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Steve was kicking himself in the ass during the mission the following day. He had meant to put you in the mission docket, but missed his opportunity and didn't want to take you from your training with Tony. You seemed to be getting better with your invisibility powers, holding them for longer periods since you had started, and Tony was so excited about your progress. Steve stood guard outside with Bucky while Nat was inside the building with Pietro getting data. Pietro had cleared the five agents quickly, tying them up with zip ties and putting them on the jet to go to Shield headquarters for processing once the mission was over. Steve had to admit, the kid was quick and always great to have on missions.
"Just ask her on a date" Bucky finally broke the silence. "Before someone else does" he added for good measure.
"I can't, I always get tongue tied around her" Steve shook his head. "I don't even know how to bring it up. What would I even say? I know I'm your team leader, but I have feelings for you that are very real, and I want to see where it goes?"
"That's a good start, you might want to leave work out of it" Bucky shrugged.
"I can't say that to her. Besides, she doesn't even date" Steve shrugged.
"Last night made it sound like she wished she was," Bucky reminded him.
"There's nothing that I could say, that would make her want to give me a shot" Steve shook his head, and crossed his arms.
"Shouldn't she get the right to decide?" Bucky asked knowledgeably. "I mean, you both spend a lot of time together, although neither of you talk most of the time"
"It's hard to talk to her about anything other than missions, and training. I don't know how to even approach a personal conversation" Steve blushed a bit.
"It's pretty easy, find something that she likes and bring it up. You started to last night, and she lit up like you made her day. Bring up getting a dog again, maybe she will actually go and do it" Bucky grinned. He hadn't missed the looks of longing you had given to Steve either. He knew the feeling was mutual, but his best friend was going to have to work it out for himself. He could only drop so many hints and try to get him to make the right decision. Steve always moves so slowly when it comes to matters of the heart. Bucky had noticed you always lit up when he joined in on the conversations a long time ago. Steve had a lot to learn, he supposed.
"I'm done, and on my way out" Nat's voice filled their comms, and Steve took his off mute and Bucky moved to do the same.
"Waiting on you and Pietro" Steve responded quickly.
"I'm looking forward to movie night" Bucky clapped him on the shoulder and Steve put himself on mute again.
"A chick flick, really?" he almost demanded.
"As if you weren't planning on being there already?" Bucky asked, after putting himself back on mute again.
"If I wasn't I'd look like an asshole if I didn't show up" Steve seemed flustered. Bucky just stared at him. "Okay, I would have found an excuse to be in there" he flushed again. "But now if something comes up, I'll look like a jerk to her"
"You won't look like a jerk, ya punk. I wish you would just ask her on a date already" Bucky shook his head in exasperation and looked to the sky for a moment.
"I'm here" Pietro zipped in front of them, his silver hair shining in the sun.
"Where's Nat?" Steve asked, trying to see if Pietro had heard any parts of the conversation. If he had, he wasn't showing any signs of it.
"I'm right here" Nat came up behind them. "He's just a little faster" she gave a cheeky smile. "You boys ready for movie night? Bruce is excited he's not the only man watching it this time. Normally Steve just sits in the corner and sketches or reads his book" Nat walked between them on purpose, leading the way back to the jet.
"Peter and I are headed to Aunt May's for the weekend. One of his friends at the college is having a party, and I'm hoping to meet some pretty girls" Pietro wiggled his eyebrows.
"How old are the dames?" Bucky asked a little hopeful.
"Our age" Pietro shrugged, talking about him and Peter. Bucky grimaced but nodded.
"That's too bad, maybe we need to get Stevie out there to see what it's like to be around dames again" Bucky lightly teased Steve who shook his head.
"I only have one dame in mind" Steve quipped and flushed when he caught himself.
"Peggy, we know" Pietro nodded to him. "You need to move on from her. There's lots of ladies in the world now, not just one"
"Why does everyone think I'm still hung up on Peggy?" Steve asked as they got to the jet.
"You still carry the compass with her picture on it with you on missions" Nat pointed out quickly and the five Hydra soldiers started trying to yell at the four of them through their duct-taped mouths.
"The compass is a good luck charm" Steve stammered a little, not realizing that he had done that. He felt like a fool. Here he was pining over you, and he was showing another woman's picture everywhere he went.
"Looks like it's bringing you some bad luck right now" Nat quipped, making Steve wonder if she had caught onto his feelings.
"She's not wrong, punk" Bucky whispered as they strapped in, and Nat took the pilot seat.
"Next stop, Shield headquarters, then we can have a nice, quiet night in" Nat sighed happily as she closed the back hatch.
"What's for supper tonight?" Bucky asked no one in particular.
"Tony said something about ordering pizza again." Steve looked at him with a grimace.
"I wish Y/N would cook for us again. I loved that meal she made. I think it was a month ago..." Bucky trailed off.
"Oh those ribs and mashed potatoes with the asparagus" Pietro grinned. "She got off training early and gave the chef the night off to do it. I got her recipe to try the next time I have time to cook in the kitchen" he added proudly.
"Funny, Clint got the recipe too. I know he's already made it for Laura and the kids" Nat said over her shoulder. "I think that's why Clint likes bringing Y/N home on the weekend, she cooks for them" she gave a soft chuckle.
"Is that his secret?" Bucky grinned and shook his head. Steve gave a small smile at the conversation, but looked down at the compass he held in his hand, and really wondered about the implications of the fact that he still carried it around. He silently made the decision to leave the compass at home going forward. It might be his good luck charm, but if he wanted to prove he was over Peggy, he had to start showing it.

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