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Clint drove while you sat in the backseat, against both men's better judgment. You didn't want to see either of them in the back seat with you. They brought you to a restaurant named "Cora's", and Bruce got out to open your door for you. You giggled at the preferential treatment. You decided to order their eggs benedict, since that's what they went for as well. They also ordered three of their special fruit smoothies to drink, along with some coffee. Both men were treating you like you were their real daughter, and had raised you themselves.
After Cora's they brought you to the Museum and you squealed in excitement. You hadn't gone for ages, and the first place you wanted to go was the Avengers exhibit. You wanted to take pictures of Bruce and Clint beside their exhibits.

"Look Clint! It's you!" you said excitedly as he was one of the first exhibits. They had a lifesize cardboard cutout of him. "Wow, there's almost nothing about you on here" you said astounded looking at the write up about him.
"I'd like to keep it that way" Clint said softly.
"It better stay that way" you nodded in agreement. You went and looked at the comic book drawings that were made of him and giggled. "Wow, this is so cool" you sighed happily. You made your way though, seeing most of the team's families were left out of the write up, thankfully. You saw Bruce scrutinizing the version of his exhibit where there was a photo cutout of him, then a large version of the Hulk right behind him. "We love you no matter your form" you reminded him.
"I'm interested to see if you are in here," Clint smirked.
"Oh I doubt it. I'm nobody" you shook your head. "I don't even think my codename is known" you giggled. You saw Steve's exhibit, right between Bucky and Sam and squealed going over to look closer. There were a lot of female fans fawning over several of the exhibits, but you saw it was almost a cluster in front of the three men. Steve and Bucky's exhibit showed pictures from back when they were in the war, and you had to squeeze past several women and younger ladies to see for yourself. You took a quick picture, wanting a memento. You wondered silently if Steve had pictures he wanted to put up from his time back in the war. They obviously existed. You hoped he would decorate the walls in the living room and kitchenette with his memories and paintings.
"Mommy, mommy!!! It's the Good Samaritan!" a little girl squealed and you looked over in shock to see you had your own little exhibit. The little girl had curly hair up in pigtails, but she was wearing a t-shirt with a comic book drawing of you. She was pointing excitedly at the exhibit and her father picked her up so she could get a closer look at you.
"Someone has a few fans," Bruce smirked at you.
"Oh she's so cute!" you flushed. You steeled your resolve and walked over to where the family of three were looking at the exhibit and you stood beside them, reading your write up. It simply had your name, your ability of invisibility, and a small write up of when you used to be the good Samaritan before you became an Avenger.
"She's so cool," the little girl squealed. "Do you think I could grow up to be like her?" she asked her parents, looking at the exhibit still.
"Of course you can" you answered and they looked at you startled for a moment before recognition set in. The little girl squealed and started kicking her feet. Her father nearly dropped her as he set her back on the ground and she ran to you and wrapped her arms around your leg.
"I can't believe it's you!" she said loudly, starting to gain some attention in your area.
"Shh... it's a secret" you put your hand on her back since she wasn't letting go.
"Uh, Y/N" Clint cleared his throat.
"We are gathering a crowd" Bruce said a little shyly. You saw a few camera flashes and both Clint and Bruce started taking a more protective stance towards you.
"What's your name?" you asked the little girl. She pulled back from your leg and you squatted down so you were more at her level.
"My name is Natasha. Mommy's a fan of the Black Widow" she said with a huge smile, and you saw she had large blue eyes to go with the brown hair.
"Well my name is Y/N, and it's such a pleasure to meet you" you held out your hand and she shook it.
"I'm sorry, can we get a picture?" the mother came over. "With the three of you?"
"That's different. Most people don't ask for my picture" Bruce said a little shyly.
"Are you kidding me? You guys are our heroes. We've been following the team since Loki was mind controlled into taking over New York" the father said quickly.
"You're my favorite," Natasha said to you loudly. "You can turn invin.. invici.. " she struggled with her words.
"Invisible" you said softly with a shy smile. "Want to see?" you asked her and she eagerly nodded. You called on your invisibility and vanished before her eyes. She reached out a hand and touched the hem of your dress, but the cloth remained invisible to the naked eye. You became visible again and the smile on her face you didn't think you would forget for a very long time.
"Hey, can you take a picture of us?" Clint grabbed the father's phone since he was awestruck and couldn't say a word. He handed it to one of the museum workers and they nodded, seeming to be a little shy, but you could tell they were fangirling on the inside. You picked up the little girl, and the small family went into a pose. You had Clint and Bruce standing close behind you and you all smiled for the camera.
"Can you take one for me too? It's not everyday I actually have a fan" you asked, pulling out your phone with one hand and unlocking it.
"I'm a fan," the museum worker squeaked out.
"Did you want a picture too?" you asked, your cheeks flushing.
"Yes please" they nodded eagerly, taking your phone and snapping a picture of you with the family again.
"Thank you Y/N!" Natasha wrapped her arms around your legs again.
"You're very welcome, and don't forget, you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up" you ruffled her hair. The museum worker waited patiently for you and you walked over and took a selfie with them, Bruce and Clint. You saw you were really getting a crowd and flushed slightly.
"Maybe it's time to go look at other parts of the museum," Clint said as soon as the selfie was over.
"Thank you so much," the museum worker said with a huge smile.
"Anytime" you gave your best smile.
"Come on Songbird," Clint put his hand in the small of your back leading you away. You couldn't help but notice you were being followed, and you frowned slightly.
"I shouldn't have done that, should I?" you asked softly.
"I think that was fun, we just have a few followers" Bruce whispered. A few more camera flashes went off as you continued to make your way through to the next exhibit.
"I didn't know they made me into a comic book character" you whispered back.
"Tony has rights to all the merchandise. He monitors everything that people know about us" Clint told you kindly.
"They didn't even have my last name," you smirked.
"Adds to the mystery," Clint chuckled.

You did manage to get through the rest of the museum with a few more photos with fans, and also a few autographs. It was fun but you were a little shy with all the attention. You knew a lot of it had to do with you using your ability for little Natasha, but you couldn't help it. She was so excited. For lunch, the three of you went to the museum cafe and had a light lunch before leaving. You stopped in the store and got two small key chains with an Ankh as a token for the day. Something for you and something for Steve. You spied Clint getting a teddy bear, and a few posters, while Bruce got a charm bracelet, and you had a feeling it was for Nat.
The next place they brought you was the aquarium and you squealed in the car, never having gone before. You knew immediately it was where you were going to get Steve to go for another date night. You ran from one spot to the next, with Clint and Bruce having a hard time to keep up. You were in love with the place, and even took a few pictures and sent them to Steve telling him that you wanted to come back with him one day. You were dead on your feet by the time it was time to leave and they took you to a fancy restaurant. You knew that Clint was eating into his family time, but you appreciated it just the same.

"Man, you better not break up with her. I am not moving you again" Sam huffed as they were carrying boxes from Steve's old suite to your suite.
"He'd be an idiot if he let a dame like that go," Bucky said from behind Sam who jumped.
"Man, why do you gotta be so quiet on your feet?" Sam sassed him.
"Habit, you should try it sometime, Thumper" Bucky grinned and turned to go back to Steve's room. Steve followed behind them, but he was spending most of his time looking at his phone at all the Avenger's sightings that were trending on social media. You, Bruce and Clint had been busy today. He already knew exactly where you had been most of the day, with all the pictures that were posted. He smiled adoringly at his phone when you sent the pictures from the Aquarium, the deep and utter love and devotion expressed across his face.
"And what is this?" Sam asked, as he cleared out Steve's sock and underwear drawer, pulling out a velvet box, and he opened it up. "Damn! You are thinking pretty far ahead" he said quickly.
"Not that far ahead" Steve flushed a little.
"When are you popping the question?" Bucky asked, looking at the familiar ring that he had seen Steve buy when you all were on a mission in London.
"When its the right time" Steve smiled, taking the ring box from Sam. He looked at the ring with a swell of pride in his chest, and closed it. "Bucky, can you hide this in your room?" he asked his best friend, and Bucky broke out into a wide grin.
"Of course, Punk. Hand it over" Bucky held out his hand and took the ring. "I'll be right back" he left the bedroom and headed to his suite.
"Bucky told me about it, but damn, she's going to love that" Sam shook his head and went back to packing.
"I hope so," Steve smiled proudly.
"Where are you spending Thanksgiving?" Sam asked him after a couple of minutes. "I'm headed to my sister's after we have supper here"
"Clint's family is coming for the meal, but I think Y/N and I are just going to stay here" Steve advised him.
"You realize she's doing that for you, right?" Sam asked softly.
"I think she's also doing it for Bucky, so he doesn't feel alone," Steve whispered.
"Women like that don't come around everyday. You better ask her the right way. Get some Marvin Gaye playing, make it romantic" Sam finished filling a box and Bucky came back in.
"No way, he's going to be playing some Sam Cooke" Bucky shook his head and took the box from Sam to bring back to your suite.
"I think I'll be using something a little more modern, but it will be romantic," Steve smiled. "She does love those romance novels," he added a little slyly. Steve finished filling a box, and stood back for a moment to take out his phone to see you were still trending on social media with Clint and Bruce. "She's at the restaurant now," he added affectionately.
"Speaking of, we are supposed to be downstairs for supper" Bucky came back into the room. "And then we need to unpack everything," he added with a grin.
"You made it a mess in there again, didn't you?" Sam chuckled.
"We will clean it up before she gets back," Bucky shrugged.
"They are at the restaurant now" Steve warned him.
"We will have to hurry," Bucky shrugged again. "Stop cyber stalking your girlfriend, that's the last box anyways" he pointed out and Steve looked around the now bare room with an approving gaze. The only thing that really stuck out that the room once belonged to him was the small fridge with the flag printed on it.

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