it's a fairly easy mission" Steve came over and sat on the other side of you, putting his arm around your shoulders.
"I'm just worried about messing this up" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Don't worry about it kid, you are doing it perfectly so far. Just keep up the entitled attitude. Steve is going to see if he can follow him today if he leaves his place before suppertime. Maybe break into his office early, so we can make this mission short and sweet" Clint advised you. Steve leaned in and kissed you on the side of your temple, his beard brushing softly against your skin.
"So what are the plans this weekend for you three?" Clint asked you and you gave a wan smile.
"I have girls day on Saturday" you offered and Clint frowned a bit. You knew he was leading up to asking you to come back out to the house again.
"I'm hanging out with Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Tony, Loki, Thor and Vision. We are going to maybe play some poker on Saturday. Sunday I'm taking Y/N on a date for our one month anniversary" Steve advised proudly, puffing out his chest a bit.
"I'm just looking forward to whooping your ass at poker" Bucky chuckled.
"I'll let the kids know you won't be out this weekend then" Clint sighed heavily. "Tony invited us out the following weekend for Thanksgiving. Laura and I are thinking of taking him up on it, since we know its hard for all of us to be together at the house at the same time"
"Really?" you asked in surprise.
"Yeah, of course kiddo. The kids and Laura will fly out for the day, and I'll take them back home that night. You are free to come back with us, but we both know where you likely want to stay" Clint added with a knowing smile.
"Thank you" you breathed and leaned over, kissing him on the cheek. He chuckled and ruffled your hair in response. "I still need to do my hair" you pulled back and saw you left a small red lip stain on Clint's cheek and you rubbed at it with your thumb.
"You want me to just do a braid? Your hair tie is still out here" Clint picked it up off the coffee table.
"Yes please" you nodded and quickly moved to get on the floor in front of him and crossed your legs. Clint ran his fingers through your hair to comb it out, and started doing a french braid in your hair. You heard a knock at the door and the four of you froze. Steve quickly grabbed your mask and handed it to you and you snapped it in. Clint and Bucky grabbed theirs putting them on, while Steve got up and put his on at the same time as he strode towards the door. He looked out in the hallway and saw it was a few valets with a couple trays each of breakfast. They brought it in and set it down on the table in the living room. Steve tipped them handsomely and they quickly left. You breathed a sigh of relief, but waited for Bucky to inspect the dishes for bugs first. He finally gave a nod and the four of you took off your masks. Clint finished with your hair before you each started digging into your food. You hummed happily, just enjoying the food and all the fresh fruit that was brought up.

After breakfast Steve went to go take a quick shower and get dressed. He changed into a black suit with a powder blue tie. It gave you a few minutes to go over today's mission docket, and the plans that you had to go through and do. You noticed the update to going to the jewelry store as soon as breakfast was over. When Steve came out you looked at him with an appreciative gaze and he slowly licked his lips as he held your gaze. You stood up and he opened his arms for you to walk into them. You happily went into his arms and he held you close to his chest for a moment.
"And to think two months ago you were just still gazing at her from across the room like a lost puppy" Clint chuckled.
"Had I known that I just made a move it would turn out this way, I would have done it a lot sooner" Steve's baritone voice spoke softly, and you nuzzled into his chest again.
"Had I known you liked me, I might have made a move on you myself" you giggled, blushing at the admission, and saying it so casually.
"I tried to tell you" Clint reminded you with a raised brow.
"I really thought he wasn't over Peggy" you admitted.
"I've been over Peggy for years" Steve shook his head, giving you a soft kiss on top of your head.
"Yeah, he's been on plenty of dates the last five years" Bucky grinned and then saw the frown that Steve gave him and seemed to catch himself. "I mean, not plenty. Just a lot. I mean..." he started trying to backtrack and then seemed to give up and gave an exasperated sigh.
"It's fine, I'm not going to be jealous over those women. I will be if someone makes a move on him now though" you freely admitted. "I don't share" you spoke with a slight possessive tone.
"Neither does Stevie," Bucky grinned.
"Like Hell I'm going to share" Steve growled, wrapping his arms around you a bit tighter. "I've done my waiting, over a year of it. And it was Hell"
"Come on, we have to get to the jewelers" Clint reminded you both that cuddle time was over. You went to your stilettos and put them back on, since you only brought two pairs of shoes with you.
"Don't forget you are a spoiled princess today. I want you to spoil yourself for once" Steve reminded you as he handed you your mask. You quickly put it on, and he followed suit shortly after. You saw Clint and Bucky secure their masks on their faces while the four of you made your way to the penthouse door and put your mind back on the mission.

When you got to the jewelers, Steve followed you around while you picked out a princess diamond cut pair of earrings of white gold, and a white gold necklace with a single diamond pendant that fell directly between your breasts just perfectly. You also looked at a few rings, and saw one that looked like the band was made of ivy and roses with a diamond in the center. It was a promise ring, but you could barely tear your eyes away from it, thinking it looked beautiful. Clint looked over your shoulder and grinned at you, and you shrugged, walking away from it. You saw Steve go up to the counter to make his purchases and Clint went and whispered something in his ear. Steve nodded and turned back to you, letting you know he needed to get going to "work" which was code that he was following the target for the rest of the day. Clint and Bucky started escorting you to several different stores where you were basically waited on hand and foot. Tony had already booked appointments at all the stores for you to try on clothes and buy them if you wanted. You knew it was part of the mission, and it was technically how Wanda and Nat had gotten such extensive wardrobes, but you weren't fully comfortable with it. Clint would notice when you liked something and would just bring it to the front for it to be purchased. You were walking out of your last store of the day when you saw your target walking up the street towards you. You gave a shy smile while Bucky and Clint carried the bags and put them in the car. He seemed to be completely captivated by you. You let Clint open your door and you slid in, looking just past the target known as Patrick O'Neill to see if you could see Steve watching him, but you didn't have any luck. Clint and Bucky got back into the front of the car and pulled away, bringing you back to the hotel.
Once at the hotel, Clint and Bucky carried all your bags upstairs while you just had to worry about your purse. They also got a hand from one of the valets to bring everything upstairs, which Bucky tipped them graciously. They helped you bring everything into your room and you put the bags down in the closet, since the mission was only a couple of days.
"Come on kid" Clint called to you from the living room. You looked down at the several bags on your floor and gave a gentle sigh. It was time to go see Steve again, and hopefully he was already in the restaurant.

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