A Hazy day

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Most of your day was in a haze after your good morning kisses and snuggles with Steve. At breakfast time, now that you were looking for it, you could see how Steve was a bit possessive, but you loved it. He still sat next to you and would keep one of his hands on your thigh as a reminder he was there. When you were walking together towards meals, he would put one hand on the small of your back. After your long morning of being in the lab, you ended up spending the afternoon in the gym sparring even though you were tired. You went against Wanda mainly, with Clint coaching you both. Nat came over to tap out Wanda, but never gave you a moment's break stating that Hydra wouldn't give you a break either. You didn't want to admit defeat, so you powered through. You couldn't wait for your date with Steve, even though yesterday was technically your first date. You had grown so close the last few weeks, it was hard to believe it. You also realized that things were escalating quickly with Steve as well. Since the first kiss, it was like neither of you could keep your lips off of the other when you were in private. Steve couldn't seem to stop touching you even when you were in public. When you were done with your workout with Nat, and it was time to hit the showers, he came over and handed you a bottle of water and a towel with a smirk on his face as he looked you up and down hungrily. You had a feeling he saw the lace outline. His focus on your hips told you that you were right about that.
You had to run out Roxy a few times during the day, and you let her basically chill in your suite most of the day. Nat went with you for the walks, but you never brought up your morning tea, although you had a feeling that she already knew by the way she kept smirking at you. You realized you also weren't that quiet when you were kissing and both Nat and Bruce slept with the window open. It wasn't a far jump to your conclusion. You sat anxiously during supper, with Steve's hand on your thigh again. Roxy seemed to be relaxed a little bit, and was happily eating her more expensive kibble that was in the dining room. Tom had a tendency to gravitate towards Loki once he was done eating his kibble. Loki didn't seem to mind as Tom would just lay in his lap. Alpine hadn't so much as hissed at Tom, and vice versa. They both ate at the same table, and focused on their own dishes. You were enjoying how happy your two new fur babies seemed to be. Once you had been done your shower earlier you had changed into a powder blue dress that was form fitting. You had grabbed a black leather jacket to wear, and hoped that Steve wouldn't mind taking the car to go for the walk. You had a black cardigan on to cover your shoulders since your dress only had capped sleeves and was fairly low cut in the front. You had done light makeup, which you prayed didn't get ruined while you ate.
"Where are you headed off to?" Nat asked as you were finishing your meal.
"We have a date" Steve announced to the table, causing your cheeks to flush slightly.
"Already? You just went on one yesterday" Tony seemed a bit surprised.
"Let them move at their own pace" Pepper chastised him quickly.
"My boy isn't wasting any more time," Sam grinned happily.
"Even Stevie has his limits with patience" Bucky chuckled, looking proud of his best friend.
"Mind if we take your car?" Steve asked, standing up and taking both your plate and his own.
"Sure, I don't mind. Did you want me to drive?" you asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.
"I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I did" he responded quickly.
"It's no trouble" you shook your head. "You can drive" you added with a small smile on your face. Your car was something you had bought second hand when you were still doing street fights. The monthly expense was worth it since it got you to where you needed to be on time. Especially work. It was also a time saver, not as much walking all the time. One of your restaurant jobs had been on the other end of the city, and to save money you didn't bother with a bus pass. You were pretty proud of your car though. It was a red Mitsubishi Lancer, and never let you down.
"Do me a favor and try to keep a low profile," Tony pleaded. "I don't want to deal with Fury again today"
"No promises" Steve chuckled as he came back from the kitchen.
"I'll take care of Roxy" Nat promised you, and you gave a smile in response and a soft thank you. You jumped up automatically seeing Steve and smoothed out your dress before grabbing the black leather jacket off the back of your chair. Steve put his hand in the small of your back after you finished putting on your jacket and led you down the hallway to the entryway, where he stopped to grab a baseball cap and his brown leather jacket again. You waited patiently, however he seemed a bit rushed and went to grab the front door and open it for you to exit. He waited for you to walk out before he quickly followed you. You handed him your car keys and he grinned to himself as he walked to the passenger side of your car and opened up the door and waited expectantly. You loved that he was such a gentleman.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora