"Sleep is for the weak"

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You ended up having a quiet evening with Bucky and Steve. Sam eventually made his way over and you made him a hot chocolate to enjoy as well. The sunset was beautiful, but it was getting colder and colder out, so much so that you found yourself snuggling more into Steve to get the extra warmth you needed in order to stay outside. He didn't seem to mind at all, and only put a stronger hold on you. You couldn't imagine loving him more, especially when he realized he was done with his tea. You offered to go refill it, but he shook his head that he would be fine for the evening. Sam took the four mugs at the end of the night and brought them in to wash them for you, and you quickly thanked him for doing that. He invited Bucky back to his place to play some video games and the two men made a hasty exit.
"Are you ready for bed, baby doll?" Steve whispered to you after they had been gone for a few minutes.
"I feel like reading for a little bit" you nuzzled into his chest. "Nat and Bruce didn't come out" you observed.
"It's probably getting too cold. We will have to start having our evenings inside" he kissed the top of your head.
"But I went outside last winter..." you trailed off.
"And you got sick, I remember" he reminded you and you flushed.
"I just wanted to watch as you boys made your walk around the building" you continued to blush.
"Now you'll be joining us, and we can have our evenings in the living room" he gave you another kiss on top of the head. "Come on, grab your book. You are spending the night at my place" he instructed. You gave a soft nod and stood up and did a small stretch. Tom meowed from the swing seat, and you quickly picked him up and headed in through the bedroom and walked to the living room. You grabbed one of your books and Steve opened your suite door. Roxy trotted out into the hallway excitedly, and you quickly followed her lead. Steve gave you a playful slap on the ass on your way by. You gave a squeak and he broke out into a laugh and you hurried over to his door and let yourself in, still holding Tom. Steve quickly came in behind you and shut the door behind him and locked it.
"Let me grab my sketch book" Steve went to his book shelves and pulled down his current sketchbook, his pencil case, and an eraser. You saw he had food and water dishes out for your fur babies, and a litter box that was in the corner of the room for Tom. Roxy jumped up on Steve's couch, and you sat down beside her. You looked around the room at the finished paintings on the walls again while you got comfortable. Steve came over and sat beside you and put his book on the coffee table. You put your feet up beside you and leaned away from him as you started reading and you heard Steve give a slight huff.
"What is it honey?" you asked, using a pet name for him for the second time.
"I wanted to cuddle more, but I also want to draw," he frowned, and you giggled.
"You can't have both. You need both of your hands" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you promise cuddles tonight?" he asked after a brief pause.
"All the cuddles you can handle, and then a little more" you promised. He seemed appeased, and he opened up the book and quickly started sketching Tom who had taken up residence in the large stuffed black leather chair. You brought your attention back to your book and started reading.
You got through five chapters before you felt Steve's gaze on you. You looked over and saw that he had finished a sketch of Tom, and he made a close up of his eyes under it. You gave a small smile and cooed at the drawing. You closed up your book, and Steve closed his sketchbook as well. You wordlessly put your book down on his coffee table and reached for his hand. He quickly stood up and stood in front of you for a moment, leaning down and pausing before his lips touched yours.
"Steve?" you asked in a scant whisper.
"What do you need, baby doll?" he asked, his breath touching your lips.
"A kiss?" you asked softly. He closed the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips against your own. He lingered in the kiss and you mentally huffed before reaching up and grabbing him by the back of his head and pulling him in more. He chuckled deep in his chest and tilted his head partially to the side so he could deepen the kiss, his tongue lapping at your lips and requesting entry. You didn't waste time in parting them, and eagerly hummed as his tongue started dancing with your own. He ran his hands up and down your sides, before resting on either side of your hips and he flexed his fingers there. You pushed your chest up against him, and he brought his hands up beside your breasts and he left them there almost to tease you.
"I'm not sure what Heaven is like, but every time we kiss I feel like I'm getting a glimpse of it," he said, pulling back from the kiss. He gazed into your eyes with his baby blues and brought his hand up to touch the side of your face so you could see the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. He leaned down and gave you a lingering kiss on the lips as a seal, and rested his forehead against your own. You closed your eyes, and licked your lips and gave a soft sigh. "Are you ready for bed?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you as soon as you opened your eyes again.
"I should probably go get a change of clothes" you pulled back slightly.
"Only if you bring back some clothes with you, and fill one of my drawers" his face broke out into a smile.
"Do you even have a drawer for me?" you asked, raising an eyebrow delicately. He took your hand and led you into his bedroom and proudly opened three empty drawers and showed them to you, puffing out his chest slightly with pride. "Three?" you asked in surprise.
"I just don't want to spend a night without you," he gave a soft smile. "Will you bring over some clothes?" he asked a little hopefully.
"I feel like I'm taking over your closet" you giggled with a slight flush.
"Take over the room if you want to," he said, his voice going a little lower. "These drawers are yours, and you can have more if you need them," he added quickly.
"I'll be right back," you gave him a soft kiss on the lips and rushed out, using the main suite entrance instead of the balcony. Now that you were warm, you didn't want to go back outside and ruin it. You went into your suite, and into your closet and grabbed some bras, panties, leggings, t-shirts, and negligees to bring back with you. You went into the bathroom and grabbed one of your extra toothbrushes and added to your pile with a smirk. You quickly went and took your nighttime pills and left.
You hurried back to Steve's room and his face broke out into a smile seeing your arms were full, and a glint went into his eye when he saw the toothbrush. He quickly took the toothbrush and went to his bathroom to put it away while you put your clothes away. He was back within a flash, and a bright grin on his face. He got undressed down to his boxer briefs and watched you with interest as you got undressed, and changed into a pair of black lace panties and a black lace negligee. You picked up your dirty clothes and Steve just took them from you and put them in his hamper with a shrug. You flushed slightly, however it was his room and his rules. That and you did love how he was normally in charge.
You came out of the closet and saw Roxy was already on Steve's bed, stretched out on the end towards the bathroom, living her best life. Tom was up on one of the pillows, purring loudly. Both of them seemed to be taking the change of accommodations in stride.

"Where do you want me?" you asked a little coyly, already knowing the answer. You licked your top lip to add to it, and his eyes darkened slightly with lust as he stared down at you.
"You're tempting me" he warned you. "Get in the middle of the bed" he gave a soft order. You turned and quickly crawled into the center of the bed, and got under his blue comforter, wriggling into the dark blue satin sheets beneath you. He crawled into bed beside you, taking the spot closest to both doors and immediately wrapped his arms around you from behind. You sighed happily and wriggled in his embrace, feeling him give the top of your head a soft kiss in response.
"What are we doing tomorrow?" you asked in a soft whisper.
"We are celebrating our one month anniversary, don't worry about a thing" Steve murmured to you, flexing his embrace on you.
"Well, do I dress up, or do I just wear jeans?" you asked, feeling a hint of anxiety that you didn't know what was going on.
"I'm going to leave that up to you" he chuckled.
"Well, what are you wearing?" you asked, turning in his arms.
"My black dress pants, and a white button up" he gave a soft smirk.
"I'll need the morning to get ready" you decided. "Will we be outside a lot?" you asked quickly.
"No," he thought about it for a moment before answering. "Now relax, tomorrow is going to be a good day" he gave you a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"I can't relax, I need to think of what to wear" you huffed and turned in his arms, wriggling in his hold.
"I know a way to make you relax" he leaned down and in, starting to kiss the side of your neck. "We don't need to go the whole way, but I've got a few ideas" he practically purred in your ear. His right hand fondled your breast for a moment before slowly making his way between your legs. He started slowly circling your clit with the rough pads of his pointer finger and middle finger on top of your panties, and you felt the heat drop to your core. You opened your legs for him to have better access, and he pushed your panties to the side as he slipped his hand in. He toyed with your clit for a few minutes, eliciting a moan from you and he continued to nibble, suck, and kiss on the side of your neck. Once you were sufficiently wet, he moved his fingers to your sopping core and pushed two fingers in, and he started thrusting them in and out of you at a torturous pace. You gave a soft gasp and started rolling your hips with his movements, and he curled his fingers on your g-spot causing you to cry out. He brought his fingers back out and started toying with your clit again, going a little faster and in soft circles. You continued to move your hips with his magic fingers, feeling your release was not that far away. You could feel his hard length pressing into you, and you knew he wanted more. You tried to reach a hand back to wrap your hand around his girth, but he moved so you wouldn't be able to reach.
"Tonight's about you baby doll" he whispered in the cusp of your ear before taking your earlobe between his teeth. You mewed softly as his fingers traced your folds back to your core and he pushed in his fingers once again, thrusting them in and out a little faster this time. His left hand started toying with your breast, he was focused on your nipple, bending and folding it until it was firm while he still worked on your earlobe and side of your neck. You felt the coil of your orgasm oncoming and you cried out his name as you got closer and closer to your climax. "That's right, say my name" he commanded. "You're such a good girl" he cooed to you.
"Steve, please" you panted as he used the heel of his hand on your clit, while his fingers continued to pump in and out of you.
"Keep saying my name" he growled. "Let the world hear what I do to you."
"Steve!" you cried out as he curled his fingers on your g-spot and you finally came. He thrust his fingers in and out of you a few more times while you rode out your high, then he pushed your panties back into place. He stopped sucking on your neck and brought his fingers up to his lips and he sucked your juices off of them, humming happily to himself. "Let me take care of you" you said a little breathlessly.
"Take care of me tomorrow, for now get some rest" he chuckled. "If we start down that path, we will be here all night, and I'll never let you sleep"
"Sleep is for the weak" you giggled.
"Sleep is what you need right now. You've been yawning most of the night" he reminded you and you felt a distinct flush on your face realizing he noticed even the smallest detail. He kissed your cheek and held you close. You leaned back and listened to his heartbeat, before your eyes drooped closed and you finally fell asleep.

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