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It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be an easy, in and out mission. So why on earth were you in the middle of a crossfire of bullets, you had to wonder.

It all started when Steve and Clint sent you into the base to get the data. According to the base details, it was a dead base. You had used your invisibility anyway to get up to the lab where you met a few Hydra agents and you slipped past them easily. At first you had been walking carefree, but now you were walking a lot more carefully. You tried to find an empty lab, you really did, but this building was crawling with Hydra agents with almost no guards posted outside that any of you had seen. You finally had to give in and put a lab technician in the sleeper hold, and you were glad that they hadn't seen you coming. You went back and closed the door and you had to let go of your invisibility. You started the download of data, updating Clint and Steve on comms that the building was crawling with agents. Both men whispered to be careful, and that they would hide a little further away. You had been halfway through downloading the data when a Hydra agent walked in and saw you, and immediately opened fire. You grabbed a gun from the downed lab technician and started to fire back. This only seemed to grab more people's attention. You tried using your invisibility when you felt a bullet rip through your leg and you screamed out. Soon there was a puddle of blood growing at your feet, telling them exactly where you were. You tried to move, but the blood droplets still gave you away. You heard a commotion down the hallway and yells turned to screams that slowly died out as you continued with four hydra soldiers firing towards you, mainly hitting thin air. You got each of them in the shoulders and they ran towards you, almost as though they were one entity, looking for you with their good arms outstretched. You ducked down and hid under the desk after hearing the ping that the data was done being downloaded. You could hear the blood dripping to the floor steadily as you held your breath. You were worried they would hear even that much. You looked up as Steve and Clint came into the room, and with one swing of his shield, Steve knocked out the four hydra soldiers that were looking for you.
"Y/N?" he demanded and you let go of your invisibility, and gave a sigh of relief. Steve felt like his heart had been in his throat from the moment he heard you cry out. Both he and Clint silently agreed to go in after you. You hadn't been kidding when you said the building was crawling with the Hydra soldiers. Steve frowned, knowing that meant the data was skewed, and knew he was going to have to have a conversation with Tony about it. They fought their way to the data room, leaving most soldiers unconscious, as they surged forward to the data rooms. They checked each one, but only one had four soldiers looking around blindly, and they knew they had found you. Steve was quick to throw his Shield, he didn't want to know what they would do if they found you. He took in the puddle of blood on the floor and the blood droplets and his heart was in his throat. He couldn't lose you. When he called out your name he saw you materialize slowly, and took in the state of your leg. He scurried forward and took off his belt. He looked at the lab tech, and grabbed their jacket and ripped it before he took your leg gently in his hands. You cried out again, it was already pulsing in pain.
"Listen to me, we are going to get you out of here, alright? I'm going to take care of you" Steve promised and Clint stood back, a little surprised as to what was happening. Steve wrapped the torn material around your leg, and then used his belt to tighten it like a tourniquet. He looked down at you as though you were his sole focus, and you blushed slightly as his hands went to your upper thighs.
"You want me to grab a few prisoners?" Clint cleared his throat after a few minutes of Steve looking you over to make sure there were no other wounds. You had a few bullet burns that would easily heal in the regeneration machine, but the leg one was major.
"The four soldiers in this room. I want the man that shot Y/N" Steve nodded and crawled out from under the desk. You tried to shimmy out and stand but Steve was having none of that today. He swept you off of your feet and started to carry you out while Clint went about zip tying the four soldiers' hands. You didn't have much of a choice, you wrapped your arms around Steve's neck and rested your head on his chest.
"Thank you," you whispered.
"What happened?" Steve asked, not mincing words.
"I was downloading the data with the door closed, and one of the soldiers walked in on me and caught me off guard" you pouted, hissing as the pain kept pulsing throughout your leg. You could feel stinging sensations on various other parts of your body, but your leg was a big issue. Steve quickly made his way through the building, and you were impressed by how many downed agents there were on the floor. Steve easily walked over them, glancing at your face once in a while. This wasn't exactly ideal, but you were finally in his arms. He rushed out to the jet, which was hidden in the forested area and set you down on one of the seats in the jet, before turning to grab the med kit. You could tell he was completely focused, and didn't want to interrupt his thoughts. He got out the disinfectant and poured it onto some gauze before he started working at the bullet burns you had gotten in the gun fight. Clint seemed to be struggling, carrying in the agents which were still knocked out, and clearly a dead weight. You put your focus back on Steve and he was leaning in probably more than necessary to clean your wounds. You licked your lips when he started working on your cheek. You felt a stinging sensation, but you were too distracted by how close Steve's face was to yours, you could feel his breath on your cheek. You closed your eyes after a few moments because you were blatantly staring him in the face.
"Just a few more, and I have to work on that leg" he warned you softly, making your eyes open again. You saw he was just inches from your face and your eyes ticked down to his lips which were partially open. You wanted to close the distance between you both so badly. His lips looked perfectly kissable. The aching pain in your leg brought you back to the present as his hand dipped down and touched you on the upper thigh. You winced and he seemed to catch it. "Sorry," he murmured softly, but didn't move his hand yet.
"It's okay, part of the job" you bit your bottom lip and saw his eyes went back to your lips again.
Steve didn't know what came over him, but he reached up with his free hand and held it to the side of your face, before brushing some of your hair back. He licked his lips and stood back for a moment. He didn't want to admit it, but he could have kissed you right then and there. You were just within his reach. He unbuckled the belt on your leg and ripped your uniform pant leg open so he could get to disinfecting the wound that was still oozing blood. He carefully ripped the pant material all the way around your leg, and took off your boot, pulling the useless material off of you. You flushed at how quickly he had done it. He left your boot off and pulled your leg up so he could inspect it from all angles and disinfected your wound thoroughly before he took some fresh gauze and wrapped it around your leg, his fingers brushing against the skin. He put his belt back around your leg again and sat back looking at his handiwork.
"It's okay, I got em all" Clint came in with the fourth and final agent, huffing and puffing. He put them down unceremoniously on the floor and closed up the back hatch. "Some of them are going to start waking up soon, it would be better if we aren't here when that happens" Clint made his way up to the pilot's chair and sat down. "You okay Songbird?" Clint asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Steve got everything, I just need something for the pain" you gritted your teeth in pain.
"You'll be at Shield soon enough, and Doctor Cho will take care of you" Clint promised as he started up the jet. Steve never missed a beat, reaching forward and he put on your seatbelt. You blushed, knowing you could have done that yourself. He quickly took the seat next to you as he started strapping in. You could smell his beard oil again, and tried to concentrate on that, rather than the throbbing and burning sensation in your leg.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz