Leaving Clint's

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Leaving Clint's place was hard, like usual. You hated to leave the kids, and you saw Lila tear up a bit and it felt like your heart was ripping open. The hardest goodbye for the kids today though was saying goodbye to Roxy who went into the jet and laid down before passing out in a corner before Clint even had a chance to start up the jet. As soon as you strapped in, Steve strapped in beside you and put his arm up around your shoulders and sat back looking relaxed.
"How was your weekend away from work, Captain?" Clint asked as the jet started to take off.
"I would do that again in a heartbeat" Steve said with a bright smile on his face. "Your family is amazing," he added quickly.
"I agree, I love being around your family" you piped up.
"We loved having you," Clint chuckled. "It's good our little songbird now has someone to bring home with her"
"I'm not going to forget that meal for a while though. I'm already craving more, and I'm still full" Steve rubbed his stomach for added effect.
"Are you still headed for the regeneration machine when we get home?" Clint called back.
"Yeah, I won't look as good in any of my cocktail dresses if I don't" you nodded, thinking Steve also didn't want to touch you as long as you had said bruises, much to your displeasure.
"We leave at noon, so it will give you time if you don't want to get to it tonight" Steve pulled out his phone and started looking at his messages. You saw he had several text messages that had gone unanswered over the weekend.
"You should answer those" you pointed out quickly, avoiding the subject at hand. You just wanted to get it over with.
"It's mostly Bucky," Steve started reading through his text messages. "He went out with Thor and Loki last night, and went home with Thor. Loki apparently was a hit with the ladies". He quickly started texting out responses, and grinning as he also sent a few pictures from over the weekend. His phone almost lit up with messages right away. You saw him promise to meet him on the balcony tonight, and then he went over and promised the same thing to Sam. "We are going to the balcony tonight, right?" he asked you quickly, seeming to second guess himself.
"Of course" you smiled at him. "I should go and do my laundry, but I'll save it for next weekend" you gave a soft sigh.
"Wait, you're not coming next weekend?" Clint called back, disappointment clear on his face.
"No, I have stuff to do around the compound" you shook your head.
"And we are celebrating our one month anniversary" Steve reminded you.
"I didn't forget," you giggled.
"Good, because I have it all planned out" he unbuckled himself and leaned over to kiss you on the cheek.
"You missed" you turned your head, looking at him expectantly.
"I think you're right" he hummed and leaned over to give you a lingering kiss on the lips. "I'm looking forward to having the soundproofing back" he leaned in to whisper in your ear. "Your room or mine tonight?" he asked, maintaining his voice in a whisper.
"I miss my Tom, and you don't have a litter box in your room" you bit your bottom lip.
"I'll get a litter box for my room" Steve promised. "So we will go to your room tonight" he leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips again.
"You should ask Tony to just put a door between your two suites" Clint chuckled from his spot up front. "I'm not that deaf"
"Don't tempt me Clint" Steve called back with a boyish grin on his face.

Getting back to the compound, Steve helped you bring your bag and Roxy back upstairs before going to his own room to drop his things off. You made your way to Nat and Bruce's only to see Tom living his best life cuddled up with both Nat and Bruce on the couch when they called for you to come in. You didn't even have the heart to go over to take him away for some much needed cuddles. He was resting up on Nat's hip, while she was laying with her head on Bruce's lap watching TV with him. You walked over and scratched him behind the ears and they both asked how your weekend went. You went into details of the weekend, and then asked Bruce if he could come downstairs and help you with the regeneration machine. He quickly agreed, and you left Tom with Nat as Bruce led you back downstairs. Bruce turned on the machine, and you got undressed while he left the room and you slipped in. He had already set it for thirty minutes which would be ample time to get rid of the bruising, and he left you to your own devices. You laid back and listened to some of your love songs while closing your eyes and relaxing completely. You felt yourself starting to doze off when the machine dinged, and you got out to get dressed again. You inspected your ribs as you started to put on your shirt and saw the bruise was indeed gone and nodded to yourself in satisfaction.
You got a text message from Steve that he took out Roxy with Sam and Bucky and you gave a soft sigh thinking you missed out on your opportunity to join them again. You made your way back up to your room and turned on the tea kettle to make some tea. Nat came and knocked on your door holding Tom, and you smiled brightly.
"Black eye is finally gone," she sighed happily.
"It had to go with the next mission coming up" you shrugged and she handed you Tom. You pulled him close to your chest and he emitted a loud purr and licked your cheek. You gave him a kiss on the top of his head and invited Nat to come in while you went back to the kitchen. You set Tom down and gave him a few treats that he seemed quite pleased with.
"How did the weekend really go?" Nat asked, sitting down on your couch.
"It was lovely, I always love seeing Clint's family" you beamed.
"I meant with Steve" she rolled her eyes.
"He fit right in," you shrugged. "We couldn't really do too much with the kids right there" you sighed softly to yourself.
"You seem tense" Nat got up and went into your fridge and pulled out your bottle of rose wine. "You need this more than you need the tea" she turned off the kettle.
"I was looking forward to my tea" you pouted.
"You need to relax" she grabbed two wine glasses and pulled them down. You found you couldn't argue that, and shrugged as she filled the two glasses and handed you one. "Are you looking forward to your big mission this week?"
"I'm not used to undercover work, but it should be fine" you nodded, taking a sip of your wine and humming happily as it floated over your taste buds easily.
"You'll do great. Did you pick out a dress yet?" she asked and started walking towards your bedroom. You shook your head and she went into your closet, taking a sip of her wine before putting her glass on the dresser. She flipped through several hangers before she settled on an elegant white dress with a halter top, and a ruffled slit that went to the floor and had a slight train. "This one" she pulled it out. "Steve won't know what hit him," she added mischievously. You looked at the dress critically, and wondered where you would be able to hide your gun in case you needed it.
"Where would I put my gun?" you asked her, noting that it was skin tight until it went to your hips.
"Steve will have the gun, you have your other attributes" she wiggled her eyebrows. "I taught you some of my best moves," she pointed out.
"I'll have to go with more muted tones for makeup" you started mentally deciding what all you needed to pack.
"Pack it tomorrow, now for shoes..." she started looking at your selection. She went with a pair of white strappy heels, that were simple and sweet, and wouldn't take away from the dress. She put them to the side and then grabbed her glass of wine. You continued to sip at your glass, realizing that you were almost done with your glass. Nat led you back into the living room and grabbed the bottle, refilling both of your glasses. She grabbed your hand and led you back to your bedroom and out onto the balcony where Bruce was already waiting in his light purple pajama set. Nat slipped over the railing and sat down beside him and gave him a loud kiss on the cheek.
"How did it go?" Bruce asked as you sat down. Tom padded out and jumped up to lay across your lap as though he was telling you he forgave you for leaving for the weekend.
"Steve is in trouble. He won't know what hit him on the mission this week" Nat grinned mischievously. "Our girl is going to be the showstopper"
"Isn't the idea to be in the background" you pulled out your phone and started looking at the mission docket, putting your wine to the side.
"The idea is for Steve to be able to go into the background, while you keep them distracted" Nat advised you and you read it over. You saw she was right, and you hummed to yourself. You weren't used to being the center of attention, this was Nat's usual gig. You wondered silently why you were put on the mission rotation where it was more of Nat's specialty.
"Steve and Tony went over that mission all week last week, ironing out all the details. Steve barely left the lab. It was funny to see Tony get a bit perturbed that he couldn't work on his suits" Bruce grinned to himself.
"Who's idea was it that I was on this one?" you looked at Bruce with questions in your eyes.
"That's on Steve," Bruce admitted softly. "He insisted he was on the mission with you. I think he missed you last week" he added. You hummed to yourself and continued to read over the mission. You knew you had plenty of time to prepare, and with any luck, you would have time on the flight home to work on your mission report so you had a possible long weekend to yourself.

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