Young Tom

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You took a moment to compose yourself before opening the door to your suite. When you pushed open the door you saw a maze of boxes half unpacked and art stacked against the walls on the floor. In the middle of the room on the couch and chair were Bucky, Steve and Sam with a beer each in their hands and laughing happily while unpacking boxes.
"Hey!" Steve turned in his seat and he went from smiling to immediately being concerned. He dropped his beer on the end table and he vaulted himself over the back of the couch coming straight towards you, and wrapping his arms around you. "What happened?" he asked in a hushed voice.
"I'm okay baby, they took me to see my parents" you said softly. "I didn't know..." you lost your words as he stilled suddenly and both Sam and Bucky had gone completely silent. "I was just so touched" you finally broke your silence. "You all have been taking care of them, and I had no idea" you shook your head against his heavily muscled chest.
"Everyone adores you Punky, of course we would all chip in" Bucky told you quickly.
"There's even a bench" you pulled back and smiled up at Steve who gave a small smile and a nod.
"Tony told us he had it installed for when you wanted to go visit" Steve admitted. "Can I come with you next time?"

"You have to, I promised them" you gave a sweet smile.
"Sounds like a good date" Steve leaned down and brushed his lips lightly against your own.
"I need to get the last of my makeup off" you announced, pulling back from his embrace.
"Did you need some help?" Steve asked with a twinkle in his eye, resting his hand on the crook of your neck and he ran his thumb up and down your jugular sending delightful shivers up your spine.
"No," you giggled with a roll of your eyes. "You should keep unpacking, and where are the stars and stripes?" you asked, looking at the refrigerator.
"I left it at my old place," Steve said with hesitation.
"Bucky, I want you to switch the fridges please, and I'll give you another beer" you kept your eyes on Steve's.
"She speaks my language" Bucky got up quickly and left the room.
"I didn't know you were attached" Steve smirked.
"When it comes to you? Of course" you leaned up on your tip toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before tapping him twice and the chest and walking through the maze of boxes to the bathroom. You turned around to look at Steve over your shoulders and his eyes were almost smoldering, and you knew you had him where you wanted him. As long as you didn't pass out first. You closed the bathroom door and quickly locked it, before bending down and taking off your boots first. You kicked them off and stood on your feet, thankful to be out of heels finally. You heard Steve go and close the bedroom door as well and you sighed happily, knowing he was probably thinking further ahead than you were. You pulled off all your clothes until you were clad in just your bra and panties, and then proceeded to wash your face.
"Hey Punky, you got a penguin?" Sam called into the bathroom.
"Yeah, I also got Steve and I matching keychains for our room keys from the museum" you called back as you massaged your makeup removal cream into your face.
"Thank you, I love them!" Steve called to you. You smiled to yourself and proceeded to wash the cream off your face and dab it dry. You then used a night cream, and brushed your hair out feeling like you were catching your third wind of the day. You heard Bucky come back into the room and he was barking orders to Steve that he wanted him to empty the other fridge for him, and that he wasn't going to miss out on his free beer from you. You heard Steve chuckle, but there was movement coming from the small kitchenette. You picked up your clothes and boots and made your way to the bedroom seeing there were a lot of Steve's unpacked belongings now added with your own. It seemed he had kept the entirety of the mess to the living room. You put your clothes into the dirty laundry hamper, hung up your jacket and put your boots away before putting on a pair of black satin pajama bottoms and took off your bra to replace it with one of Steve's white t-shirts. You smirked to yourself when you noticed your nipples sticking out, so you put on one of his flannel shirts as well, knowing full well he would complain that you aren't wearing enough layers to go outside.
You came out of the closet to see Tom was laying on the bed, but you hadn't seen Roxy which you found strange.
"Baby, where's Roxy?" you called out.
"She's been with Nat all day since we were moving. She tried to take Tom too, but he's been hiding in the bedroom" Steve called back.
"Bucky, how is my fridge coming?" you called as you picked up Tom and gave him a kiss on top of the head.
"This punk is taking his sweet time emptying your old fridge but it's coming along. You want us to boil the water for your tea while we are here?" Bucky called back.
"Yes please" you nodded to yourself, since it was only you and Tom in the room. You cuddled your kitty for a few extra minutes, sitting on the side of the bed. You noticed that Steve had taken the time to change the sheets and blankets and your bed was now sporting pink Egyption Cotton sheet and pillow cases as well as a pink satin comforter. You had no idea that you even had any, but the tell tale bags in the garbage by the bed told you that Steve had gotten an order in from Amazon today and had done this especially for you. "Does my kitty love his new bedding?" you cooed to Tom.
"You noticed?" Steve asked from the other room.
"I love it, thank you my love" you raised your voice slightly. "I can't wait to sleep in it"
"I doubt ya'll will be sleeping" Sam chuckled and you heard Bucky join in. You waited a few more minutes still holding Tom, when you heard something large was moved again and the door opened and closed again. You heard the tell tale sounds of a fridge being filled and the whistle of the kettle going off. You gave Tom another kiss on top of the head and got up, setting him to the side on the pillow. You stood up on your sore feet and padded your way to the door, opening it up and emerging into the living room again. You saw Steve was filling his fridge and your fridge was gone. Sam was almost done with another box, and put the last of the sketchbooks on one of the bookshelves.
"Found his clothes?" Sam chuckled, motioning his hands to your upper half.
"They are comfy" you smirked and saw Steve turn around and give a double take. His eyes gave that promise again, that tonight you wouldn't be sleeping if he could help it, and he gave a slow, sexy smile.
"You look good enough to eat" Steve said in a rougher voice than usual, and you could tell he really meant that.
"I need a shower" you giggled, making your way towards him.
"In the morning" Steve pulled you to him as soon as you got close enough and he kissed you hard on the lips causing you to give an unintentional moan in the back of your throat. He pulled you in even more and his hands traveled down to your backside and he squeezed your ass in full view of Sam. Your hands went to the nape of Steve's neck and your fingers toyed with his hair. Steve leaned more into the kiss, deepening it while slipping his tongue past your lips and massaging it against your own. You were surprised he was being so brazen in front of his friend, but you didn't mind it. You vaguely heard a door open and a chuckle come from behind you before Steve pulled back from the kiss. You could feel his rock hard erection pressing into your stomach, and he didn't seem phased at all, in fact he had a proud look on his face.
"I do believe I was promised a beer" Bucky said from behind you and you jumped slightly, but Steve and Bucky chuckled.

"Beer?" you asked, still taken aback by the kiss. "Beer!" you said a little louder and pulled away from Steve's warm embrace. You opened the fridge and grabbed Bucky a beer, popping off the top before handing it to him. He smiled triumphantly and took a long swig of beer. Steve turned around and went about making you your tea, just the way you liked it.
"Angel, please go put something on your feet. You'll catch a cold" Steve said, giving you a pleading look.
"Okay, I'll be right back" you nodded and quickly made a retreat back to the bedroom. You put on your soft tan uggs and while you were in the bedroom you could hear Roxy whining through the open bedroom window.
"Songbird, I'm waiting!" Nat called in, and you giggled. The woman didn't miss a thing. "And don't forget Tom" she added quickly.
"I'm coming mama Nat" you promised, hurrying back into the living room. Steve was waiting with your tea held out to you, and you took it. "Thank you" you blew him a kiss. "Are you boys coming?" you asked expectantly.
"Right behind you" Steve promised.
"What about all these boxes?" Sam asked in surprise.
"We will get to it tomorrow, not tonight" Steve shook his head. You saw Steve hand both Bucky and Sam a fresh beer each, and grabbed one for himself before they started following your lead. You opened up the door to the balcony and picked up Tom with one hand before making your way outside. Nat was in one of her black shorts and Bruce's sleeping shirts, and Bruce was in a full pajama set in the color of dark purple. Roxy immediately started whining even louder and yipping while jumping at the separation between the two balconies. You quickly set down your tea, while Bruce stood up and he helped Roxy over the separator, then held out his hands and you handed him Tom. Tom immediately started to purr the moment he was in Bruce's arms and Bruce gave him a kiss on top of his furry head. Roxy got up on your back paws and put her front ones on your stomach and started barking for attention. You couldn't help but giggle and you started scratching her behind her large ears.
"Hi sweetheart, I missed you so much today!" you told her quickly.
"She obviously missed you" Nat said, reaching past Bruce to pet Tom as well.
"I'm glad someone was taking care of her. Thank you mama Nat" you beamed at her.
"She's welcome company" Nat shrugged. "Scott came over for a bit and took her for a walk too with Thor and Loki. Loki probably won't admit it but he's as attached to the fur babies as the rest of us. He was looking for Tom too"
"Tom was taking up residence on the new comforter and pillow cases" you giggled as you sat down and Roxy jumped up onto your lap. You held her close for a few minutes and waited until she finally calmed down. You looked around and saw that the boys had set up the balcony a bit better with the table and chairs, and had moved down your swing and tables a bit closer to Nat and Bruce's place. "Does Roxy need to go for a night time walk tonight?" you asked, looking over again, feeling pleased with the new set up.
"No, she just got back before you got home," Nat smiled. "I heard you met some fans" she chuckled as you flushed.
"She was the sweetest little girl Nat, and she was named after you. We made a small scene in the museum, but that was all. We behaved ourselves" you promised.
"You three were trending on social media. I didn't miss out on a thing, except when you went to visit your parents. Thankfully, that was kept private" she nodded.
"Thank goodness" you sighed with relief. "I don't need people knowing that much about me," you added, and Roxy jumped off your lap. Steve was quick to pull you under his arm and he leaned back with ease to watch the sunset. You leaned into him, and he was emitting a lot of body heat.
"So tell me about your day, songbird?" Nat asked.
"Yeah Punky, we didn't have time to look at social media, unlike your boyfriend who could barely stay off of it" Bucky chuckled.
"We went to the museum and I met a little girl and her parents, and a nice museum attendee that were fans. We went for breakfast at Cora's, and we went to the museum cafe for lunch. We went to the Aquarium, and went to a fancy restaurant for supper. I got some keychains, and a penguin. Then I went to see my parents and I had a bit of a cry, it's been so long" you sighed to yourself. "Now I'm just exhausted, but feeling terribly loved," you admitted.
"We should do it more often as a family, but we will try to go more undercover," Bruce grinned.
"Maybe next time" you moved away from Steve and grabbed your large mug of tea and took a sip. He had made it perfectly. You hummed happily and leaned into him again.
"Well, you missed the sunset, but this is pretty nice too," Nat pointed out.
"We get to watch the moon" you smiled at her.
"If Tony would turn off those outdoor lights we could probably see the stars better" Sam decided.
"But then we wouldn't see each other" you giggled. "Let's just enjoy the night for what it is" you sighed happily again, and nuzzled your head into Steve.
"Just for the record, we are keeping Tom for the night" Bruce warned you and you laughed.
"I don't think young Tom would have it any other way" you looked over to see your cat was in complete Heave getting fed some small treats from Bruce's palm.  

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