A full conversation

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Getting back to the compound, you decided to take a chance and go to the main living room again after putting your peaches in the fridge and your books away. You grabbed one of your new books and headed back downstairs. You saw the living room was empty, and pouted a little bit. Your book that you had almost finished yesterday was still on the end table, so you picked it up and sat down in your normal spot in the corner. You curled up with your bare feet up on the couch beside you and turned on some music of love songs, trying to bring your mood up again. You sang softly to the music and finished reading the first book before putting it to the side. You were thinking about heading up to your room again when Steve walked in with Bucky and Sam. They were laughing and trying to talk in hushed tones. Steve's gaze immediately went to you and a smile graced his lips.
He had hoped you would be here. He had waited all weekend to have you to himself again. Bucky and Sam saw the love struck look on his face and made quick excuses before leaving.
"Hey Y/N" Steve screwed up his bravery and walked further into the room.
"Hi Steve" you looked up and matched his gaze and gave a smile. He felt his heart start pounding just from a look.
"How was your weekend?" he took a few more steps into the room, and sat on the couch opposite from you like he normally did. He was taking Bucky's advice and making small talk. He loved your voice, and tried to stop himself from stammering. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever met. He couldn't help it. He was sad that he only saw you briefly yesterday, twice. At least one time he could count on, you always sat out on your balcony at sunset and watched the sunset. It was one of the reasons he got Bucky and Sam to continuously go on the evening walk regardless. He missed it Friday, because he was just not okay with the thought of you dating other people. He didn't have a claim on you, but he wanted to.
"It was nice, we just got back from the farmer's market" your voice came out smooth as silk and he wanted to groan at the sound of it. He crossed his legs to hide his growing erection from your mere presence in the room.
"Did you have fun?" he asked softly, leaning forward to see if you would mirror his body actions. From what he read on the internet, if you mirrored it, it meant you were invested in the conversation. You didn't disappoint. You leaned forward, towards him and he saw some of your chest showing through your shirt more than usual and he flushed a bit. The things you did to him... he was too much of a gentleman to tell you.
"I did, I bought more books" you smiled, and he swore your smiles could light up any room, it didn't matter how dark it would be. "And my peaches of course" you added after a moment's hesitation.
"You like peaches?" he asked with a smirk. He didn't know that about you. He had seen you eating one the other day, but he rarely came to the upper floor unless it was to get Bucky or Sam. He was kicking himself in the ass for not switching bedrooms with Pietro when he offered, since he wasn't at the compound as often as Steve was. Pietro tended to spend his weekends with Peter at Aunt May's place, and they generally brought Happy with them. He thought about bringing it up to Pietro again, maybe he could get the bedroom on the other side of you from Nat and Bruce. That would give him one of the balconies beside you, so he could see you more up close and personal more often.
"I love peaches" you admitted softly, and he watched as you slowly licked your lips. He wondered if your lips were as soft as they looked. He wanted to know how they would feel against him. He wanted to know what your hair would feel like, it looked so soft, and he was jealous that Clint, Nat and Wanda would play with it so easily. "What about you?" you asked softly.
"I love them" he gave a smile and watched as you closed your book, seeming to be anticipating more conversation. He scrambled to think of something else to talk about, he didn't want to lose out on the opportunity. "How is the dog search going?" he asked.
"I think I found one, I sent off a few emails last night. There's a beautiful Australian Shepherd mix that is at the shelter. She was abused before she was turned over, her name is Roxy. I'd really like to meet her. I'm waiting on a response from the shelter to see about an appointment" you offered easily. He licked his lips watching the way your lips moved as you spoke. He had to think of something else, or else he was going to be sporting an erection for the rest of the night, and he really didn't want you to know about it.
"That's great!" he said a little more enthusiastically than he intended. "Did you want some company to go meet her?"
"Sure" you nodded quickly, thinking you were finally bridging over to friendship. It was a step in the right direction of what you wanted.
"Great" Steve grinned happily, seeming to forget himself for a moment. "What are you reading?" he was desperate to keep the conversation going. He was finally getting you to talk to him, and it wasn't about missions or work.
"Romance novel" he saw your cheeks tint a pink color and he could hear his heart hammering in his chest.
"I've never read one. Are they any good?" he asked, wondering if you were going to give a truthful answer. He had lied slightly at that last sentence. Yesterday he spent the afternoon reading your discarded romance novel that was not skimpy on the details as to what happened in the bedroom. He wondered if that's what you were into.
"I love them, they are like candy for your brain" you blushed again and gave a small giggle. He gave a relieved smile.
"Maybe I should read one sometime" he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face if he wanted to.
"I have plenty if you want to read them" you offered quickly and he just gazed at you smiling for a moment.
"Sure. Maybe I'll come up and see what you have for me later" he nodded in agreement, realizing that you had offered something.
"You can come anytime" you giggled again, and it was like music to his ears. "Loki randomly shows up once in a while for tea, and to look at some of my classics". You bringing up Loki reminded him of the push that Loki made for you to start dating again and he frowned a bit. He felt like he was losing his nerve again.
"How is it going with that app that Loki downloaded for you?" he asked, his face looking a little more solemn.
"I've matched with a few, but I don't think I want to meet someone that way. I like the old fashioned approach, you know?" you asked, and he knew exactly what you were talking about. He was trying to get his nerve to ask you on a date so badly.
"Nothing wrong with being a little old fashioned" Steve readily agreed, and silently hoped that you would just delete the app all together.
"Where's your sketching stuff?" you raised an eyebrow and he bit the inside of his cheek. You even made that look sexy.
"I forgot it, we just got back from a walk" he admitted. He had wanted to ask Nat and Bruce if he could join for the farmers market, but he didn't want to cross any lines. "I thought I would watch some TV before supper," he added another white lie. He had really just been checking to see if you were back and in the living room again. He was glad that Bucky and Sam got the hint and made a hasty exit when they came in.
"Oh? What are you watching?" you asked and he blanked out. He scrambled his brains to think of something but came up blank.
"I was just going to see what looks good," he shrugged nonchalantly. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV and started browsing through the different apps. He saw you reach for your phone and turn off the music politely and he frowned a bit. He found something on national geographic on Ancient China, and turned it on. "Is this okay?" he asked you, a little hopefully.
"It looks interesting," you moved on your couch to sit on the other end to get a better vantage point of the TV. He saw you put your two books to the side and hid the proud smile on his face with one hand, pretending to scratch his beard. You looked memorized once the documentary started, and he was having a hard time paying attention to the TV. He kept sweeping his eyes over secretly to you to watch you. Your face lit up in wonder as you watched the screen going. He realized he was outright staring, but didn't care. He got a soft smile on his face, feeling satisfied he made a good choice. Your eyes flickered towards him, and paused for a moment, holding his gaze. He saw you blush again, and he cleared his throat and looked back at the TV. He couldn't help the smile on his face when he saw you pause and watch him for a few minutes longer. His mind wandered to going out with you outside of the compound for you to meet your potential dog, and wondered if it really would be okay with you that he tagged along. He made it sound like he was asking to be polite, but really, he wanted to spend every spare second he could with you. The weeknd's you were with Clint and his family, or when you went out with the girls, or Nat and Bruce, time always seemed to drag by for him.
"So where did you and Nat go yesterday?" he looked at you again, and you looked away from the TV to hold his gaze again.
"We went to the zoo, and went out for some Italian and a walk" you gave a shy smile. "It was lovely. I was feeling a little low, but it really helped pick my spirits back up. Nat always knows best, I suppose" you admitted.
"What were you upset about?" he asked, honestly curious.
"Nothing in particular, I was just in a low mood" you lied a little, but you couldn't very well tell him it was about him.
"You don't get those too often," he observed.
"I'm allowed my moments" you shrugged, and turned your attention back to the documentary.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora