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The rest of the evening had gone very well. Everyone was very excited for the two of you, and Bruce asked for permission to look at your medical file when it became available, and you said you didn't mind. You knew he wanted to know more if the babies were going to be enhanced or not, but was too polite to ask to do some testing of his own. Bruce tried to ask you to reconsider going into the field again, but you stubbornly said it was your body and your choice. You wanted to be in the field. It's what you knew, and that's where you felt the most needed. You didn't feel that same satisfaction in the lab yet, although it was fun being there. You liked feeling like you worked hard for the day.
When you went to bed that night, Steve made love to you all night long however he was a lot more gentle. He kept thanking you for being the love of his life and the mother of his unborn children. He repeated over and over that he didn't know what he would do without you, and couldn't imagine a moment without you.
When you went to breakfast the following day, Tony had a list of things he needed done in the computer lab and tried to entice you to stay behind, but you politely declined and promised to get to it when you weren't on a mission. You ate slowly and made sure you were full before you went to get your gear on.
It wasn't until you were on the jet that what you were doing was probably crazy. You likely should have just stayed behind and worked in the lab since Tony was so insistent. You had a bad feeling of what was to come. Steve was strapped in beside you on the jet and he wrapped an arm protectively around you, reminding you that he was there in the simplest of ways.
"What's on your mind, Angel?" Steve asked.
"I have a bad feeling" you admitted and you saw Clint straighten up slightly up at the front of the jet.
"Then it's a good thing you are staying with the jet" Steve said softly.
"I can still turn this bird around, take you home" Clint offered.
"I'm just being silly" you shook your head. "My head is in the game. It's mission time" you said stubbornly.
"Yeah, but last time you told me you had a bad feeling we almost got caught," Bucky said with a frown.
"You'll have to be extra careful with Natasha then" you gave a soft smile.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of them for you" Nat cooed to you lovingly. "Mama Nat's got you songbird" she added.
"I know you do" you smiled, the pit of unease still in your stomach.
"Close your eyes, Angel, I'll wake you up when we get there. And don't set a foot off of this jet" he reminded you and you nodded, cuddling into him.

When the jet landed in an open field, it wasn't too far away from the Hydra compound that the team was targeting. Steve woke you up and you groaned that your breasts were hurting. It wasn't like you to complain that often, so Steve was hesitant to leave. You gave him a soft kiss on the lips and called on your invisibility to convince him to leave. You watched their retreating figures and closed up the back of the jet before finding a spot to be comfortable up at the front of the jet. You had cameras facing all sides of the jets at key areas so you could watch the outside from the comfort inside the jet. You curled up on the pilot's chair and watched the screens carefully with your one leg dangling over the side.
Steve and the team had been gone for about an hour, when something caught your eye. Strange figures in yellow and black uniforms were trying to make their way to the jet stealthily. You made sure the doors were all locked and continued to watch them while you cocked your gun. You saw them look over the jet, before they started in the direction that the team had gone. Your heart sank, and you tried to reach out to the team on comms but no one was answering. You grabbed your cell phone and saw the signals were blocked. You cursed the strange beings in yellow and black suits. You watched as one person went to the back of the jet and put what looked like a bomb on the back and your breath hitched again. You couldn't let the bomb go off. You hit the back hatch before they had the opportunity to set off the bomb and started firing, while maintaining your invisibility. They started shooting blindly into the jet and you ran for cover. One of the stray bullets sprayed by your arm, and you felt the burn before the feeling of warm blood starting oozing down your arm. You got in a few headshots, but the team that had been heading towards your team, your family, were heading back now and their guns were drawn. You were losing hold of your invisibility and it flickered, but that was just long enough for them to see you. They started advancing into the jet and you killed two more. A third lunged for you and took out a special gun. You got hit in the collarbone with a tranquilizer dart and you scuttled away. He followed you as your vision started to get black.
"Steve!" you cried out in defeat. "No, my babies" you felt hot tears fall down your face as you put your hand over your stomach. This stopped the third man and he held up his hand to tell his team to cease fire. Those little words that left your lips likely changed your fate. You lost your vision and felt two arms scoop you up before you completely lost consciousness.

"Hurry up Nat, I'm starting to feel like this branch is a part of my ass" Clint called in on comms.
"I'm hurrying. Bucky took care of the riff raff already. Looks like a dead base" Nat called back.
"How's our six?" Bucky asked Steve.
"It's pretty dead down here," Steve admitted. "I tried calling Y/N on comms, but I think we are too far away" he sounded sad. Clint looked down at him, and Steve wasn't even watching the door. He was watching the woods that were behind them forlorn.
"Listen, I'll talk to her. She might listen to me and start staying behind" Clint offered.
"You would do that?" Steve looked up at him hopefully.
"Yes, I'll even add in that you were acting like a lost puppy torn between a mission and his girlfriend" Clint chuckled. Gunshots suddenly sounded in the distance and he moved on his branch and took out his binoculars, but he couldn't see beyond the trees.
"Y/N!" Steve said and felt like his heart fell through his stomach. His feet were ahead of his brain as he started running.
"What's going on out there?" Nat demanded.
"Gunshots. Hurry the fuck up" Clint commanded as he started looking for any kind of threat coming through the trees. He had his bow and arrow out and ready for anything coming his way. Another few gunshots sounded out and Clint was on the verge of leaving his position to head back to the jet. His job was to watch the doors in case more Hydra came back, and notify Nat and Bucky if that happened.
"Got the data," Nat said.
"Haul ass Natalia!" Bucky barked at her.
"Cap?" Clint called on comms but it was radio silent. "He must be too far away already," he huffed. What felt like hours, but it really was only five minutes later Nat and Bucky came barreling out of the building, the guards were already dead from Clint's unforgiving arrows earlier. Clint shimmied down the tree and he started leading the way back to the jet, the same direction that Steve had taken. As soon as they were past the trees it was like it went deadly silent on their comms, but they saw Steve up ahead on his knees at the end of the jet with his head in his hands. Bucky ran past Nat and Clint to his best friend and Steve was sobbing.
"She's gone" Steve rasped between silent sobs. Bucky wrapped his arms around his best friend while Nat and Clint walked into the jet. There were bullet holes everywhere, and blood. There were several dead bodies left behind wearing curious yellow uniforms with black belts. It was nothing they had encountered before. There was a black logo on the right side of their chest that simply said A.I.M.
"What the fuck?" Clint said, looking at Nat who shrugged.
"We will get her back, punk" Bucky promised his best friend, but he didn't really know where they were going to start.
"The front console is trashed. We can't fly home yet. We need Tony to come in and fix it" Nat huffed as she took stock of the damage. She took out her phone and frowned. "No signal" she muttered.
"I'll go look for the signal jammer," Clint said and left the jet on his quest.
"We need to find her," Steve finally said.
"And we will," Nat promised from behind him. "Start searching the bodies, we need to know who they are and where they are from" she gave the order.
"My question is, what made her leave the jet?" Bucky was checking one of the bodies and saw his leg was under the back entry. He lifted it up and reached in and took off the bomb and inspected it. "That would do it" he huffed as he held it in his vibranium hand.
"Once Tony gets here we will have access to the recorded footage of what went down. For now, let's make sure that bomb doesn't go off and check the bodies" Nat reminded him.

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