Nothing less than forever

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Steve woke up first in the morning to his face getting licked by Roxy. She was giving a soft whine, and he knew she wanted to go outside. You were still nestled between his arms and snoring softly. He strongly thought about leaving you and taking her out, but he remembered he had made a promise that he wouldn't do that to you again, and he gave you a kiss on top of your head.
"Wake up, sleeping beauty" he dipped his head down to whisper in your ear. You gave a soft moan and blinked a few times as you slowly woke up. Roxy didn't give you much longer to yourself before she let out a loud bark and you jumped slightly. "How about I take out your little princess, and you get started on the coffee?" Steve suggested seeing the slightly disgruntled look on your face.
"I should be taking her out" you shook your head.
"We are a team, let me take her out baby doll," he kissed you on top of your head. "Make yourself at home, I'll be back in a few minutes," he clearly wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Can I borrow one of your sweaters?" you asked as he slipped out of bed.
"Make yourself at home, treat it like it's your place too" Steve gave a quick smile, and he put on his sweat pants and a hoodie. You nodded and followed him out of bed. Roxy vaulted herself off of the bed and pranced to the bedroom door, letting out another sharp bark. You went to Steve and got up on your tiptoes, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. A smile broke out on his face as you pulled away, and you flushed slightly at the way he was looking at you. Roxy let out a long whine, but your eyes were transfixed on Steve's. He closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you hard on the lips. "I'll be back for another one," he promised, giving a quick wink. You watched as he quickly led Roxy out of the suite and you quickly went to the bathroom. You washed your face after using the facilities and washed your hands. You took the time to brush your teeth before you came back out and you changed into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, along with one of Steve's zip up hoodies. You took the time to make the bed, and fluff the pillows before you slowly made your way out to the living room and kitchenette area. You rummaged through his cupboards, and to your surprise he had some of the tea that you preferred, and some honey there. You grabbed the coffee grounds and started making coffee. You took two cups out of the cupboard and put in the sugar and cream, then stood back and waited for the coffee to finish brewing.
Once it was done, you filled the two cups and brought them into the living room and set them down on the coffee table before you took a seat. You grabbed your romance novel while Tom crawled up onto your lap. You started really getting into your book, periodically taking a sip of your coffee when the door opened up behind you and in walked both Steve and Bucky.
"Good morning" you said in a soft, sing-song voice.
"Mornin" Bucky nodded his head to you with a bit of a smirk. "It's my turn to babysit" he chuckled as he sat down on the well stuffed leather chair, while Roxy went to get a drink from one of her dishes.

"Oh?" you asked, as Steve took the seat beside you and immediately wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in closer to him.
"I was just drafted," he chuckled.
"We aren't going to be out that long, are we?" you looked at Steve in confusion.
"We might be" Steve gave a secret smile, and leaned forward to grab his coffee mug and took a few long gulps. "You made it perfectly" he smirked at you, rewarding you with a kiss on the cheek.
"I pay attention too" you giggled at the scratchy kiss.
"You two kids have some big plans today, are you ready?" Bucky asked, holding his coffee mug he had brought in with him. He took a long sip, looking at the two of you curiously over the lip of the cup.
"I'm not sure what those plans are, but I'm ready," you giggled again. "Well, once I get showered and changed" you recanted it a little.
"You'll have a swell time" he promised quickly. "If that punk kid doesn't take care of you, just come to me. I'll knock sense into him" he added with a wicked smile.
"There will be none of that ya jerk. I know my lady," Steve said proudly, and saw that you had just finished your cup of coffee. He quickly grabbed it and went into the kitchen to give you a refill, adding the cream and sugar the way you like it. He came back and set it down with flourish.
Bucky and Steve started talking about the gym schedule for the week, and the mission coming up on Wednesday while you took out your phone to look at the news as well as the mission docket for the week. They bantered back and forth for a while, and you lost your concentration a few times and giggled while they continued. Steve was sitting right beside you, with one arm protectively around your shoulders the entire time. The only time he moved his arm was to go refill his coffee. Tom never left your lap for the entirety of the morning as you continued to pet him.
You finished your coffee and Steve quickly took the mug, going over to the sink to wash both mugs and the coffee maker. Bucky made his excuses that he was going down to breakfast first and made a hasty exit while you waited on Steve. Once he was done, you picked up Tom as you stood up and Steve put his hand in the small of your back as he led you downstairs to breakfast.

During breakfast Nat fought with Bucky that she was taking Tom for the day, and she wasn't taking no for an answer. Sam tried to fight Bucky for Roxy, but lost. He met Bucky halfway, and decided he was going to spend the day in his suite. You knew that Tom had really settled the argument between Nat and Bucky when he jumped up onto Bruce's lap when breakfast was done, and Bruce broke out into a boyish grin and just started to carry him away.
You had gone upstairs and took your time to make sure to take a long hot shower and to exfoliate after shaving. When you came out you put on a dark brown smokey eyeshadow, cat eyeliner, and a bold red look. You were definitely rocking a glamorous look. You dried your hair and left it down naturally when you were done before leaving the bathroom and going into your closet. You put on a scarlet red satin thong and matching strapless bra before grabbing your little black strapless dress that clung to all of your curves perfectly, and had a small slit from where the hem ended at your feet to nearly your hip. You grabbed a pair of red strap up heels that were satin as well, and had a closed toe. You tied them up and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had a moment of anxiety, and wondered if you had overdone it, but you knew it was almost lunch time, and Steve had promised to be at your door by lunch. You went and put your diamond earrings back in and necklace back on and looked at the completed look again. You grabbed your lipstick and a compact and slipped it into a red clutch with your wallet and phone. You grabbed your black leather jacket and had it in your hand when you heard a polite knock on your door. You quickly walked across the wooden floor with your heels tapping against the wood. You opened the door to see Steve standing there with his beard freshly trimmed in a pair of black dress slacks, a white long sleeved button up, a black suit jacket and wearing a rolex watch. He was also wearing a pair of shined up dress shoes. He had a dozen roses in his hand and still had his hand up to knock again at the door and he stopped with a look of shock and awe on his face as he took in your outfit. He had his hair brushed back out of his face.
"Hi" was all he got out at first, still looking you up and down slowly. "You look gorgeous" he finally found the words he was looking for.
"Only for my Captain" you purred looking at him. He looked positively scrumptious.
"These are for you" he presented you with the roses. You took a deep inhale of their scent and went to your kitchenette to grab a vase. He came into the suite and put his hands in his pockets as he watched you with a hint of a smile on his face. You snipped the tips off of the roses and put them in water before bringing the vase to your coffee table and proudly putting it in the center. You reached for your leather jacket again, and Steve snapped it up first and held it open for you to put it on. You slipped into your jacket and he brushed your hair back to give you a kiss on your cheek. You turned around and found yourself face to face with him and he was looking at you hungrily. "You need your passport" he said, his gaze on your lips.
"Do I need my passport?" you asked in confusion.
"We are taking the jet first," he nodded.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked with baited breath.
"You'll see," he promised. You hurried to your room and grabbed your actual passport and put it in your clutch and came back. He held out his arm and you gladly put your arm through his and he led you out.
The two of you walked down the stairs with no one in sight, and he brought you out the side doors towards the tarmac and you saw one of the jets was already powered up and ready for taking off. He led you in through the back and helped you get seated in the copilot chair. Steve took the pilot chair and closed up the back. He started taking off, and once you were in the skies he flipped on the speakers and you heard the song "Where we're going" by James and the Shame started playing. You squealed in recognition and Steve put in the coordinates and put on autopilot. He unbuckled you and pulled you up to dance with him around the small enclosed space. He put you in a few controlled turns and dipped you back a few times, keeping in tune with the tempo of the song. You couldn't help but giggle as he went.
"I don't know where we are going, but I know I want you to go with me" Steve sang to you as you moved around the jet.
"I'll go with you anywhere" you said a little breathlessly as the song finished.
"That's what I'm banking on, baby doll" Steve smirked. "Now the flight is normally seven and a half hours, but in this jet we should be there in less than five" he leaned down and brushed his lips against your own. You leaned into the kiss and hummed happily as his tongue brushed against your lips seeking entrance which you immediately granted. His nose brushed against your own as he deepened the kiss, and you couldn't help but think that you wanted nothing less than forever with Steve. You were so deeply in love with him, and couldn't imagine a future without him in it.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ