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You had lost track of time, but you knew that Christmas had passed. Your baby bump had grown, just as your patience had thinned. You were walked around the cement building daily on a leash that was attached to a shock collar that would jolt you every time you tried to touch it or if you tried to use your abilities. The morning sickness had started again since you no longer had access to Loki's tea, and it was awful. They learned the first morning to let you into the bathroom to be sick, but someone was always standing guard inside the room with you. At first you were shy about using the bathroom while someone was watching you, but now you were used to it.
Every time you went for a walk, you counted the steps between doorways, and memorized all the faces that you passed by or who would stand guard. Your captors would know your fury one day, and none of them would know mercy. You usually weren't one to kill someone automatically, but you knew they planned to kill you once you gave birth to the twins. Doctor M had said it as though it was common practice to kill someone so easily without a second thought. You couldn't help but laugh at the thought, you were becoming like them in a way but you knew that you had a good reason behind your bloodlust and that was revenge, not just for taking you but putting your babies in harm's way and the worst of all revenge for making Steve miss the milestones of your pregnancy with the twins.
Steve. He was one of the only reasons why you continued to fight to survive in this place. Why you continue to keep going. The memory of his touch and his love was embedded in your brain, and it was one of the few things that Doctor M and her goons couldn't take away from you.
From what you had memorized, the building was small, but there were signs that there were stairs to go to an upper floor. You had seen no windows, so you knew you were located in a basement. Doctor M seemed to live in the building, rarely leaving your side and doing her studies. She had been the one to put the shock collar on you after you attacked the A.I.M agents. They sedated you and you were tied down to a bed for a week for that. Now you acted like their perfect little pet, counting the days to your freedom either from this world or the confines of this building. At this point, you were more worried for your babies than you were for yourself.
Today was just like any other day for you, you woke up in the morning and waited for someone to escort you to the bathroom. Then you were given a hearty breakfast before being taken for a walk. You then came back and Doctor M had the ultrasound ready for you, so you hopped back into bed and waited patiently for them to strap you down as usual. You constantly had ugly bruises that had now begun to scab over from those straps. Some of the A.I.M. agents were more masochistic than others. Your skin was always raw from trying to get out of the straps in your sleep.
"You are approximately 25 weeks!" Doctor M said with glee after she did her ultrasound.
"So I've been here for over three months" you said with sorrow.
"Oh not to worry, love. We will keep taking care of you. I've grown quite fond of you. I think I'll keep you. We always need patients for our experiments" she said and you refused to let the tears fall in fear. You looked at the screen with your babies growing, and could only think of the time that Steve was missing out on.
"May I go for another walk please?" you asked.
"You just came back from one" she reminded you. "Let's get you nice and comfortable until lunch" Doctor M declined your request. You pouted, but understood that even after all this time, you were still nothing but an incubator to them. Your whole body ached from being still so often. She wiped your stomach clean and took some blood work before leaving the room. Two men stood sentient at the door and you sighed. You wanted to call on your abilities and try to slip out of the straps, but you knew it was in vain, and they were not past knocking you out and making the entire process more unbearable if need be.
"It must be spring soon" you said to no one in particular.
"Shut up" one of the men watching the door barked. You felt a zap on your collar and you yelped. You squirmed on the bed, and one of the sores on your wrists started to ooze blood again.
"They'll come for me" you said softly and felt another zap.
"No one is going to find you, not even when we throw your body away" one of them chuckled and you swallowed, going through it in your head how you would escape, given the opportunity. You just needed out of the collar first. The only time they took it off of you is when you were allowed your weekly bath, and even then you had tried to escape a multitude of times but nothing successful yet. Now three men guarded you with heat sensing goggles so they could see where your body was at all times. One of these days you would overpower them. It might even be worth the punishment if you tried again.
From the corner of your eye you thought you saw Steve walking in the room and reaching for your hand again.
"Go away phantom, I beg of you" you whispered. You felt another zap and one of the men sighed.
"Doctor M isn't going to like that you are seeing things again," one of the men said. "You've been doing this for weeks now," he added. You hummed but didn't respond. You didn't want to be shocked again. You were used to not being allowed to talk unless Doctor M was around.

Steve felt like a husk of a man. They had looked for you non stop for the last three and a half months. He had been on every mission possible. Every time he came up empty handed, he would wait for the team to take their prisoners, both he and Bucky would blow up the building until it was nearly ashes. He had no remorse for it. He was making sure that if A.I.M was watching, which he was pretty sure they were, they were going to know he was coming for every single one of them. He would burn this world to the ground until he found you again.
He sat in his suite now with Loki, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, Nat, and Clint. They looked as exhausted as he felt.
"Tomorrow will be the winner" Nat tried to bring up morale.
"No matter what we are just going to blow it to smithereens" Bucky groaned.
"It's a bigger base" Bruce said tentatively, looking at Steve for a reaction, but there was none. Roxy was sitting with her head on Steve's lap, and Tom was laying on the chair behind his head. "I'll be coming as the Hulk," he added.

"I'll be your eyes in the sky Steve, don't worry" Sam reassured.
"What if we don't find her?" Steve said in a soft whisper.
"We have to, there is no if. Songbird is waiting for us, and she's probably been fighting tooth and nail to come home to us" Clint said with conviction.

"Of that I have no doubt, even after all this time" Nat agreed quickly.
"I missed their first kick," Steve whispered, at a complete loss.
"You'll be there for the next one" Loki said quickly. "I have Faith in tomorrow's results," he said with flourish. "The data is promising, and everything we have been going through leads to this base" he added.
"It's in the middle of nowhere, it's perfect if you think about it," Clint suggested. "And it's one of their lead bases. We will just forget about doing the recon at first. We will just take it over, and then get the data" he said, taking a sip of his beer. Steve had snowballed to no longer drinking tea in the evenings. He could barely stand the sight of it, it just brought back all the memories of you. He took to drinking mead when there was a day with no missions, or beer when a mission was coming up. The bitter taste slid over his tongue. He didn't necessarily like it, he was just looking to drown his sorrows. Something that wasn't working.
"Tell me again that she's going to be okay" Steve looked up at Bruce. Steve looked haggard and it hurt the team to see him like that. They had positively gone feral with the news that you were taken, and were showing no mercy when it came to base raids. They did take quite a few prisoners, but it was mainly for tactical reasons. They wanted more information on how A.I.M works and what their game plans are. Shield had been taking over the interrogations since no one on the team could keep a level head. Not even Bucky or Natasha were able to keep their head on straight long enough to get the intel that they needed.
"She is going to be kept safe and sound until she gives birth. You know this from the intel" Loki reminded him. "She is carrying your two little miracles, that alone is keeping her safe" he sighed. He didn't need to add that Steve and Bucky had been the intended targets of that mission. They were going to blow up the jet and take the two of them and kill the rest of the team. Personally Loki thought they would have brought more if they were really thinking it through. When they heard you say "babies" and "Steve" your fate changed from a death sentence, to life in captivity.
Clint nudged the oversized blanket that was on the back of the long couch and looked at Steve with worry etched in his face.
"Are you going to sleep in bed tonight?" he asked.
"She's not there, it's not my bed without her," Steve shook his head, drinking back the rest of his beer.
"She would hate to see you like this," Nat said in a motherly tone.
"She can tell me herself when we find her" Steve said with finality, a bit of his fighting spirit back in his eyes.

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