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"You need to give me details" Nat suddenly announced while the pair of you were walking around the compound. Roxy seemed content to be going slowly and taking in all of the scents around her.
"Details?" you asked, your mind back with your stolen kisses and cuddles with Steve. You still couldn't believe you went on a real date with him. It was so easy to be around him.
"How was your date?" she rolled her eyes at your cluelessness.
"It was wonderful. Steve brought me out for breakfast, and then for a walk where we got hot chocolate" your face broke out into a smile.
"Please tell me he made a move" she moved in a little closer, seeming to get more invested in the conversation.
"A move?" you felt your palms getting sweaty, where she was already zeroing in on what she wanted.
"You know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb" she chuckled.
"He made his move before today" you blushed, mumbling your response.
"It's the day you lost your temper, isn't it?" she asked knowingly. You didn't have the ability to respond, feeling a little embarrassed about that display. The kiss that followed though, that had been amazing. You still dreamed about that kiss. Hell, you dreamed about all of his kisses. "I knew it" she giggled to herself as you both stopped while Roxy wanted to investigate her surroundings a little more.
"He seems to want to know more about my past.." you started, speaking in a whisper.
"And you're afraid he's going to judge you about all that time before we found you" she nodded knowingly.
"Is it wrong, that I'm just enjoying him not knowing?" you bit your bottom lip unsurely. "I mean, I don't want him to judge me"
"He's the last person that would judge you. You shouldn't be ashamed of what you went through. It made you a stronger person, Songbird" Nat put her arm over your shoulders. "I'm still impressed you managed to handle two or three jobs while you lived on the street while you were still learning about your abilities. It makes you make more sense, that you like your satin and lace so much"
"Am I that bad?" you asked, looking at her.
"I think I'm one of the few people that know you buy it all on sale" she gave a half smile.
"I like saving money" you defended yourself a little bit.
"I know Songbird, so what was it like?" she changed the subject and you knew she was talking about the kiss.
"Wonderful" you sighed softly. "He sure knows how to kiss" you licked your lips at the memory of it. "He knows how to touch a woman" you purred at the memory.
"I always knew you two would make a cute couple," Nat sighed happily. "Is she almost done?" she asked, looking at Roxy.
"I think so, she's just sniffing around. She's getting used to the grounds really" you smiled down at Roxy, and gave her a treat from out of your pocket as the pair of you turned back around and started heading back the way you came.
"She will get used to everything around here soon enough" Nat wound her arm through yours as Roxy followed close beside you. "Everything aside, I think you should tell Steve when you're ready. He won't judge you, he's too good of a guy for that"
"I'll think about it" you nodded a little shyly.
"I'm looking forward to tea time even more now. Do I get to tease Steve that he jumped the gun and kissed you before the first date?" Nat grinned mischievously.
"No, you certainly can not" you blushed and pulled your arm away to slap her playfully on her upper arm, causing her to chuckle.
"I'll leave the teasing to the boys I suppose" she gave a dramatic sigh.

"Finally" Loki was standing outside your suite door. "I wanted to borrow one of your books, but I didn't want to enter your suite while you were away"
"You know you can go in and look at the books anytime, Loki" you gave a warm smile, and bent forward to unclasp the leash from Roxy. "I've told you that many times before"
"One should never enter a lady's quarters without her present or without her consent" Loki shook his head.
"If that's how you feel, I respect that, however, the invitation is still there" you hummed as you walked into your suite and headed straight for your purse and pulled out Loki's tea box and handed it to him, before retrieving the second tea box and going to the kitchenette. Roxy anxiously followed you there, and you got the kettle ready to make some tea.
"I'm going to my place to make some tea with Bruce, and I'll meet you on the balcony" Nat announced, and quickly left, closing the door behind her. Loki went about looking at all of your bookshelves, and you waited patiently for the water to boil. Roxy sat at your feet and gave a small whine, and you took a treat out of your pocket and fed it to her. Once the water boiled you made tea for both you and Loki, using your large yellow mugs.
"May I?" Loki showed you his selection of one of your books and you gave a quick nod. "Are you going to tell your soldier that you are going outside?" he asked, a hint of a smile on his lips.
"I probably should" your cheeks flushed, and you grabbed your phone out of your pocket and texted Steve that you and Loki were headed outside for tea. Tom let out a small meow from the couch, and was sprawled out on the loveseat, seeming to be loving life. You handed Loki his tea, and you followed him outside, leaving the balcony and bedroom door open for Tom if he wanted to come out. Roxy came outside immediately and laid down on the balcony floor close to you. Loki used his magic to summon himself a chair across you, leaning back against the railing, while you were perched on your swing. You heard movement to Nat's side, and both she and Bruce came out and sat at their little table. Bruce was carrying both cups of tea and set them down. Loki nodded to them both, and opened up the book you lent him.
"Did you have a good day, Starshine?" Bruce asked after a few minutes.
"I did, it's been a wonderful day," you gave a broad smile, and you thought back to the stolen kisses with Steve. Loki gave a small chuckle. "Out of my head, you" you looked at Loki with a quick glare.
"I do love your devious mind" Loki responded easily. "Ah, here we are" he looked towards Steve's balcony door, and the door opened a moment later. Steve walked out with a steaming mug, and he automatically stepped over the railing and came to sit down beside you. He put his mug down on the small side table beside him, and he reached out for your hand. You gave a shy smile and took his hand with your free hand. He pulled softly on your hand and you leaned towards him, and he let go of your hand and wrapped his arm across your shoulders.
"How was your day, Steve?" Nat asked with a knowing smile.
"It was great, I had one of the best day's" Steve gave a broad smile. "Bucky and Sam are coming, by the way" he turned his attention to you.
"Well, you haven't been going for your evening walk lately" you gave a shy smile.
"I have something better to do," he whispered into the shell of your ear. You felt your face get heated, and you bit your bottom lip in response. Bucky came out of Steve's bedroom door within seconds of that comment, carrying a steaming mug of what smelled like hot chocolate and he took one of the chairs on Steve's side of the balcony and he swung it over the railing very casually, setting it down, and he stepped over the railing and gave a satisfied smile as he sat down.
"How are you Bucky?" you asked politely.
"Good, more importantly, how are you?" he asked maintaining eye contact while he took a sip of his hot chocolate and sipped loudly. Loki cringed and looked at him with a bit of a glare.
"I'm good," you found yourself snuggling in more to Steve. You took a sip of your tea while Bucky studied both you and Steve with a playful grin on his face.
"I see how it is" Sam's voice came from further down, at his suite's balcony. "You said you were going to tell me when you were going" he called down to Bucky.
"I knocked on your wall" Bucky shrugged, barely sparing him a glance.
"The room's are soundproof Tinman! How the heck am I supposed to hear that?" Sam started making his way down, stepping over railings. He got to Steve's balcony and he grabbed a chair and swung it over the railing and set it down beside Bucky and hopped over and sat down with a huff. "Asshat" Sam growled at Bucky.
"I technically let you know," Bucky grinned.
"You came out through Steve's suite" you pointed out, a little confused.
"I was in my room before I came to Stevie's," Bucky shrugged.

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