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Getting back to the compound, you were starting to feel the pain again. The bullet had skimmed over some muscle, and even though the muscle was repaired, you were still in a lot of pain. You knew you were limping as you started to make your way off of the jet.
"Did you want me to carry you?" Steve offered suddenly, and you felt your face go red again.
"No, I'm okay. I'll just eat and take the pain killers, that should help" you shook your head, wondering what had gotten into him. He seemed to be coming around you a lot more since Loki uploaded that stupid dating app on your phone. You weren't sure if you should be thankful to Loki or not for stepping in. Maybe before he was afraid you would try to hit on him? You weren't sure. What you were sure of was he was doing a lot more innocent touches when he could. Just as you thought of that, he put his hand in the small of your back, leading you to the backdoors of the compound. You heard Clint chuckle from behind you, and he walked around you both since you were going at a slow pace. He went and grabbed the door, waiting patiently for you both to catch up. Steve kept his pace slow beside yours and led you to walk inside. You limped into the kitchen where Clint had ran ahead and started grabbing everything out of the fridge.
"Grab a seat, I'll warm it up" he instructed, and you gave a nod. Steve's hand found its way to the small of your back again as he led you into the dining room. He pulled out your chair, and you flushed under his constant attention. Once you sat down, he pushed you in and went to go help Clint in the kitchen.
"There you are!" Nat came into the room, looking a little upset. "How in the world do you get shot, when your power is invisibility?" she demanded.
"I wasn't using my ability at the time, I thought I was in a secure space" you admitted softly. "They caught me off guard"
"I hope you shot them back" she looked you over quickly.
"I got all of them in the shoulder or arm. I was trying to avoid life threatening places" you bit your bottom lip as she tilted your face up to check your face. "The regeneration machine took care of all my wounds" you held her gaze.
"You're lucky it was just a few grazes and your leg. You need to be more careful" she huffed and sat down next to you as Steve brought out the garlic bread. She noted the bead of sweat on your brow as the pain was starting to magnify itself. "Eat some bread and take your pain medication" she ordered, handing you a piece of bread.
"I'm waiting on the gentlemen" you shook your head.
"We will be right out, listen to Nat for a change" Clint called and you rolled your eyes, but listened. Steve brought you a bottle of water, and put three more on the table, so there was one for Nat as well. You quickly took the pill and groaned as you flexed your leg muscles by accident. Steve brought the cutlery out, setting up on the other side of you. His hand brushed against you as he put down your fork and knife and you gave a slight shiver of pleasure. You didn't want to admit how much you were enjoying the innocent touches, but you were.
"Are you going up to read on your balcony this evening?" Nat asked, taking a sip of water.
"No, Steve invited me to sit in the living room" you felt your cheeks go hot as you shook your head.
"It's a shame, it's a beautiful evening. Bruce and I were out not that long ago" she gave a sly grin.
"If you want to just go sit on your balcony, it's okay, I don't mind" Steve came back in, looking a little anxious.
"Why don't you come up and join me?" you asked quickly.
"I'd love to" he gave a bright smile, and you felt your breath nearly get stuck in your chest. Trying to be friends with him was going to be harder than you thought. The more you looked at him, the more you realized you wanted something more with him. You forced your gaze away from Steve and looked at Nat who gave a secret smile, and you knew she was onto you again. Steve came over and put your plate in front of you before he took the seat right next to you again, and putting his plate down. Clint came in a few moments later and took the seat on the other side of Steve. The three of you silently started eating, feeling hungry after today's mission.
"I'll see you in the morning Songbird" Nat stood up and gave you a kiss on the cheek, which you leaned into. You went back to your food, just enjoying the spaghetti and meatballs. You finished quickly, and took another slice of garlic bread to clean up the spaghetti sauce. Once you were done you stood up to put your dishes in the kitchen and let out a bit of a groan.
"I'll get that, don't worry about it" Steve shook his head.
"I need to do things for myself" you gave a soft chuckle and limped into the kitchen. Clint came in shortly after and put his dishes in the sink, tapping you on the shoulder.
"I'll see ya in the morning kid" he gave your shoulder a slight squeeze.
"Good night" you gave a soft smile and limped back into the dining room. Steve was just finishing up.
"Mind if I just run to my room to grab my book?" he asked, standing up and giving you another one of his smiles that made you feel weak in the knees. You gave a soft nod, and he went to put his dishes in the sink. You turned and started heading towards the stairs, which was also on the way to Steve's room and within a minute you felt his hand on the small of your back again as he led you towards the stairs.
"I'll start my way up the stairs while you grab your book" you flushed under his constant attention.
"If you wait for me, I'll carry you" he offered quickly.
"That's okay, it's just for a few days" you blushed, looking at him with a soft gaze. He seemed stunned for a moment before he cleared his throat and nodded.
"Hey punk, we were just looking for you" Bucky's voice rang out as you got closer to the stairs.
"Didn't you get my message? I'm not going on a walk tonight" Steve's voice vibrated through your whole body as he spoke. You gave another shiver, loving the sound of his voice.
"You can't leave us alone together man, we might kill one another" Sam teased.
"Speak for yourself, I'd be walking away alive" Bucky shrugged and looked at you and Steve curiously.
"We are going to read on Y/N's balcony" Steve had a smile in his voice, and you looked up to see he was indeed smiling. You tried to hide the smile on your face away from him and the boys.
"We heard you got shot, you doing okay?" Sam turned his attention to you.
"I'm good" you nodded quickly, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. "Regeneration machine took care of everything, the pain just hasn't gone away yet" you admitted.
"I'm good at giving massages, I can do one on your leg" Sam offered and Bucky slapped him upside the head with his right hand. "Ow, hey, what was that for?"
"You can't just offer to rub a dame's leg, that sounds dirty" Bucky gave a small grin.
"You were just looking for a reason to hit me" Sam glared at him.
"That too" Bucky barked a laugh as Steve slipped past the two of them and went into his room. You saw his room looked filled with paintings on the walls, and tried to look away before the boys caught you looking in curiously.
"I think I'll be okay, but thank you Sam" you flushed a bit, thinking he wasn't the man you wanted rubbing your thigh. You pivoted your body and grabbed the handrailing and started to limp your way up the stairs.
"Do you want some help, doll?" Bucky asked with a flirty grin, and Sam slapped him upside the back of his head. "Ow, what the hell?" he glared at Sam.
"She's a strong, independent woman. She doesn't need your help, Tinman" Sam sassed him. You couldn't help but giggle at their rapport, and continued up the stairs.
"Steve already offered," you said over your shoulder as you put more of your weight on the handrailing. You were halfway up the stairs when you felt a familiar hand on the small of your back and Steve was standing beside you as you went up the stairs. You felt your ears get hot as your face flushed, and you felt a little more confident as he guided you up the stairs.

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