Goodbye to the old life

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That night when you went to bed with Steve you had your Roxy and Tom back. You curled into Steve while he held you from behind. You wriggled your ass into him purposely making him groan, but he only kissed you on the back of your neck. Roxy sprawled out on the end of the bed, while Tom took the spare pillow happily and purred loudly into the room.
When you woke up in the morning, you were all in the same position but the distinct smell of coffee came from the next room. You could even feel it in Steve's touch that he was awake. You did a small stretch and cleared your throat.
"That's cheating" you said in a raspy voice, finally opening your eyes.
"You had a big day yesterday. Roxy's been out, and Bucky is waiting for me to tell him when it's safe to come over" Steve kissed you on the back of your head.
"I'm sore" you groaned, moving your body slightly.
"Takes a few days," Steve reminded you.
"I hate it" you huffed and turned in his arms. He gave you a chaste kiss on the lips and lingered for a moment and you sighed as he pulled away. "You even brushed your teeth" you giggled at the minty freshness.
"I had some stuff to go over for work. I did most of it on my phone so I could stay in bed with you" he winked. "Are you ready for your coffee?" he asked hopefully.
"Coffee is needed" you quickly agreed to it.
"I'll text that jerk to get over here. He was up going for his morning run when I brought Roxy out" Steve sat up and got out of bed. He quickly texted into his phone and put it into his pocket. You got out of bed, and reached for Tom while Roxy hopped off the bed and pranced into the living room. You led the way to the couch and sat down while cuddling Tom. He mewed and squirmed away, making his way for his morning kibble. Steve brought over your coffee and sat beside you on the couch, lifting one arm and you nuzzled underneath it.
"What's the plan for today?" you asked, looking at him while taking a sip of coffee.
"Reports for the morning, and then we are going to clear out your storage unit. Afterwards you and I are going to go for a walk with Roxy and the boys" Steve listed it all off easily.
"Sounds like a full day" you commented and looked back to make sure the door was unlocked only to see it opening and Bucky walked in with his coffee cup and Alpine up on his shoulder. "You brought Alpine!" you said in a bit of shock.
"He's feeling cuddly today, so I thought I'd bring him over for a bit" he smirked. Tom meowed curiously and looked up at Alpine who meowed back. Alpine jumped off of Bucky's shoulder and the two cats sniffed at one another curiously. Bucky went and took a seat while the cats went to play with some of the cat toys on the floor. "How are you doing, punky?" he asked, looking a little concerned.
"I'm alright. A little sore" you admitted quickly.
"Next time let me take it" he shook his head and drank back his coffee. Wordlessly he got up and went and refilled his cup.
"Did you boys want to go sit on the balcony?" you asked.
"It's too chilly for you. You'll get sick" Steve smirked, and he kissed the top of your head.
"I might not" you scrunched your nose.
"They are calling for snow soon, you need to get used to being inside anyways" Bucky said, looking at you briefly before taking his seat again. Alpine hopped up onto his lap and laid down, emitting a loud purr while Tom continued to play with his toys.
"Two against one" you pouted. "I'd like to enjoy it while I can..." you drifted off, seeing the closed off look on Steve's face.
"Maybe tomorrow, Doll," Steve shook his head.
"How detailed do our reports have to be this time?" Bucky asked curiously.
"As detailed as possible. I want to know what happened, and I know Tony and Fury will too" Steve answered quickly.
"It was a pretty strong sleeping gas, it was hard to focus" you signed.
"Yeah, it was a good trap. Just not good enough" Bucky agreed.
"I'd love to know which one of you they were after," Steve grimaced.
"I think it was Bucky" you thought about it for a minute. "They were armed to the teeth with stuff to bring him in"
"I wouldn't be so sure" Bucky said offhandedly and looked like he instantly regretted it.
"Just make sure it's detailed," Steve frowned.
"Okay Captain, I want my boyfriend back until after breakfast" you reached up and rubbed Steve between the eyebrows where the skin was pinched in worry.
"Anything for you, Angel" Steve broke out into a smile and sat back in his seat.

The rest of your morning was pretty standard. Once it was breakfast time you took a few minutes to get changed for the day while Steve and Bucky made a hasty exit to their rooms to do the same thing. You had breakfast where Clint was acting like an overly worried father and kept asking if you were eating enough, and you had Bruce also checking in to see if you needed anything for the pain.
Working on your reports you were as detailed as possible, but you finished before everyone else since you were in the jet for half the mission. You took Roxy for a walk while the boys worked on their reports, before having a quick lunch.
After lunch you had Clint, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, and Peter take one car while you took the other car with Steve back downtown to your old stomping grounds. Steve let you drive, and had his phone open. He was clearly reading the reports while you drove. You input the security code and made your way past the gates with the other car quickly behind you. You parked in front of your unit and got out, going to the padlock and unlocking it.
"I'm riding with you on the way back" Sam said as he got out of the SUV that Clint had drove.
"I'm with you. That was cramped" Bucky whined slightly as he stretched and you could hear the bones cracking.
"Isn't this the area that Tony found you, Princessa?" Pietro got out of the back seat.
"Yeah, this is just some of my old life I'm looking to get rid of" you nodded and got the lock off. Steve got out of the car and quickly reached for the door and pulled up to open the door and reveal the contents.
"What do you want us to do with all this stuff?" Peter asked curiously.
"Salvage what we can for the second hand stores, and..." you bit at your bottom lip but Clint put his hand on your shoulder.
"Garbage, although I'd like to burn it" Clint finished for you.
"Some of this is still good stuff" you shot back.
"I don't think even the second hand stores would sell this stuff" Sam walked into the enclosed space and looked around.
"Let me do a walk through" Clint walked in and squeezed past Sam. "What's this?" he asked, picking up a threadbare pillowcase full of scrunched up newspaper.
"My pillow" you said in a soft voice. You saw realization hit Peter and Pietro, and they wordlessly went for the couch first. Clint looked pained and you didn't dare to look at Sam, Steve or Bucky. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you regardless and the feel of that familiar beard and lips touch your forehead.
"I'm getting you a down filled pillow made of silk" Steve whispered to you. "Egyption cotton sheets, the works" he promised.
"Respectfully, I think this is all headed to the garbage" Sam sighed.
"Yeah, okay" you finally gave in.
"Go stand outside, Angel. We will take care of the rest" Steve gave another reassuring kiss. You nodded, swallowing your pride because you honestly wanted to argue, and you stood beside the car. The gentlemen all cleaned out the locker quickly and quietly leaving the couch and the mattress to the side of the trash bin at your request. Once the storage locker was completely empty you felt a little bit of relief seeing all of that gone. You also had a bit of anxiety hit you thinking that there was no going back now.
"You know kid, anything ever happens, you are coming to live with me" Clint whispered, coming over to you. He pulled you into a hug and you let out a shuddered breath, trying to hold back your tears. He pulled back, and Steve immediately wrapped his arms around you in a protective manner.
"I'll be buying some land next to yours and building her a farm house like yours" Steve declared. "In fact, I think that's what we are going to do."
"Steve" you giggled.
"I do like to have good neighbours," Clint smirked. "The kids would be over the moon if you two did that."
"Nat wouldn't like it unless she could do the same thing but with Bruce" Pietro pointed out.
"Pretty sure Doctor Banner would be up for it as long as it had a lab for him to work out of" Peter pointed out. "He's always in the lab," he added a little shyly.
"Not tomorrow though" Clint grinned.
"Ah yes, the father daughter day" Sam smirked.
"I had to promise Laura lots of pictures" Clint added good naturedly.
"Where are we headed papa Clint?" you asked with a small smile.
"Museum, and for supper. Just the three of us" Clint shrugged.
"That does sound like fun," you admitted.
"We'd better head back, its starting to get late and you know how Tony is a stickler for meal times" Sam reminded the group.
"I'll take the back seat" you offered.
"No, Bucky and Sam will be fine doll. I'll drive though" Steve gave you a kiss on top of your head. You nodded and everyone got into the cars again, only this time you had Bucky and Sam with you.
Steve decided to drive and you had to tell him the code to get out again before he started leading the way home. You felt emotionally exhausted, and couldn't help but stare out the window at the city streets you used to patrol and wonder if Tony had never found you, would you still be here or six feet under.

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