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In your absence the boys and Lila had gone to pick out a Christmas tree, and it was already in the living room when you walked in with the branches settling in the warm room. There were boxes of decorations all around it primed and ready to be put on it as soon as it would be time. Steve had already taken over and brought all your bags up to the bedroom for you to go through and wrap or pack away. You slipped off your boots and headed upstairs to see Steve trying to peek through the bags.
"No way mister, you'll have to wait for me to sort out what you can and can't see" you giggled.
"Is there anything I can see now?" he gave you his best pout, and you flexed your hand on your purse. You gave it some serious consideration and hummed to yourself as you dramatically tapped your chin with your pointer finger.
"Nope" you decided.
"Oh come on, there's so much! I want to help" he said, and you could see the burning curiosity in his eyes.
"Okay, sit down" you pointed to the bed. He obediently sat down and spread his legs so you could perch on one of his thighs. You sat on it and kissed him softly on the lips as you kept an iron grip on your purse. "One present, but that's it" you finally agreed. His blue eyes lit up as his face broke out into a grand smile.
"Okay, one" he nodded.
"And then you have to agree to let me wrap the rest," you added.
"Agreed" he smirked. You slowly opened your purse and fished around for a moment before you found the pregnancy test. You pulled off the paper towels to make sure the results were still showing as positive. You took in a deep breath and Steve rubbed his hand up and down your back. He had closed his eyes in anticipation of what you were about to show him, and you could tell he was excited.
"Are your eyes really closed?" you asked as you started to pull out the test.
"Very closed" he nodded.
"Hold out your hand" you instructed. He held out his free hand between the two of you and you hesitated for a moment before placing the test in his hand. His eyebrows furrowed together as he wrapped his hand around it and he opened his eyes and looked down.
"What's this, Angel?" he asked, looking at the small wand in his hand.
"It's a pregnancy test" you said softly. "It's positive" you told him and his face broke into a gleeful expression and surprise.
"I'm going to be a dad?!" he exclaimed and you giggled, putting your hand over his mouth as though trying to stop the words from coming out when they were already out there. He very quickly and smoothly set the test on the bed beside him and he wrapped both arms around you as his lips descended down upon your own in a sweet but needy kiss that nearly made your toes curl. He stood up and picked you up at the same time, pulling your entire body against his own. You wrapped your legs around his hips and he pushed you up against the dresser and set your behind down on it while he settled between your legs. His tongue never stopped dancing with your own, his lips sealed on yours. You both sucked in air from your noses when your lungs started burning for fresh air. "This is the second best thing to happen to me since getting out of the ice" he pulled back finally, gently caressing the side of your face with his whole hand. "The first thing was meeting you" he added as he kissed you softly on the lips again.
"Steve" you blushed and batted your eyelashes at him.
"I'm serious. I can't believe how damn lucky I am" he feathered kisses all over your face. "What made you take the test?" he finally pulled back and asked.
"Mama Laura" you admitted a little sheepishly. "She bought two. One for her, and one for me. I think she wanted to make me feel less nervous" you said softly. "She said we never had to talk about it again if I didn't want to, so I agreed. When mine came back positive, I just couldn't imagine it happening with anyone else besides you" you looked at him earnestly.
"I'm the luckiest man alive," he smiled. "Is this what you want? Are you ready?" he asked worriedly.
"Yes, I'm good with this. But don't take me off my missions yet" you put your pointer finger in the center of his chest. He frowned as though he didn't agree. "Business as usual until I'm showing" you tapped his chest.
"I don't like it," he said.
"You don't have to," you replied lightly. "My body, my choice" you told him.
"Our baby," he tried to argue.
"Keep me on the sidelines if it makes you feel better," you said, imploring him.
"Okay, if I can keep you on the sidelines, I can live with that" he finally agreed.
"Good. Now I do believe you said I could wrap all this up" you reminded him.
"Oh, I didn't agree that you would do it alone," he chuckled.
"Steven Grant Rogers" you started to sass him.
"TIme spent with you is paradise, are you really going to deny me a taste of paradise, hmm?" he asked with a purr, wrapping his arms around you.
"Let me put your gifts to the side, and you can come back and help me wrap" you gave him a soft kiss on the lips and he hummed.
"I'm standing outside the door until you say I can come back in" he reached behind you and unsnapped your bra. "And put on your pajamas" he chuckled as he took a step back.
"Where's Roxy?" you asked, curious you had barely seen her.
"The kids took her out to the barn to feed the horses" he gave a half grin. "We have time for a little celebration if you don't mind me just taking all this off the bed. Hell, I don't actually need the bed..." he trailed off.
"Out" you pointed at the door, trying very hard to suppress a laugh. Steve gave a salute and quickly went out the door. You watched him close it, then heard him lean up against it showing that he was keeping his promise that he wasn't going far. You took your sweet time to go through each bag and take out all the items before putting them into individual piles on the bed. You took a piece of paper out of the notebook you kept in your purse and wrote a name on little pieces to make sure you kept track of who got what. You knew you had barely scratched the surface for Christmas so far, but you liked to think you had put in some kind of dent. You took your time to wrap Steve's presents since he had planned on coming back in the room so quickly. You even put little ribbons and bows on his gifts. You really couldn't wait for the look on his face when he opened his presents on Christmas morning.

Steve was beside himself with excitement, and a little overwhelmed with emotions. He was going to be a father. The engagement ring back at the compound was practically burning a hole in his pocket, but he promised himself he would wait until Christmas, after he told you about the house. He had finalized all the paperwork already, and the property was already officially his. He had done it this week while you were otherwise preoccupied. He had also been talking to the construction company, and an architect. All of this was done via email and phone calls so far. He gave them specifications of what he wanted for your forever home, based on what he had seen either in your favorite books or when you were looking at pictures online. He had a good idea of what your style was, and he wanted to add a bit of his own for flair. The house he had asked them to give him plans on was nothing short of a mansion, with eight bedrooms and bathrooms, two living rooms, a large foyer, a library, a dining room, and a gaming room for the basement. The master bedroom was to go on the second floor, and to take up enough space for three standard sized bedrooms. He had also requested a walk-in closet to make sure there was enough room for all your clothes.

He didn't like the fact that you didn't want to be taken off missions, and it killed him on the inside that he had to agree for you to even be out there. But you were right, it was your body and your choice. You had said even the sidelines were fine, he just hoped you didn't mind that the sidelines were going to be staying with the jet for the foreseeable future. He knew it meant he was down a very important asset in the field, but the thought of you being anywhere near the action made his blood run cold.
"Hey punk, what are you doing?" Bucky came upstairs with a large grin on his face. "Are you in the doghouse?" he asked teasingly, and crossed his arms while standing a foot away awaiting an answer.
"No, she's hiding my gifts so I can go in and help her wrap" Steve smiled proudly. "What are you doing up here?" he asked.
"Well, the kids are still in the barn with Roxy and all the horses. Clint is helping Laura put stuff away and I had to use the bathroom. But I did see you standing here grinning to yourself and I couldn't help but come and check on ya" Bucky patted him on the shoulder. "What are you so happy about?"
"Just looking forward to the holiday's ya jerk. Put on your pajamas when you are done. We are doing a movie night tonight" Steve smirked.

"Yeah, alright" Bucky nodded and walked past him to go to the bathroom.
"Angel?" Steve turned and knocked on the door.
"You can come in now" you called out, and Steve opened the door. The bedroom was in a chaotic mess, but it looked like it was a carefully planned mess. He took in your stance on the bed with a pile of wrapped boxes, and gift bags beside you. Your hair was up in a messy bun and you had changed into a pair of black satin pajamas. He couldn't help but think that he couldn't wait for the baby bump to be showing. He didn't realize how long he was staring, just enjoying how beautiful you looked when you spoke again. "Is there something on my face?" you asked.
"No Angel. I was just thinking I am one lucky man" Steve smiled fully. "I feel like the luckiest man alive," he added.
"You're sweet" you cooed to him. "Get your pajamas on and we will start tackling these together" you decided and he nodded, quickly getting undressed. He knew he would have to bide his time before he could have you intimately again, and he couldn't wait. For now he would take the paradise you were offering and just spend time with you and love you the way you deserved.

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