A good dream

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When you woke up in the morning to the smell of coffee and the lack of warmth from Steve's side of the bed. You could hear whispered conversation coming from the living room from what was clearly Bucky, Sam and Steve. You huffed slightly seeing that you were alone in the room, since Tom had stayed over with Bruce and Nat. You had a feeling Steve went back on his promise to wait for you to take out Roxy again, since she was absent from the room as well. You did a small stretch and rolled out of bed, turning around to make it quickly. You went to the bathroom to do your morning business and you heard the voices get hushed as you moved around your morning routine. You came back out and checked the time to see you had plenty of time to get ready for your date with Bruce and Clint still, so you grabbed a red satin housecoat and put it on. You stopped to check to make sure your hair looked okay before heading out of the room to see three men watching the door expectantly.
"Good morning Angel" Steve broke out into a smile.
"Someone forgot to wake me up to take Roxy out" you put your hands on your hips.
"Oh, someone's in the doghouse and it ain't Roxy" Sam quipped.
"It was my idea, Punky. I had a nightmare and texted him to go for an early morning run" Bucky seemed a little bashful.
"And just like that, he's forgiven" you smiled kindly and started heading towards the kitchenette.
"I already made your coffee, doll" Steve directed your attention to him. You nodded and walked towards him. You bent forward slightly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and he hummed in approval.
"Don't mind me, just gonna scoot in here" you moved in front of him, and sat on his muscular thighs. Bucky and Sam chuckled while Steve just wound his arms around your stomach and pulled you in more. You grabbed your mug of coffee and sipped at it, the sweet yet bitter taste hitting your approving taste buds. "What are we talking about?" you asked curiously.
"All the trouble we are going to get into while you are out for the day" Sam smirked.
"And what kind of trouble is that?" you asked with a slight giggle. You were still waking up and having issues with processing everything as quickly as you would like.
"We are moving everything over from my suite, except for the furniture" Steve quickly explained.
"I can't wait to see all your artwork on the walls" you smiled happily, and leaned back into him more. "Put it everywhere, I love it" you wriggled slightly on his lap and he chuckled from behind you.
"Done and done," Steve promised. "I'm also going to run out to get some more treats for Roxy and Tom while you are out. Sam and Bucky fed most of the bag to Roxy this morning. She's very happy with herself" he added with another chuckle.
"Ratting us out. You had a hand in that too big man" Sam shook his head with a grin.
"Did you have pleasant dreams?" Bucky asked you, trying to stay on your good side.
"I did, I had a dream that I lived in a ranch house with the entire team as neighbors" you smirked.
"I'll make that dream come true someday" Steve vowed.
"There was also a little Steve and a little me running around" you added with a sly grin, taking another sip of your coffee.
"I'm still going to make that part come true too" he smirked and kissed the back of your neck. "I'll make all of your dreams come true" he whispered to you.
"You are my dream come true" you whispered back and he kissed you again.
"Drink your coffee, you're making me want to try dating again" Bucky reminded you and you giggled.
"I do have a date to get ready for" you nodded and continued to sip at your coffee.
"Do you have enough time?" Sam asked and checked his watch. "Yeah, you've got time," he decided.
"I'm just finishing this and I'm headed to take a shower" you promised.
"I've got to go over the team missions for next week tonight, so if you aren't back in time Sam and Bucky are going to take Roxy for her nightly walk for us so you can just come home and have your tea" Steve advised you.
"Make sure I have some missions," you warned him.
"Baby..." he trailed off.
"No excuses" you added quickly.
"Okay" he sighed heavily and squeezed a little tighter. You knew he was against it, but he also knew this was a part of the job.

After you finished your coffee you gave Steve another kiss before getting up and heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. You took the time to shave, and then stood in front of the mirror and went for a natural look with reds and golds for eye shadow, and a soft red matte lip stain. Not too bold, but enough to get your point across. You then headed into your room and went to your closet to grab a black mid thigh length sweater dress, black thigh highs with a floral trim, a pair of black leather boots, and a cream scarf. You completed the look with a camel jacket and modeled yourself looking in the mirror. You had let your hair down in its natural state with a little bit of product to tame it in case of frizz. You were pleased with the results and came out to see Steve sitting alone in the living room. His jaw went slack as he looked at you, and he quickly set down his coffee cup.
"I am one lucky guy" he said and stood up. He took long strides towards you and he cupped your cheeks before his lips descended on yours in a hungry kiss. Gone was the man that had been holding back the last few days, and back was the man that kissed you like he could eat you alive. You gave a soft moan, and that seemed to entice him more. He moved one hand to the back of your head and walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. He used his other hand to run down your body until he got to your ass and he gave a soft squeeze before reaching down and grabbing your thigh. You wrapped your leg around his hip easily and he ran his hand up and down your leg and he groaned into the kiss. "Fuck you drive me crazy" he pulled back from the kiss and panting for air.
"You're the one that said not yet" you reminded him.
"You don't even have to get fully undressed" he continued to run his hand up and down your thigh.
"Steve" your words were caught in your throat when you heard a knock at the door.
"Fuck" he groaned and pulled away. You fixed yourself and he readjusted himself in his pants. You quickly went to answer the door to see Clint and Bruce both dressed up as well. Bruce had a pair of beige slacks on with a light blue button up shirt and a brown leather jacket, while Clint was dressed in black slacks, a white button up and black leather jacket.
"There's our girl. Are you ready? We are having breakfast on the go" Clint grinned and waved at Steve.
"I'm ready, we were just talking" you flushed slightly.
"Yeah, Nat and I did some talking earlier too" Bruce chuckled.
"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Clint laughed. "Come on, we have the car ready to go."
"I love you, have fun" Steve came over and kissed you on the cheek.
"I love you, don't work too hard" you turned and kissed him briefly on the lips. The raw hunger ignited in his eyes as he looked down at you and you had to clench your thighs together in response. The man certainly knew how to work you like a fiddle with even the briefest of looks.
Bruce offered his arm and you gladly took it, while Clint led the way. You were excited for the day you had ahead of you, and couldn't wait to see what they had in store for you.

Steve sighed heavily after closing the door and he leaned against it. The things you did to him... he couldn't wait to show you later. He looked over to see Roxy playing happily with one of her toys on the floor and he gave a soft smile.
"It's just you and me now," he sighed again. Roxy looked up at him and tilted her head to the side. She gave a small yip and he chuckled. "Just for now at least. Bucky and Sam will be coming back later, and we will be moving my stuff in," he continued talking to her. He made his way back to the coffee table and grabbed his empty mug and went to the kitchenette to fill it with coffee again, sweetening it to taste, before going back to the couch to sit down.
He looked around the room, mentally thinking of where he was going to put all of the paintings and where he was going to set up his record player and art station. He briefly considered putting some stuff into one of the storage units that Tony provided to everyone on the team, but quickly put that idea out of his head. He knew there was enough room for both of you.
He paused for a moment, and reached for his tablet and cleared his throat. Something about that dream you had mentioned had him thinking. Next week is Thanksgiving, but Christmas was right around the corner. He had an idea now of what he wanted to give you, but it was a matter of putting the plan into action. He looked up the area that Clint's family lives in, and started a search for real estate.
He was in luck, there was a bit of land for sale, and it wasn't too far from where they lived and he looked at the price. It was affordable for his needs. He opened a new browser window and started looking for an architect to build a house that would be ready come next summer. There were so many choices, and he decided he would defer to Tony to find a good one. He wanted it to be a surprise, but he also wanted to make sure he got the best of the best, because that was the least that you deserved.
He heard a knock at the door and got up quickly, drinking down his full cup of coffee and putting his tablet to the side.
"Hey punk" Bucky let himself in.
"Hey ya jerk, I thought you were taking a shower" Steve smiled.
"No, I just wanted to give you a moment with your girl. It's time for breakfast" Bucky grinned. "What are you looking at?" he asked, seeing a large house on Steve's tablet.
"Never mind that for now. Let's get some chow" Steve shook his head and put his mug in the kitchenette before following Bucky to go downstairs for breakfast.

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