Steve's jealousy

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You moved out to the balcony shortly after hearing the conversation between Bucky and Sam, not wanting to seem like you were eavesdropping. You brought your book with you, and turned on your music again. You rested your wounded leg up on the seat and used your other leg to swing yourself back and forth, enjoying the afternoon sun that was accompanied by a nice breeze that wasn't too cold, and you weren't too warm. You almost wished that you had brought your sunglasses outside with you, but you were too comfortable to get up to go get them. You got lost in the words on the pages of your book, really feeling for the characters. The author really knew how to bring their characters to life, and you could almost feel their angst as if it was your own. You took a peek at the end of the book to make sure the two main characters ended up together. You knew it was cheating, but you had to give yourself that much. You heard a door open to your side and looked over to see Sam coming out with a chair that was clearly meant for the outdoors.
"Hey Y/N, how you doin' cutie?" Sam waved to you as soon as he set down the chair.
"Good, just reading," you blushed, still remembering what he was talking about with Bucky out in the hallway.
"Bird brain, hurry up" Bucky's voice came from inside Steve's new suite.
"I'm busy" Sam quipped back. "What are you reading?" he grinned.
"Romance novel, the same as always" you admitted with still flushed cheeks.
"How's the leg feeling?" he leaned up against the railing when Bucky came out with a second chair, and his face broke out into a smile.
"Hey Y/N" Bucky quickly waved to you.
"Hi Bucky" you giggled, they were acting like they hadn't just seen you a few hours ago. "My leg is still sore, I forgot to take the pain medication at lunch" you finally responded to Sam.
"Why don't you take them now?" Bucky asked quickly.
"I'm okay if I'm just resting my leg" you gave a soft smile.
"Are you two jerks helping me, or what?" Steve called.
"Better go, he doesn't like his room being this messy" Bucky grinned mischievously.
"You purposely made it that way" Sam commented to him.
"I know, did you see that punk's face?" Bucky responded gleefully, and headed back inside, but left the door open.
"I'll be a gentleman and come visit you later" Sam gave a smile and waved as he walked back into the suite. He came out moments later with a small table to put in front of the chairs before hurrying back in, but curiously enough he left the door open. You got to listen to the three of them banter back and forth for a majority of the afternoon while you continued to read. You thought you would never get tired of hearing the three of them go back and forth, and had to suppress a giggle a few times while you continued to read. You got almost to the end of your book when Nat came out of her suite, onto her balcony.
"What are you doing, Songbird?" she asked with a smile on your face. Her face looked perfectly primed with makeup already, and had the perfect red pout. You saw she was dressed up in her little black dress, and you automatically knew it was date night for her and Bruce.
"Just reading" you showed her the book.
"We are heading out for a few hours, did you need anything for your suite for the week?" she asked, leaning against the railing.
"I'm good. Loki bought me some tea, and I have enough peaches until the weekend for fruits," you gave an easy smile and she studied your face for a moment.
"How are things with Steve?" she whispered and your face flushed.
"Nat!" you exclaimed in embarrassment.
"What? I want the dirty details" she grinned like a cat with feathers sticking out of its mouth.
"His door is open" you hissed in a whisper.
"So what?" she giggled and hopped over the railing. She tapped your leg, and you groaned as you put your leg down and she sat down beside you, draping her arm over your shoulder and pulling you in. "Details," she whispered as a reminder.
"He gave my leg a massage" you blushed.
"Oh? That's it?" she frowned a bit.
"It was lovely" you hummed in satisfaction at the memory.
"Honey, you were supposed to help me with my tie" Bruce came out and saw the two of you together. He gave a soft smile.
"Hey Care bear" you waved at him. "Want me to help you?" you offered.
"I'll do it. It's one of the perks of being his girlfriend" she winked at you and stood up while Bruce came over to the railing.
"Any news?" Bruce whispered.
"Working on it, he gave her a massage" Nat fixed his tie, and leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, leaving a large red mark in the shape of her lips. You gave a giggle and Bruce grinned from ear to ear.
"You got me again, didn't you?" he asked, looking at Nat lovingly.
"Consider it another perk" she smiled happily, before giving a sigh and coming over to sit beside you again. Bruce hurried back inside with a lovesick expression on his face, and you couldn't help but coo at the two of them. Nat secured her arm around you again and looked at you expectantly.
"The three of them are coming over for tea this evening" you whispered.
"That's progress, you are starting to fit in more and more Songbird" she chuckled, hearing Bucky yell "Bird Brain" from Steve's suite.
"How was your mission today?" you asked curiously.
"It was fine. I'll do my mission report tomorrow. Are you excited about Roxy?" she asked with a devilish smile.
"So very excited," you nodded eagerly. "I really hope she likes me"
"I can't wait to meet her," Nat sighed happily.
"I don't know if she will like me yet" you frowned a bit. "She needs to like me, otherwise it's a waste to bring her home, when there's someone else out there that will give her a better home"
"She's going to love you, I just know it." she gave you a light slap on your good leg, but you flinched anyways at the sudden contact. "I'm going to update Clint not to come bug you tonight" she whipped her cell phone out of her bra.
"No, he can come. He just needs to bring his folding chair" you stopped her. "I'll tell him when I'm at supper"
"Mmhmm" she nodded, while texting away. You heard her phone ping and she gave a bright smile. "He's on his way over now" she leaned over in the seat and gave you a loud kiss on the cheek.
"You got me, didn't you?" you sighed, knowing there was a lip mark on your face.
"Not as good as I did Bruce" she giggled and stood up. She went and slid over the railing again and waved before going into her suite. You sighed heavily and put your nearly finished book down, and hobbled inside to go wash off your cheek. By the time you came out of your bathroom, Clint was setting his chair up on your balcony with a grin on his face.
"Hey Clint" you giggled as you hobbled back outside.
"Front row seat" he winked at you. You both heard Sam exclaim "Tin man" Clint shook his head with a good natured chuckle.
"You're home early" you took your seat back down on your swing.
"Rushed the mission, it was an easy in and out" he shrugged, taking a seat beside you and tapping his lap expectantly. You bit your bottom lip and gave a grin, putting your leg up on his lap and began to do a deep tissue massage and you moaned in delight. He worked silently on your leg for a while, until you were nearly putty in his hands before he stopped. He tapped his lap again, and you knew that he wanted you to put up your other leg, so you did as much. He started swinging you both silently while you finished reading your book and he seemed to be enjoying the music. You saw him turn up his hearing aids to hear a little better. He held out his hand for your phone, and you gladly handed it over for him to choose a new playlist. You started singing softly to the music and he turned up his hearing aid again as you sang and he hummed happily.
"It's about time for supper" Clint looked over at you after a while. You turned off the music on your phone and huffed.
"I suppose I should get up" you closed your just finished book. "That book was so good," you smiled.
"You'll need another one for tonight, do you know which one you are picking?" Clint raised an eyebrow.
"My order from Amazon came in this morning, I'll read one of those. They are a little more... detailed" you blushed remembering what kind of books they really were. The writer was known for how good their smut was. Clint chuckled and stood up and held out a hand. You took his hand and stood up beside him. He turned around quickly and bent over slightly, jutting his arms out like wings, bent at the elbow.
"Jump on, I'll get you to supper" Clint waited patiently. You giggled and climbed onto his back, ignoring the pain in your leg and he grabbed both your thighs before he started going through your door and heading down to the supper table. You couldn't help but giggle at his antics.

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