Afternoon Snuggles

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Steve got down on the bed and as promised, he snuggled you close while you rested against his firm chest. Your cheeks were still scarlet from the near promise of more pleasure later, and you wondered what all he had in store for you. Roxy jumped up on the bed and curled up into your back while Tom laid on your hip. Steve's hands danced along your shoulders and back where he could reach, and you just listened to his heart beat.
"What did you do while I was gone?" you asked finally, knowing it was getting close to meal time.
"I did a lot of art, I started going for my runs again. I took Roxy for a few runs, she seemed to like them. We sat out on the balcony every morning and every night, just like I would do if I were with you" he kissed the top of your head.
"Will I ever get to see your drawings?" you asked, looking up at him.
"If I finish one that I think you'll like" he flushed a little, realizing again that you were the main subject matter in his drawings.
"I'm sure I'd like all of them" you sighed, laying your head back on his chest and listening intently to his heart again. It was racing now, and you wondered why. "Why is your heart racing?" you finally asked.
"If you saw my sketchbooks, you would see that you are all I was paying attention to for the last year" he admitted softly.
"I want to see them" you looked up at him. "It can't be that bad," you blushed.
"No, I was that bad," he chuckled. "Even while you were gone, I found myself sketching you from memory"
"What kind of drawings?" you asked, raising an eyebrow and looking up at him again.
"Looking down and seeing you sleeping on my chest is the last one I finished. It's not exactly a drawing I would show to anyone else" he gave a half smile. "I may not have put in your nightgown in the picture," he added.
"So I look naked?" you asked with flushed cheeks.
"Just the way I imagined you" he had the good sense to flush a bit. He didn't want to lie to you.
"You imagine me naked?" you asked, a little surprised.
"Why would that surprise you? Haven't I made my intentions with you clear? Or do you need a reminder?" he asked and looked down at your lips. "I'm more than happy to do a repeat"
"Why did you bite my butt?" you asked, changing the subject, desperately wanting a repeat performance.
"Maybe you looked good enough to eat. Maybe I was marking my territory" he chuckled. "I know you liked it" he added with a wink, and started pulling you to move up more. You shimmied up so your face was next to his, and Tom meowed indignantly and jumped off your hip, moving to the spare pillows instead. "Now, about that repeat performance" his gaze lowered to your lips. He moved slowly, giving you time to move away but you remained in your spot. His lips brushed against yours and his hand came up behind your head to pull you in closer. His tongue brushed along your bottom lip and you opened up for him eagerly and he deepened the kiss. He gave a soft moan, pushing you backwards onto the bed. Roxy moved quickly to the side while Steve put his hands on either side of your body as he settled himself between your legs, and he was keeping his weight off of you while he continued to kiss you. You could feel his considerable girth pressing against your clit and he pushed his hips more into you. You wrapped your legs around him automatically, wanting so much more from him. He continued to ravish your mouth and ground his hips into you making you whimper in his arms. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours, both of you panting for a breath of air.
"Was that enough of a reminder?" he asked with a slight chuckle.
"Mm hmm" you nodded quickly.
"Good, because I want you to be my good girl and go put your sweater back on. We have to go for supper, and I want you to relax tonight. I'll take Roxy out for a walk with the boys, and come back up for tea with you" he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Are you spending the night?" you asked, feeling a little breathless.
"You couldn't keep me away if you tried" he got up off of you, and you grabbed your sweater from the floor and put it on. You zipped up the front, feeling a little self conscious because your nipples were taught again from what little making out you and Steve had just done. Steve held out his hand and you quickly took it and he led you out of your suite with Roxy and Tom in tow.

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