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Steve had milked that hour for all it was worth, and practically had to carry you downstairs for supper. He had a proud smile on his face at the supper table, and one hand on your sensitive thigh that you squirmed for. You enjoyed the celebration for the new baby thoroughly, but you were looking forward to some more rest. Especially for your lady parts. That would be short lived, Steve seemed intent on getting his fill before long. He squeezed your thigh under the table and you giggled and gave him a playful shove on his heavily muscled arm. He chuckled proudly and looked forward, acting as though he had done nothing at all.
"Look at you, you're practically glowing. That nap must have you done you some good" Nat looked over at you appraisingly. You flushed under her scrutiny, and gave a secret smile. Nat's eyebrows raised at your failure to respond but Steve cleared his throat.
"She needed it," he said with a soft chuckle.
"Oh I imagine" Bucky burst out laughing. "You left your mark" he pointed at the side of your neck.
"I needed that" Steve corrected himself.
"That's probably better," Sam smirked.
"Are you looking forward to our mission tomorrow?" Clint asked casually. "I saw you are at the jet, are you being punished?"
"No, I'm just worried about the jet getting taken with this being a more active base" Steve quickly lied.
"It was both our decision. We need eyes on the jet" Tony lied, and you had to question why inside your head. You weren't sure, but you were starting to suspect that he knew about your news. Steve paused to look at Tony who shrugged in response.
"I ordered thai food for supper" Happy came in with several take out containers and you sniffed appreciatively.
"Let me grab the pickles" Tony disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a large jar and put it directly in front of you. You smiled happily and opened the jar, taking out two large pickles and taking a large bite. You moaned happily and smiled happily to yourself.
"That crunch though" you sighed with a large smile. Steve followed your lead and took out a pickle from the jar and took a bite as well. He nodded in agreement, and Tony looked between the two of you, waiting for you to say something about your news but you said nothing at all. Happy gave everyone their portion of chicken pad thai containers, and put some of the extra containers in the center of the table before he took his seat. You grabbed the hot sauce and added some to give it a little bit of kick and ate in silence while listening to everyone talk around the table. Steve flexed his hand on your lap a few times, as though to remind you he was there, but otherwise behaved himself. For dessert Happy had gotten mango coconut sticky rice and you were in complete Heaven. You took a second portion just because you could. There was still some food leftover for the night owls to munch on during the night.
"Come on Angel, let's get you upstairs" Steve said once the meal was over as he brought his hand up a little higher on your thigh.
"We will be right up" Bruce said with a large smile. "Your room tonight?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes, that would be lovely," you nodded.
"Don't forget Roxy is with us," Pepper reminded you.
"And I finally got Tom," Wanda squealed, going over and picking him up. Tom just purred loudly as she scratched him under his chin.
"I'll have someone clean this up. Make sure you rest up for your mission tomorrow" Tony said and everyone got up from the table.

When you got back up to your room, you went to the bathroom to wash up after supper while Steve went to the small kitchenette and he started boiling the water and getting the mugs ready. Sam and Bucky had announced they were going to get hot chocolate from their own suites, and both Nat and Bruce had gone to their suite to get their own mugs of tea. That left Steve responsible for just your drink and his own. He was tempted to make you one of Loki's tea's but you seemed to be doing okay for the moment and you didn't seem to want to use them too often unless they were needed.
He made two candy cane hot chocolates instead of tea, having made the executive decision that you deserved a treat and he grabbed his tablet, and opened his kindle. He looked up a book on what to expect when you're expecting and started reading it with his legs crossed at the ankle while waiting for you to come out.
You came out shortly after in a pair of pink satin pajama pants and top and your hair up in a bun on top of your head and you went to him automatically. He opened his arms to you and you sat on his lap. He showed you what he had started reading and you giggled as you leaned in and kissed him on the side of his neck and he growled, wanting so much more.
"Knock if off kids" Bucky came into the room, announcing himself.
"Yeah, we don't need to see that" Sam quipped as he followed Bucky into the room. Steve quickly locked his tablet and you sat up more on his lap. You were both in the chair, so the two of them took the long couch, leaving the loveseat for Nat and Bruce.
"But seriously, the jet?" Bucky asked, sitting down. "That's something I would think you would put Peter or Pietro on."
"I know, but it's temporary," Steve lied, trying to smooth things over with his best friend.
"No, the other mission we have this week she's with the jet too" Bucky shot back quickly.
"Yeah, I noticed that too," Sam nodded. "That's not exactly fair, since she's never let us down on the inside before. Besides, she's literally invisible" he pointed out.
Steve seemed strained, and you knew this was his way of trying to protect you. You also told him it was your choice to stay in the field, so when he looked at you pleadingly, you simply shrugged and he sighed heavily and ran his hand over his face.
"Tony's on board with it. Maybe next week we will have her in the field again" Steve lied, and you knew it was a lie. You huffed slightly, and that wasn't missed by Bucky or Sam who raised their eyebrows in response.
"Songbird!" Nat came into the room with a bit of a spark in her step. "Come see mama Nat" she went and sat on the loveseat, quickly followed by Bruce. You grabbed your hot chocolate and brought it with you as you sat down in front of her between her legs and her hands went directly to your hair. She pulled your hair out of the bun and started running her fingers through your hair a few times before she started doing a french braid in your hair. "Tell mama what's bothering you. You've been quiet today" Nat cooed to you and you saw Bruce put his arm behind her and he kissed her cheek lovingly. Both Sam and Bucky looked over expectantly, and Steve looked like he was chomping at the bit to say something.
"I've just been tired mama" you sighed, giving in that you couldn't share your news yet.
"Well you've been sick and tired for weeks, and I think it's about time you take a vacation" Nat huffed. "A real one. Maybe go somewhere special. Take the Captain with you" she suggested.
"Have you done a pregnancy test?" Bruce asked, putting the pieces together. Your eyes met Steve's and he smiled at you lovingly.
"I probably just need a vacation" you deflected that question, and that did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room. Nat even paused what she was doing with your hair and she suddenly gave it a sharp tug.
"Are you shitting me?" Nat asked in shock. "Did you take the test or not?" she demanded.
"Yes, we took it," Steve answered. You gave him a pleading look, but you could tell he was bursting at the seams.
"Well don't leave us hanging" Bucky stated the obvious.
"I'm not sure how to answer that question" you fidgeted and took a sip of your hot chocolate.
"Daddy's home!" Clint burst into the room and shut the door behind him. Everyone was in silent shock. "Sorry I'm late, but I was talking to Laura" he said as he came in and sat between Bucky and Sam. "She asked if Y/N got enough rest, but I told her I didn't think Steve let her" he chuckled looking at all the faces in the room. "What did I miss?" he asked.
"We were just about to tell you guys that unofficially we are pregnant with twins" Steve answered for you and Nat wrapped her arms around you from behind and gave you a kiss on top of your head. Everyone said their congratulations, and Bucky got up to hug his best friend.
"You can't go in the field" Nat said as she pulled back.
"I second that one," Clint quickly agreed.
"Steve has me far away from any field work" you sighed.
"It would do him well to have you at the compound where there's not where there's bullets flying around" Nat sassed, looking pointedly at Steve.
"She demanded I didn't take her out of the field," Steve said, raising both of his hands showing his innocence.
"No, you just put me the furthest place from it" you growled.
"Best place for you if you are going to be so damn stubborn about it" Clint shook his head and came over to kiss you on top of your head. "We should change your nickname" he teased and you stuck your tongue out at him and he laughed.

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