Steve's surprise

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When you got back to the compound, you parked in your usual spot beside Loki's car and headed upstairs. You had the tea in hand, and the watch secured in your purse. You paused for a moment outside of your suite, and licked your lips wondering if you should go in first or stop by and see Loki for a moment. Anxiety hit you, and you decided it would be better to go see Loki first since he had always been a valued friend. You went down the hallway a little bit further and stopped to knock on an emerald green door with gold trimming, Loki had insisted his door be personalized. It opened within moments and Loki stood in his asgardian robes and gave a quick smile.
"I wasn't expecting you" he opened the door for you to come in.
"Hello Loki, how is your book coming along?" you asked, since he had borrowed a book recently.
"Splendidly, I was thinking about coming to visit this evening to get a new book. I'm nearly finished this one" he pointed at the book laying open, face down, on the walnut coffee table.
"Well you are always certainly welcome. I brought you some tea" you offered him one of the two boxes in your hand.
"Thank you, I shall put this to good use. Would you care for a cup?" Loki asked politely.
"I can't stay" you shook your head. "I only meant to step out for a moment," you added with a soft smile.
"As the god of mischief, it is my duty to tell you I know you are up to something" he put the box of tea away in his kitchenette and came back to stand in front of you expectantly.
"I bought something for Steve," you admitted. "A watch" you added a little shyly.
"A watch, splendid choice. He stopped carrying the other one around with him and seems to keep checking the time on his phone" Loki raised an eyebrow. "May I see it?" he asked.
"It's wrapped" you shook your head.
"Very well, I'll wait until tonight" he gave a dramatic sigh and went to take a seat again. "Would you care to sit down?" he asked.
"No, I should really go," you said, but your feet weren't listening and you found yourself sitting down. Loki politely hid a smile and sat back and gave you his full attention. "It's just, we are friends, aren't we?"
"Clearly" he nodded.
"And I can talk to you about anything, right?" you asked.
"Absolutely" he nodded again.
"Have you ever just wanted something more than fighting all the time? Like, life always seems like it's focused on the next mission you know?" you gave a soft sigh and leaned back in the comfy black chair.
"And you want to have a family of your own someday, and leave this behind" Loki said frankly and you blanked out for a moment. "I don't have to be a mind reader to see that" he added softly. "I've been living for the next glorious battle for over a thousand years. It is part of my pardoning on Asgard that I work with the Avengers team, however, should I ever find a love like your's.... I should think that I would be wondering if there was more to life as well" he gave a soft smile. "Talk to him about it," he added.
"Thank you Loki" you perked up. "You're a true friend" you blew him a kiss. He rolled his eyes, but smiled and blushed just the same.
"Off with you, I heard him over an hour ago trying to get your cat back" he reminded you of your task at hand. You nodded and gave a wave before going to his door.
"Don't forget me for tea tonight. It's your turn with Tom" you said over your shoulder and you saw him chuckle.
"I wouldn't dream of it," he assured you, and you closed the door gently behind you.

When you got back to your suite you opened the door to see Roxy sitting on the couch beside Bucky, and Tom in Steve's lap on the love seat. Both Steve and Bucky were playing a game of cards and looked up as you came in with a sheepish smile on your face.
"I'm sorry I was gone so long" you kicked off your shoes. "I stopped by Loki's to drop off his tea" you advised as you headed to the kitchenette to put away your new box of tea. Roxy jumped off the couch to come to you and you giggled as you grabbed a treat for her and gave her one from the cupboard. Tom jumped off Steve's lap quickly and made his way over with a slow saunter and you grabbed the treat bag. You put a small handful of treats on top of the counter and he jumped up, already purring with contentment before he started to eat. Steve put down his hand of cards and got up from the loveseat and came over while you were petting Tom and he wrapped his arms around you from behind and took a deep inhale as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"You were gone a long time," Steve murmured into the side of your neck.
"I didn't think I would be gone that long, honestly, I thought it would be a quick drive" you whispered.
"Next time let me know you are going?" he asked softly.
"I promise" you vowed.
"Thank you" he seemed pleased and he gave you a firm kiss on your cheek.
"It's almost supper, I better go" Bucky stood up and stretched.
"Nonsense, we will go together" you waved him off. "Sit down, Bucky" you gave a bit of sass.
"Yes mam" Bucky sat back down again. He grabbed Steve's cards and shuffled all of the cards back into the deck. You turned in Steve's arms and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and smiled up at him lovingly.
"I bought you something" you whispered to Steve.
"Would this be what actually took so long?" Steve arched an eyebrow.
"Mm hmm" you nodded, biting down slightly on your bottom lip.
"What is it?" he asked, a hint of excitement in his eyes.
"Well, I should be saving this for a special occasion" you pulled back and opened your purse to reveal the medium sized velvet box with blue ribbon on it. You took it out and presented it to Steve who looked confused for a moment, but he had a hint of blush on his cheeks and a large grin on his face.
"For me?" he asked in surprise.
"For you" you confirmed. He took the box and opened the ribbon first before slowly opening the box to reveal the watch you had so carefully selected for him.
"Oh doll... this is too much," Steve smiled broadly. He took it out of the box and inspected it and turned it over spying the engraving. You could have sworn you saw a tear start to form in his eyes. He quickly looked down and ran his spare hand through his beard before he put the watch on proudly. "This isn't coming off" he promised.
"You can take it off silly" you giggled.
"No, I'm going to cherish this. Thank you, Angel" he leaned forward and kissed you softly on the lips. His hands fell to your hips and he pulled you in flat against his body before he deepened the kiss. You were a little surprised at his vigor, but you also knew all too well he was more than willing to show his affections at any given opportunity. Bucky cleared his throat and Steve finally pulled back and you sucked in some air quickly.
"Leave it for the bedroom. Lemme see" Bucky gestured to Steve, who gave you a kiss on the forehead before walking over to his best friend to proudly show off his new watch. "That looks like the watches back from the old days. Nice choice Punky" Bucky nodded to you. You walked over and smiled as the two of them looked it over. "Where's mine?" he asked jokingly.
"Get your own girlfriend," Steve laughed, and gave Bucky a playful shove. You sat on the loveseat and Steve sat down beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in.
"Have you managed to stay away from work?" you asked, glancing at Bucky who nodded.
"Yes, no work on the weekends. I know, I promise it won't happen unless it's an extenuating circumstance" Steve promised.
"I was thinking, maybe we could talk to Tony about making our suite a little bigger" you nodded in approval.
"BIgger?" Steve seemed surprised.
"Why?" Bucky asked, a little confused.
"Well, Steve needs more room for his art. Maybe we could get him to take down the wall between his old suite and our suite now, and make it one big one. That way he has more room to work on his paintings" you said easily, biting back the additional room would make a good nursery in the future as well if the two of you ever got that chance.
"I'm good with the smaller space doll" Steve shook his head, but you could tell he was lying more to himself than he was to you.
"Just think, we could take out the furniture and it would be one wide open space. Or we could rent a small loft downtown to go to on weekends that you could work out of" you suggested. "I mean, I could look at a realtor and see what they have available" you started thinking of all the possibilities.
"Angel, you like going to visit with Clint's family. We would never get enough use out of it" Steve shook his head.
"All the more reason to talk to Tony" Bucky shrugged. "I'm on team Y/N. She makes good food and hot chocolate" he gave a large smile.
"Maybe, let's just let it go for a few days and see how we do with the space we have" Steve kicked Bucky who winced slightly. Bucky continued to act like he didn't know about the big surprise that Steve had planned for you already, and seemed on board with what you wanted to do for Steve.
 "Alright, I'll let it go for now, but only for now" you smiled. "Come on Bucky, deal me in. I know we have enough time for at least one game" you giggled and Bucky nodded and started dealing out the cards again. 

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