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Throughout the flight Steve continued to play love songs, only putting you back to buckle in when turbulence hit. He had unlimited amounts of stamina for dancing. He had bottled water ready for you in case you got thirsty, which you did end up needing. You were starting to feel peckish, when he brought the jet in for a landing. When you looked out the window, you were shocked to see the Eiffel tower in the distance.
"Are we in Paris?" you asked a little excitedly.
"Well, I had to miss the mission to the city of love. I needed to see it with you" Steve chuckled at your surprise. "Come on, we have a reservation" he looked at his watch pointedly, and you grabbed your clutch while standing up. The pair of you walked out and had to go through customs with just what you had on you. They checked you both over before you were cleared and you made your way to the front of the airport where there was a limousine parked out front. The driver was holding up a sign that said "Rogers" and Steve put his hand in the small of your back to lead you towards him. The driver immediately opened the back door for you both, and you got in carefully before sliding across the back seat to give Steve room to slip in. He got in quickly and the door shut behind him. He reached for your hand and he gave the back of your hand a kiss before he slid over so he was more beside you.
You looked out the windows at the city with all of its evening lights in excitement. Steve chuckled a little at how happy you were, and at your obvious excitement in the situation. You pointed out a few historical landmarks to him, and he would tell you about how he remembered things back in the forties.
The driver pulled up in front of a very upper class restaurant with the name on the front saying "Fouquets", and you were nearly vibrating with excitement. The driver went to your door first to let you out, and you went around the curb to wait for Steve. He quickly got out on his own, and offered you his arm again. You gladly accepted it and he led you to the maitre D at the front just inside the doors.
"Reservations for Rogers, please" Steve gave a proud smile, speaking effortlessly in French. You looked at him curiously, wondering what he said, but you did have the gist of it. The host led you to a secluded table that had candle lights, a white table cloth, and red velvet chairs. Steve was quick to pull out a chair for you, and you flushed slightly before sitting down after you took off your jacket. Steve quickly took his seat once you were situated and he accepted the menus for both of you. "What would you like to eat?" Steve asked, handing you your menu. "Whatever you want," he added with a smirk.
"It all looks so expensive" you noticed the prices first.
"Don't look at the price" he shook his head.
"I don't understand half of what's on here" you admitted, putting the menu down. "I'll have what you are having" you decided. Steve opened the menu and perused it for a moment before flipping it closed. The waitress came over and he quickly ordered you a bottle of rose, while he ordered himself a scotch. He reached out and held your hand lovingly and started telling you more stories about when he came through Paris in the forties, seeming proud of the giggles you blessed him with, with the funnier stories. They brought your drinks and they poured you a glass of wine, before leaving the bottle in a fancy looking ice bucket. Steve told her you were both ready and effortlessly ordered your meal in French again. As soon as she walked away, you looked at him, clearly impressed.
"So what are we having?" you asked, taking a sip of your wine. It was perfect for your taste buds, and you hummed happily.
"For an appetizer we are having Vitello Tonato, which is veal in a creamy sauce. For the main course we are having Fouquets Tartar, and a Summer Babette for dessert. It's their signature dish for the day" Steve gave a bright smile.
"Sounds interesting" you licked your lips. "Have you eaten here before?" you asked quickly.
"No, but Tony recommended them" he quickly admitted. "He helped me get a reservation, you normally have to wait months for this place" he grinned.
"This seems promising" you sighed happily. "Do you normally do this for your one month anniversaries in Paris?" you gave a slight giggle of unease.
"You baby doll, as always, are the exception. Besides, I don't normally make it to the one month anniversary. Things fizzle out" he admitted softly. "You don't get the time to figure it out if there are feelings there"
"Have you figured that out this time?" you asked, holding your breath.
"I know what I feel, and I have a feeling you feel it too" he lowered his voice, leaning forward.
"If you are talking about how I've fallen completely and hopelessly in love with you, you are right" you flushed a little saying it outloud so frankly. You just couldn't hold it in any longer. Steve broke out into a smile and looked hungrily at your lips.
"I have fallen so deeply and hopelessly in love with you it scares me. I'm with you until the end of the line baby doll" Steve leaned across the table and gave you a promising kiss on the lips. When he sat back down, he took your hand and kissed your knuckles. "I only see my future in your eyes." He whispered while gazing into your eyes, his baby blues sparkling happily. "With that in mind, I have something for you" he reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. He pushed it across the table at you, and you took it out to look at its contents. Inside was the promise ring you had seen in London with the white gold ivy designed band, and a small diamond where there would be a rose. "It's a promise ring, of more to come" Steve quickly explained.
"Steve, how did you know?" you asked, feeling a little breathless.
"You looked at it twice" he smiled proudly as you took out the ring and he reached across and took it and slipped it on your second finger on your left hand finger. "I'm going to replace this one day with something more" he kissed your ring finger in a soft promise.
"Why did you get me a promise ring?" you asked, still in shock.
"Because it's too early to ask you to marry me, and I don't want anyone thinking you are still on the market" he answered honestly.
"That's right, because you don't share" you giggled softly.
"Especially not you," he grinned. "I'll never share you, unless we have kids. Then I'll share you with them."
"Did you want children?" you asked in surprise.
"With you? Yes" he nodded simply. "Do you?" he asked quickly, and you saw him watching you with rapt attention.
"With you? Yes" you broke out into a smile. "I can see myself being brave enough to take that step with you one day."
"It may be one day sooner than you think" he practically purred and you flushed as the waitress suddenly came with your food. He hesitantly let go of your hand so that both of you could eat, and you couldn't help but notice his impeccable manners while the two of you ate. He continued easy conversation with you, keeping work out of it for the entirety of the night. When the main course came, you both enjoyed it immensely, continuing with animated conversation. By the time dessert came you were almost sure you couldn't eat another bite, but one look at the signature dish and you knew you would find the room. The peach compote, pomegranate cheese cake cream, pomegranate sorbet, and wild corn poppy milk mousse had been to die for. As soon as you finished you quickly made your way to the bathroom, and came back to find Steve still waiting without a care in the world. You were feeling a little buzzed after drinking the entire bottle of wine on your own, but it had just been that good. Steve paid for the meal for both of you with his credit card, leaving a generous tip. He helped you put on your jacket and led you back out with a hand in the small of your back again.
Once you got outside the limo was quick to come to the curb and Steve guided you into the car before he ran around and jumped in on the opposite side.
"And now, the tour of Paris" Steve said a little excitedly, telling the driver as much but only in French. He moved in close to you and wrapped his arm around you, both of you looking out the same window at the sights in Paris. He drove past the Louvre Museum, Arc de Triomphe, and the Notre Dame Cathedral before the limo stopped close to the Eiffel tower. Steve got out first and waited for you, and held the door open and looked at your heels a little worriedly. "It's a little bit of a climb, but I'm going to carry you," he announced.
"I can do it" you giggled heading towards the queue. As soon as you got to the bottom of the stairs, Steve swept you off of your feet and you squealed in delight as he carried you up to the second floor before producing his pass for the elevator that would bring you to the top, and only then did he set you back down on your feet.
Once you were at the top the two of you looked out in wonder at the remarkable sight to behold. The city seemed to almost be sparkling, along with the garden's below. You quickly took a few pictures, because you didn't think anyone would believe you if you told them you had been to the top of the Eiffel tower, you could barely believe it yourself. Steve came up behind you while you looked out at the sights and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek. He nuzzled into your neck and seemed to be taking in your scent. You sighed in contentment and brought your hand up to look at the promise ring he had given you. It looked just like an engagement ring, but the two of you knew different at least. You couldn't wait to show it to Nat, Wanda, Pepper, Laura or Lila. It sparkled in the nighttime lights, reflecting everything so brilliantly.
"You are never going to top this" you sighed happily, leaning back into Steve.
"I'll spend the rest of our lives proving that I can," he chuckled, giving the side of your neck another kiss.
"Steve, you brought me to Paris" you said, still barely able to believe it yourself. "I can't believe you brought me to Paris" you cooed to him.
"We go different places all the time for missions, I wanted to make sure the first time I told you I loved you it was in the best place possible" he murmured softly.
"You are such a dream come true" you sighed happily again. "I can't wait to show the kids pictures of this place" you added quickly.
"Next time I'll bring you for longer" he promised with another kiss on the back of your shoulder this time.  

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