Overheard conversations

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Steve didn't move from his place on the couch, except to grab his laptop. He pulled up your other leg, so you were still stretched out across the couch, and he balanced his laptop across your shins and started working on this report. You blushed, feeling like you both had bridged to overly familiar territory in a way. You thought it had been a year that you had been both sitting in the living room together on a regular basis, and it seemed like a natural progression. It was just moving quite fast all of the sudden over the last few days. You were completely aware of him, and his thick thighs, and not to mention the erection pressing up into your calves. Steve tried to move to hide it, but it was hard to do with your legs across his. You finished your report, and placed your laptop on your stomach and laid your head back on the arm of the couch, just enjoying the moment. You could almost pretend you and Steve had that kind of relationship. You wanted so badly for it to be real. You gave a soft sigh, and heard Steve stop typing and felt his gaze fix on you. You were afraid to open your eyes and break the spell you had put on yourself.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve asked, his voice husky, sending a chill down your spine.
"It's just nice to relax for a moment" you weren't lying.
"You look relaxed for a change, it's a good thing" he smiled, and you opened your eyes a fraction to look at him. He had a large smile across his face, and he was gazing at you with what looked like affection in his eyes.
"The leg massage helped" you felt heat on your cheeks, and closed your eyes again. "Thank you," you added in a soft whisper.
"My pleasure" he whispered back. You felt him close his laptop and just place his large hand on your knee while he sat back into the couch a little bit more, seeming to relax quite a bit himself.
"All done?" you asked curiously.
"For now, I have other things on my mind. Besides, it's almost lunch time" he pointed out.
"Tony will probably want to work on my powers since I'm done with my report" you pouted slightly.
"I doubt it, you are still healing. You should have today and tomorrow off" Steve shrugged. "In fact..." he took out his phone and texted into it. "You do" he gave a grin.
"You didn't have to do that" you blushed, and gave a soft smile, gazing into his eyes.
"We can't have you going back to work too soon" he winked at you. He seemed to be oozing confidence, and you bit slightly at your bottom lip, your eyes flicking to his lips again. They were slightly parted as he kept gazing at you, and you found yourself wondering again, what the feel of his lips would feel like. You wondered what it would taste like. Would his kisses be as sweet as the strawberries that you liked to sneak into the compound sometimes? Would his beard feel soft against your skin, or would it scratch? You flicked your gaze back up to his eyes, and saw he was staring at your lips, and he swallowed after a moment. "Did you want me to bring your laptop up to your bedroom?" he whispered, his eyes hooded with an emotion you just couldn't quite place.
"I can't ask you to do that" you shook your head, feeling ashamed that the little things were so difficult right now.
"I insist" Steve tapped your knee and grabbed his laptop, so you swung your legs off of his lap. You gave a groan at the sudden movement, but tried to cover it up. Steve looked immediately concerned, but you gave a fresh smile and he gave a slight nod in return. He grabbed your laptop and murmured he would be right back before he hurried out of the room. You checked the time on your phone and sighed heavily, forcing yourself to sit up completely. You took a sharp intake of breath and stood up and winced before shakily making your way to the dining room. You knew you would be beating most of the team there, but you didn't want them to see you limping again. You really hoped tomorrow the limp wouldn't be as bad when you met Roxy. You wanted to get down on the floor when you met her, and see if she would come to you. Standing up and just staring at her wasn't going to win her trust.
"Hey Starshine" Bruce came in first and grabbed the seat next to you. "How is the leg?"
"Still sore" you pouted.
"Tony is revamping your training for Thursday and Friday, and pulling you off missions for the rest of the week" he whispered. "Between you and me I think you gave him a scare, you don't get hurt that often"
"I didn't mean to" you rolled your eyes. "I didn't want to get shot"
"You need to hold your invisibility for longer," Bruce shrugged. "We will work on it" he gave an excited smile, and you knew Bruce was already in on what the training was going to be.
"I thought I was safe," you shrugged.
"Not safe enough, Starshine" he shook his head. Sam and Bucky came in looking like they had been working out all morning, quickly followed by Peter and Pietro. Steve came in a moment later with Tony, and Tony nodding to something Steve said. Steve came over and quickly took the seat beside you.
"What's for lunch?" you asked curiously as you saw what looked like sandwiches, and a vegetable tray was being passed around.
"Grilled cheese and veggies" Tony announced happily and you danced slightly in your seat. Bruce handed you the platter and you grabbed what you wanted before passing it to Steve. Steve's fingers brushed against yours again and you felt your cheeks go heated. You looked across to see Sam and Bucky grinning.
"Is everyone else on missions?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, and you are off of them for the week" Tony nodded. "Thursday and Friday we will work in the lab on your abilities to see how far we can push them"
"Where are you headed, since you have finished your report?" Steve looked at you curiously.
"I think I'm going to go up to my bedroom and take advantage of the balcony for the afternoon. Maybe take a bubble bath" you admitted with a soft smile.
"Be careful getting in and out of the tub" Bruce remarked quickly.
"I will Care bear" you leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, using your nickname for him. He always seemed to care about you a lot, and you had come up with the nickname for him on a whim several months ago.
"What are you going to be doing, Steve?" you looked at him from under your eyelashes.
"I'm going to go up to my room to finish my report and do some more unpacking. Don't forget we are going to have tea again tonight" he grinned and both Bucky and Sam audibly groaned.
"You can't leave me with him again" Bucky shook his head.
"Then why don't you both join us, hmm? You'll have to bring your own chairs though" you leaned forward smiling at both of them sweetly.
"Sure, we will bring our own books," Sam nodded in quick agreement.
"And chairs, bird brain," Bucky reminded him with a roll of his eyes at Sam's stupidity.
"That was basically being done without being said" Sam quipped back in defense .
"You two are cute" you giggled, and went back to finishing all the food on your plate.
"I'm the cute one" Sam grinned, looking at Bucky while sticking a carrot in his mouth.
"She said we were both cute," Bucky corrected him. "See? Dames think I'm cute too"
"It's that attitude that throws them off" Sam quipped back quickly and you giggled again.
"There's nothing wrong with Bucky's attitude" you shook your head. "He's a gentleman, just like you"
"You're being too nice to them" Tony suddenly broke through the banter. "I for one would not call either of them cute. It will inflate their ego"
"This coming from the king of big ego's" Pietro murmured.
"I'll own it," Tony shrugged easily.
The rest of the meal went quietly, and you excused yourself once everyone was done to limp back up to your empty bedroom, hoping to get a little tidying done in your bedroom since the boys would be walking through. Your living room was still clean at least.

The first thing you did when you got upstairs was tidy your bedroom, and make your bed. You put all your dirty laundry in the hamper, promising yourself you would get your laundry done before Friday since that's when a majority of the team would do theirs. Once you were satisfied, you grabbed a fresh pair of dark blue yoga pants, a white t-shirt, and a white sports bra and panties. You put in your Japanese Cherry Blossom bubble bath, and filled the tub before getting undressed and turning on your favorite playlist before grabbing your book and slipping into the water. You relaxed in the water, and turned on the jets to make the bubbles go a little bit higher. You tried not to think about Steve, but you couldn't help it. The way his hands felt on your legs was amazing, and you craved for it to happen again. Getting wounded was almost worth it. You tried hard to concentrate on your book, but your mind kept going back to his baby blue eyes, and his strong hands. You thought about how he took care of you so much over the last two days, and how easily he had picked you up into his arms when you were wounded. His strong chest... you would be dreaming about that muscular chest for years to come, you could almost swear by it. You tried to tell yourself that he was off bounds, that you couldn't make a move on him. You were too shy anyway, but you liked to dream about it. You wondered what the nights would be like, to be encircled in his arms. You wondered if he would be openly affectionate, or be the kind of guy that kept all of that for closed doors. You huffed slightly at yourself and went back to your book trying not to daydream.
Once your bath was over, you got out and took a long hot shower to wash your hair and to wash up before drying off and putting your clothes on, not bothering with makeup. You limped out to your living room, and opened the door slightly in case someone wanted to stop by, and grabbed a bottle of water before laying down on your couch and going back to your book. After a while you heard movement out in the hallway but politely didn't look up.
"At least he's not hiding his love interests anymore" Bucky's voice drifted into your room and your ears perked up at that.
"Yeah, Steve finally moved on from being so shy about it," Sam added, before you heard them knocking on the door next to yours. "I can't believe people don't realize he's been over Peggy a long time" he sounded like he was rolling his eyes, and your cheeks flushed realizing you were one of those people.
"That's his own fault. That punk plays too much close to his chest. He needs to relax a little" Bucky sighed. "At least he's starting to relax"
"Are you two going to sit out in the hallway and talk about my love life, or are you going to come in and help me?" Steve's voice joined them.
"I wish you would make a move already, punk" Bucky grumbled and you heard footsteps before a door closed and you felt your face was heated. You were surprised at that conversation, and had to wonder if you had been wrong about him all this time.  

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