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"She's waking up" you heard the sound of medical equipment beeping, but strangely enough you couldn't move. You were having a hard time remembering what happened, and you were confused as to what was going on. You could feel the telltale fabric of a hospital gown on your body and you slowly opened your eyes and everything was blurry. As an automatic defense, you pulled on your invisibility and tried to move your arms and legs but they barely budged.
"Hush now, you'll make them angry" a female voice warned you and you turned your face towards her. She was holding something against your stomach and looking at what looked like an ultrasound screen. You let go of your invisibility involuntarily and looked around at the muddled room.
"What's going on? What happened?" your voice croaked as you tried to speak. You tried to swallow but your throat was dry as a bone, as was your mouth.
"Get her some water" she said, barking the order at someone else in the room. You heard shuffled feet and a few moments later a plastic straw brushed against your lips and without thinking you put your lips around it and took a few grateful drinks from it. Once you were satisfied you put your head back on the starchy pillow resting under your head and tried to move your arms and legs again as you felt pressure on your lower stomach. Your vision finally cleared and you saw four men in yellow and black uniforms, and a doctor in a white lab coat and black clothes underneath looking at your babies on a monitor. You looked down to see your arms and legs were strapped down to the hospital bed you were on.
"What's going on?" you demanded, finally coming fully to your senses.
"You have obviously been taken hostage, and we are going to be taking very good care of you until you have those little enhanced babies. Tell me, is the father the one we have on our intel as your boyfriend, Captain America?" she asked. "Better known as Steve Rogers" she added. You fought against the binds that held you down, not wanting to answer. "I'll take that as a yes. I see twins in our future" she announced to the men in the room. "You've done well. MODOK will be pleased with you for this" she said decisively. You took in her appearance. Tall, black hair, slender figure and yellow contacts on her eyes. You found them a bit unsettling, not knowing what color they really were.
"Who are you?" you demanded, regretting having drunk that water in case it was laced with something.
"We are AIM, and you can just refer to me as Doctor Mikayla, but you can just call me Doctor M," she said, glancing at the men in the room. They were moving in a little too close for your comfort and you were trying to decide which one of them you were going to kill first when you got free. "I'll be taking care of you going forward. I can't do much about the cuffs yet, we need to build a relationship" she gave a gleeful smile, and you felt like your heart went to the pit of your stomach. "I can't wait to welcome your two babies into the world" she added candidly.
"No, I need Steve" you said automatically. "Steve!!" you yelled out, in hopes that he could hear you.
"Tut tut... there will be none of that. He can't help you now. Only I can," she gave a dark look and you gulped. "I'll be putting you on IV for fluids to keep you nice and hydrated. You'll have meals three times a day, and if you are a good girl, some snacks as well. Not to worry, we aren't barbarians after all you are rewarding us with an amazing future for the organization." She pulled up a chair and wiped your stomach of the ultrasound transmission gel and pulled down your hospital gown again to cover your modesty. "We are going to become good friends," she said with an evil grin. You lifted your chin defiantly and automatically decided that she was going to be first to die.

"Well, they destroyed her phone, but the last place it pinged was in Colorado" Tony sighed. He had arrived in his Iron Man suit a few hours after the team called out for help. Nat, and Clint searched the grounds for evidence and came up with a few things. Nothing substantial. The signal jammer had been placed out in the woods, on the outskirts of the clearing. It was older tech, but still very effective. Tony was able to patch the jet back together in a fair enough amount of time, but it was dark by the time he was done. The jet would need more work once they got home, but it was good enough to fly and land back home. Steve was beyond consolation, and Bucky stayed by his side the entire time. When Tony had pulled up the footage, they had seen you trying to stay in the jet until the bomb was attached to it and you saw them headed towards where they were hidden by the Hydra base. They saw the showdown, and heard the audio where you said "Steve" and "My babies". The look of defeat on your face, thinking you were about to die. They saw you get hit with a tranquilizer bullet and Steve was done. Your final words would haunt his nightmares for years to come. He was kicking himself in the ass for even entertaining you on wanting to stay in the field. He felt like a husk of a man at the moment, and nothing would make him complete again until you and his children were back in his arms safe and sound.
Tony used his phone to track you and your movements. Your phone had been well concealed in your suit, so he knew where to start at least.
"Where's the data?" Tony asked and Nat took it out of her pocket and handed it to him. "We might be able to get a better idea of what they were after once we look at this. Let's get this bird home, and I'll have the mechanics look at it to finish fixing it up" he pocketed the data and rubbed his goatee.
"We need to find her, Tony," Steve said, anger burning in his eyes.
"I'm going to fly to the last pinged location and see what I can find. I'll call you guys in if I find a base" Tony hit the nano technology on his suit and he disappeared behind his suit again. "Get this home and get the team ready for anything" Tony said. "And Steve?" he stopped and looked at him, flipping up the visor of his helmet. Steve stopped to look at him, tears threatening to fall again. "They won't dare hurt her while she's carrying your twins," he reassured him. With that he walked out of the jet and took off to the skies.
"Tony always knows," Nat sighed heavily. "No wonder he was pushing for her to stay behind" she made her way to the pilot seat and strapped in. She closed up the back of the jet and everyone went to their respective seats and strapped in as well. Steve looked over at the dead bodies that they were bringing back with them, and wondered who they were and what unit they worked for. It didn't seem like Hydra. Hydra wears all black. He remained silent while Bucky was beside him, seeming to be contemplating the situation you all were in. Steve wanted you back, and if he had to burn the world to the ground to get you back, that is exactly what he was willing to do.

When Tony got back that night, they were no further ahead than where they started. He only patted Steve on the back and said that there were no signs of any bases that he could find, but he wouldn't give up looking. He went straight to the lab, and had Vision, Peter, Pietro and Bruce come to help. The rest of the team had been appraised already, and the normal jovial mood that was around the compound most days, was suddenly gone. Bruce had turned a little green and had to walk away before he turned into the Hulk inside the compound.
Steve had retreated to his office where he was doing research on the yellow and black suits and the only thing he could find in the Shield directory was it was a part of a sector of Hydra called A.I.M, that had branched off years ago. They usually ran under the radar, and didn't seem to be much of a threat. A few years before Tony had taken down the head of A.I.M, but according to Steve's research, they had found someone else to head the unit. Their names were still unknown.
Once Steve had enough information he got up and went into the lab where even Natasha had joined and was working on a computer.
"It's A.I.M" Steve said as he walked in.
"Yes," Tony nodded. "I thought I got rid of them when they had gotten Pepper, but clearly I was wrong" he sighed heavily. "I have the Iron Legion poised and ready to go. The data you got for us has proof they have been working with Hydra again and have a few bases around the United States."
"There is a Colorado base we plan to hit in the morning, but the likelihood that they stayed there after discovering her phone is slim to none" Nat advised.
"We should hit it tonight. I'll lead a team" Steve wasn't taking no for an answer. He was still geared up in his soiled uniform. He never bothered to change once he got home.
"I'll go with you," Clint said, from where he was standing behind Steve. "That's our Songbird out there"
"I'll go with you, you might need me" Bruce offered quickly.
"We should play it safe and do recon first" Tony shook his head. "You're too close to this Steve, and you aren't thinking clearly" he said sternly.
"That is my future wife and mother of my children!" Steve raised his voice, his eyes blazing with rage.
"Storming in there with a couple of guns and a shield isn't going to rescue her," Tony said calmly, seeming unaffected by Steve's outburst. "We have to play this smart. They... they did something to Pepper when they took her from me. I don't want that to happen to Y/N too. She's important to me too, you gotta understand that. We have to be smart about our next moves, we can't just go in there blind, we have to have a plan." Tony reminded him.
"I can't live without her," Steve said, a little crestfallen.
"And you never will have to. We will get her back. Pietro, bring Wanda, Clint and Sam. Make it a basic recon mission, but if you find her, call it in and the rest of us will head your way" Tony ordered. Pietro nodded and walked out with Clint on his heels.  

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum