Hot chocolate

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When the group of you got back to your suite, you quickly made two hot chocolates and two cups of tea. Bucky grabbed his own mug, and yours and started to lead the way back out. He paused at the door, handed you your mug and you made your way to your swing, while he set down his mug long enough to grab both of Steve's chairs and put them beside one another and he quickly took a seat. He blew on the heat vapors coming off of the mug, and took a sip while watching the door for Steve and Sam who were quickly coming out. Sam took the seat beside him, while Steve took a seat on the swing beside you. Steve automatically lifted his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders, making you scoot in closer to him and he grinned in response.
"You got through all of those clothes quickly" Steve finally broke his silence since coming out. The four of you had been watching the sunset together, and just enjoying the calm evening.
"Bucky and Nat both helped" you gave a slight shrug, admitting it easily. "Bucky cut off all the tags pretty quickly, so it was just a matter of hanging everything up"
"How many missions do we have next week? I haven't gotten the email yet" Bucky asked after checking his phone.
"We all only have one. I just approved what Tony and Fury had already planned out. They looked well planned, and there's not a lot for us to do for now. Scott is taking the week off to go home, while Peter and Pietro still have university for a few days. It should be a quiet week"
"Is it gym time on downtime?" Sam asked curiously.
"Pretty much, but nothing too much. Y/N, Wanda, Loki, and Thor will be training with Tony in the mornings for their abilities, and in the gym for the afternoons, so they will be busier than we are" Steve grimaced admitting it.
"Ah, that must mean our mandatory evaluations are coming up again" you clued in. "It's the only time they bring in Loki and Thor" you shrugged and took a sip of tea.
"Yeah, that's going to be the week after next week" he nodded quickly.
"I wonder if Doctor Cho took me seriously when I said I wanted a red sucker for the blood work next time" you mused with a mischievous smile. All three men chuckled good naturedly at the comment, and Steve leaned down to kiss you lovingly on top of the head.
"I'll get you a sucker" Steve continued to chuckle.
"I just hate the blood work" you scrunched your nose. "I feel like we deserve to be rewarded for sitting still and getting it done"
"Can't argue with that," Sam shrugged.
"So what did you get up to this week?" you asked Sam pointedly.
"I only had a few day missions, so I spent most of it in the gym or outside with Roxy. The evenings were with both Roxy and Tom, although I had to fight Nat and Bruce for him. They are pretty attached" Sam gave a smirk as Nat and Bruce's balcony door opened and Bruce came out holding Tom with Nat behind him holding two mugs of tea.
"We heard you out here, and thought we would join you" Bruce gave a quick smile. "How is my Starshine?" he asked you as he took a seat closer to your balcony. You could hear Tom purring from where you sat.
"I'm good, just enjoying the evening. How is my papa Bruce?" you asked with a broad smile.
"I've got the cat for company, so I'm happy" he quickly kissed Tom who seemed to purr even louder. "Nat went and got him some dishes and a cat box for when he's in our room this week" he chuckled.
"I'm stealing him back tonight" you warned him.

"Just know that he can spend the night anytime. He likes it over here too" Nat spoke up.
"I ordered a cat box, dishes, food and litter online earlier for my room. For Alpine and Tom for when they visit" Steve flushed a bit admitting it.
"Alpine barely leaves his room except for meal times" Nat quickly pointed out. "Otherwise we would be bringing him over to our place too"
"Oh, you are not getting my cat too," Bucky chuckled. "He helps too much, and I love the little guy"
"I'll grab him for cuddles yet" Nat giggled with a slight promise in her tone.
"You should bring Alpine over for watching the sunset, he might like it now that there's another cat and a dog to hang out with" you reached down and ran your hands through Roxy's fur. She whined and stretched, but went back to sleep.
"Maybe, but he likes it in my room. He's got a large cat tree and a few beds for during the day that he makes good use out of" Bucky gave a soft smile. "He sleeps with me at night though, which I love. He really helps with the nightmares" he admitted easily.
"Do you have a lot of nightmares?" you asked in surprise.
"Yeah, after everything Hydra put me through, I have them all the time. Before they put in the soundproofing, Steve used to come over all the time to help me with them. I've been doing a lot better since Stevie brought me home my Alpine though" Bucky admitted with a fond smile on his face.
"Sam helped out with Alpine, he suggested it" Steve whispered to you confidentially.
"You guys are good friends" you gave a slight yawn, and hid it with your hand. You brought your mug of tea up and took another sip, and hummed to yourself, looking out at the sunset again. Nat and Bruce spoke softly to one another, and you heard Tom give a meow and he jumped out of Bruce's arms and he leapt over the balcony railing and jumped up onto the swing beside you. You quickly put down your tea and picked him up, cuddling him in your arms. He gave your cheek a soft lick, but seemed content in your arms for a moment.
"Are you getting tired?" Steve asked after a few minutes. You tried to hide another yawn and looked at him sheepishly.
"I've been tired all day, if I'm going to be honest" you admitted softly.
"We should go to bed early" he kissed the top of your head. His wording wasn't missed on you, and you looked up at him in surprise and puckered your lips slightly, and he chuckled leaning in and giving you a swift kiss on the lips.
"My room, right?" you asked a little hopefully, not bothering to mince words.
"Yes" he nodded, rubbing his nose against yours.
"Gimme your cups" Bucky quickly finished his hot chocolate and held out his hands expectantly.
"I can get it" you finished your mug of tea, but he grabbed it from you regardless. Steve had already finished his, and he took Sam's finished mug as well.
"I got it, you need clean cups for tomorrow anyways," Bucky smirked to himself and took the four mugs into your suite. He was gone for a few minutes and came back and looked at Sam. "Want to come to my place for a bit?" he offered.
"Sure, we can play some video games before bed" Sam nodded, quickly agreeing, knowing that you and Steve were headed to bed. Sam took the two chairs and put them on Steve's side of the balcony and did a small stretch. "Have a good night," he waved to everyone. Nat and Bruce waved back.
"Good night" Bucky quickly followed him out through your suite.
"Are you going to bed, Song bird?" Nat asked you, already knowing the answer.
"I'm beat" you nodded and stood up still holding Tom. Roxy got up and did a small stretch before heading into the bedroom on her own. You saw her jump up onto the bed and take up the end where you rarely slept. "Good night" you blew them both a kiss and Steve followed you into your bedroom.
You set Tom down on the bed, and just pulled off your leggings before taking off your sports bra. You put your shirt back on, and crawled into the center of the bed while Steve took off his t-shirt and sweatpants. He quickly slipped in beside you and held out his arm for you to lay on it. You snuggled into him, facing him and put your head in the crook of his arm, slightly on his chest. He bent his arm and rubbed you up and down the back, seeming to be content to just snuggle tonight. You rubbed your hand up and down his chest and stomach before giving him a chaste kiss on the chest.
"Are you looking forward to girls day tomorrow?" Steve asked in the quickly darkening room.
"You realize they are going to be asking about our sex life?" you asked with a slight giggle.
"I'm not ashamed," he responded quickly. "We fit together perfectly. The boys will probably be asking the same questions" he admitted.
"I'm not ashamed either. Although, I'm not telling anyone our safe words" you gave another yawn.
"Wanda and Loki probably know them already if you thought about them this morning. I know I was" he chuckled.
"This morning was so good" you cooed to him. "I'm still exhausted from it," you admitted.
"I'll admit I'm a bit tired too" he pulled you in, leaning down and kissing you on top of your head. "Don't forget you are busy all day on Sunday" he reminded you.
"I only intend on spending the day with you" you sighed happily. "You promised me a one month anniversary date"
"That and so much more" his voice held promise.

When you woke up in the morning Steve and Roxy were both gone, and Steve's spot on the bed felt cold. Tom was curled up on your side purring loudly and you gave a yawn. You wriggled slightly and Tom jumped down so you could go to the bathroom. You quickly did your business and got cleaned up, brushing your teeth etc. You decided to wake up a little more before you would do your makeup for the day. You looked out the window and didn't see Steve or Roxy. You sighed, thinking he took her out to let you sleep in. You crawled back into bed for a moment and held Tom close to your chest. You closed your eyes and dozed slightly before you heard movement out on the balcony, and the sound of something heavy being placed on the small tables. You could hear the clack of Roxy's nails on the balcony floor and you pulled Tom closer to your chest. The door opened and Roxy vaulted herself up onto the bed, and you felt Steve pull Tom from your arms. You opened your eyes and watched him closely.
"Good morning" Steve almost purred, seeing your eyes open and watching him.
"I prefer waking up in your arms" you gave a slight smile as you started to sit up.
"It seemed like a crime to wake you up when you were sleeping so soundly" Steve chuckled. "But I know the feeling, I'll make sure not to make the same mistake again" he promised. "I made our coffee, and it's out on the balcony if you're ready?" he asked
"I'm ready for that" you quickly nodded and sat up.
"First thing's first though" Steve waited until you had stood up, and you were reaching for your leggings. He touched your cheek sweetly and brushed his thumb over your cheekbone. He slowly dipped his head down and brushed his lips across yours and you hummed happily and leaned more into him. He took a few minutes to memorize your lips before his tongue swiped across your bottom lip and you quickly granted him entry. He hummed and deepened the kiss, tilting his head slightly to the side as he continued to kiss you gently. His hand slipped to behind your head and he pulled you in a little closer, although your body was already flat against his. The kiss was slow and sensual, and you could feel like he really cared for you with the way he caressed his lips against your own. You tried to show him with your own, that you loved him with every fiber of your being.
When he finally pulled back, you took a few soft gasps of air and you both titled your foreheads against one another's.
"I needed my good morning kiss" his voice came out a little rougher.
"That was perfect" you purred to him.
"Come on, it's time for our coffee and morning cuddle" he kissed you on the forehead and pulled away. "And I promise, next time I'll wake you up to take out Roxy with me" he added quickly.
"I'd hate to have to kick that sweet ass of yours if you don't" you giggled.
"I'm not testing it to find out if you really could. I've heard you put people in the sleeper hold with just your thighs" he chuckled.
"It's Nat's move" you shrugged and followed him towards the balcony door.
"She did teach you well" he chuckled deep in his chest. "You might want to put some clothes on" he pointed out and you flushed, having not thought about it. You grabbed your leggings and put them on. You started to head towards your closet when Steve just took off his hoodie and handed it to you with a smirk on his face. You quickly put it on with a smile and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek in thanks before following him outside for your morning date.

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