Doctor Cho's findings

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"You're ten weeks, approximately," Doctor Cho announced. Your morning has been busy since leaving breakfast. You went straight to the medical bay, and after asking Doctor Cho to keep the meeting off the books, and after a lot of convincing, she finally agreed. Steve snuck in after you were dressed in a paper gown and already on the examining table. She went to shoo him out, but you insisted that you wanted him to stay. She initially got you to take a pregnancy test, and when it came back positive she did an internal exam to assess you with a probe. It was cold and uncomfortable, but Steve held your hand for the duration of it. She turned on a screen and you saw two little beans in a black mass. "Twins" she added with satisfaction and your jaw automatically opened while Steve had to sit down and was barely holding back tears.

She turned on another switch and you could hear two little heartbeats going rapidly and it was like music to your ears. You heard Steve sniff and you looked at him, squeezing his hand tightly.
"Baby?" you asked.

"You really are my Angel" he said, looking at you with so much adoration for you and your two children growing in your womb. "You truly are a gift from God," he took your hand and kissed the back of it. "I just..." he trailed off as the tears started to fall down his cheeks. "I always dreamed of this. And we were able to create this together with our love for each other. I can't begin to put how much I love you and these babies into words," he sniffed and got up and he kissed you lovingly on the lips before pulling away and grabbing the tissue that Dr.Cho offered to him. He still continued to hold one of your hands as he wiped his eyes and he sat down beside you again.
"Do we know if they are girls, boys, or one of each?" you asked hopefully.
"That's at 18 to 21 weeks" Doctor Cho said kindly. "Even then, it's not a hundred percent accurate," she added as she updated your file.

"I just want them to be healthy," Steve sighed happily. "Should we pull her from the field?" Steve asked and you growled in response looking at him with a glare.
"Well, it's a dangerous job. That's your and Tony's call, Captain" she said lightly.
"Did you hear her?" Steve asked teasingly. "I'm the boss," he added with a smirk.

"As long as I'm careful, which I always am, I can still be on active duty" you pointed out. "My body, my choice" you added with your own smirk. "At least until I start showing" you touched his bearded cheek and you could tell he didn't like it, but he was willing to submit to you.
"Yes, I know" Steve huffed a little.
"Now will my giant teddy bear give me a few minutes to change?" you asked, batting your eyes.
"What if you need supervision?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows and you giggled. You got off the table and went back into the changing room. You heard hushed conversations between Steve and Doctor Cho, and when you came back he had a prescription in his hand.
"What's that?" you asked.
"Vitamins that you need to start taking as soon as possible. I'm going to run to the pharmacy to pick them up and you can take them with lunch, and then going forward before breakfast" Steve grinned.
"Okay, I better get to the lab" you gave Steve a quick kiss on the lips and he hummed against your lips. You smiled at him lovingly, and ran your fingers through his hair and he moaned softly.
"I better get you to the lab" Steve said with a mischievous glint in his eye and he suddenly picked you up and you burst out laughing with glee, wrapping your legs around him. He carried you out of the room and into the lab where Tony, Bruce, Peter and Pietro were already working. The sound of your joyful laughter along with Steve's chuckle brought all of their attention to you as you came into the room.
"There you two are" Tony turned off his monitor that looks suspiciously like a medical file on the screen. He gave a large smile like he just had a new toy and he gestured to the desk that he had assigned you the week before. "Please have a seat" he said candidly. "How was your appointment?"
"Very good, Tony" Steve smiled as he sat you down in your chair and he gave you a soft but lingering kiss on the lips before pulling away.
"Anything I should know?" he asked innocently.
"Nope, business as usual" you gave your best smile.
"Right, right" Tony nodded but didn't go away. "So today, you are just copying the dates and amount of money transferred in terrorist financing and putting them into an excel sheet. Should only take a couple of hours" he rapped the desk three times and seemed to still be hovering.
"I love you" Steve kissed you on top of the head before making his exit.
"Will you be okay? DId you need anything?" Tony asked. "Bottle of water, cup of tea?" he asked knitting his hands in front of his body. Bruce, Peter, and Peitro looked over with confused faces and you didn't notice anything really because you were on cloud nine.
"I'll go get some water actually" you nodded and went to stand up.
"No, I'll grab you a bottle from my fridge" he stopped you before you got up fully and went to his fridge that he kept close to his suits and brought you back a bottle of Fiji water back to you that was perfectly chilled.
"Thank you, Tony!" you smiled brightly as he twisted off the cap and gave it to you. You took a long drink, enjoying the feel of it and set it down on the desk.
"I'll be right over here if you want to talk" Tony went back to his suits after hovering still for a few extra minutes while you had gotten to work. The other three men in the lab looked terribly confused but seemed to think better of asking any questions and finally looked away while Tony hid his monitor as he turned the screen back on. You didn't see him encrypting the data and saving to the personal drive and blocking it from Shields access. You didn't see him come over and check on you several times, you only noticed that he kept replenishing your water source. You didn't think anything of it when he walked carefully behind you as you made your way to the dining room for lunch, or when he told you that you were instructed to go get some sleep for the rest of the day. You were too happy and elated for your news, to notice that Tony was protecting you the only way he could without you telling him outright what was really going on.

After lunch you were armed with Roxy and Tom when you went up to your shared suite, wishing silently that Steve was there to join you. Roxy seemed to understand the assignment and curled into Steve's side of the bed immediately while you got in under the fluffy blue duvet. You opened a window to let a breeze come into the bedroom before completely settling down, and Tom came in and jumped up on your hip automatically. His purr filled the room and you felt at ease. There was only one thing missing. Your big teddy bear of a man.
You took out your phone and read over the mission docket for the week and sighed seeing that Steve had kept his promise. You were staying on missions, but you were definitely away from the action. He put you as backup to stay with the jet instead, and requested that Nat come on the missions to go in for the data. You rolled your eyes at his protectiveness and sighed as you rubbed your lower abdomen. You knew this was likely for the best, however you almost wished you could still go in on the action. It's where you felt like you flourished. Staying invisible with a jet seemed a little boring.but it's what you were assigned, so you were going to follow through.
The thought of Steve being down in the gym in his grey sweatpants and white t-shirt started to hover in your mind, making you think of all the things you wanted to do to him. Almost like a dream you heard the front door open to the suite and the sound of shoes being kicked off before Steve suddenly appeared at the bedroom door with a smile on his face.
"Hey Angel," he said softly.
"Hi baby" you sighed happily and patted an empty portion of the bed. Steve didn't need much more prompting and he walked to the end of the bed and the bed moved slightly as he started crawling down behind you. Tom moved up more to be on your hip as Steve shimmied in behind you and wrapped his arm around you, and pulled you flat against his body.
"How is my little mama doing?" he asked, kissing you softly behind your shoulder.
"So excited" you wriggled your butt up against him and he groaned as his erection grew.
"I have the same sentiment" he nipped at the flesh of your neck. "Gimme" he chuckled as you pulled you closer and started sucking softly. You broke into a fit of giggles and squirmed, causing Tom to jump down and just lay with Roxy instead. His hand went to your lower stomach and he splayed his fingers there as he held you close. "We have time..." he said, his voice insinuating he wanted more.
"Baby, I need a nap" you giggled. "I know you won't let me sleep tonight" you added as you looked at him over your shoulder.
"Well, you are right about that," he chuckled.
"I've been thinking..." you drifted off, bringing up something that had occurred to you earlier while you were working. "If one of them is a girl, I want to call her Sarah" you whispered. "After your mom" you could feel him smiling into your back.
"What did I ever do to deserve you" he hummed as he rubbed his hand in circular and clockwise motions.
"You simply existed, and that's all I'll ever need. I want to know what I did to deserve you" you countered.
"You breathed" he kissed you softly. "Get some sleep while you can" he ordered and you giggled, closing your eyes and feeling pretty content.

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