Girls day

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You were curled up under Steve's arm when you heard movement and Bucky came out with his morning coffee and he waved at both of you, however didn't make a move to come down quite yet.
"Steve..." you trailed off from under his arm. He chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss you on top of your head before he looked over.
"Get over here you jerk" Steve called over to him. Bucky looked over and gave a nod, making his way over the railings and keeping his mug of coffee sturdy, being careful not to spill its precious contents. He got to Steve's balcony and grabbed a chair, quickly putting it over the railing before he hopped over and sat down.
"Good morning Bucky" you smiled seeing him sit back a little as though he was relaxing.
"Good morning doll" he smirked. "Are you tired out again this morning?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you and Steve.
"Refreshed" you flushed a little, keeping your response short and sweet.
"I think we all needed some sleep after that mission. The way we ended it, just leaving in the middle of the night felt like we rushed it" his voice was a bit gravelly.
"We probably could have spent another night, but I didn't want to come back to another bugged room again, and chance missing one" Steve frowned slightly.
"I'm glad we left the way we did. It felt rushed, but it was better than risking more bugs or questions" you sipped at your coffee. "Besides, I was excited to come home to my fur babies again. Who was watching Alpine while we were gone?"
"Wanda" both Steve and Bucky responded at the same time.
"Alpine loves her," Steve grinned.
"And her treats," Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. "The little king is on his cat tree right now ignoring me because I left for a few days"
"I'm lucky that Roxy and Tom don't seem too mad at me" you saw Tom pawing at the door to be let out and Steve reached back and opened the door for him. Tom came out and padded towards you, jumping up onto your lap and emitting a loud purr.
"They are becoming more of the compound's pets" Bucky sipped his coffee.
"This is true," you acknowledged. "I'm still very attached to them," you admitted softly.
"They are attached to you too, baby doll" Steve took a sip of his coffee and rubbed his hand up and down your arm. You hummed happily and leaned more into him. You finished your coffee and put the mug to the side while bringing in Tom for extra cuddles. Tom purred loudly while Roxy gave a soft whine and went to Bucky who immediately started scratching her behind the ear. "Did you want a refill?" he asked you softly.
"Sure, I'd love one. I can go get it" you started to put Tom to the side, but Steve just gave you a kiss on top of your head and grabbed your mug before you had the chance. He quickly got up and went to his room and left the door open.
"Are you ready for girls day?" Bucky asked, trying to make conversation.
"It's hard to get away from their energy. Are you looking forward to poker?" you asked, raising a single eyebrow. Bucky's face broke out into a smile and he nodded quickly.
"I already know what your man has for tells. I'll have his money by the end of the day, and you'll have to get him out of the poor house" he chuckled.
"I doubt it," Steve called from his suite.
"Do you guys play for money?" you asked in surprise.
"Normally" Bucky nodded and Steve came back out a moment later with two full cups of coffee.
"There's enough for another cup in there, ya jerk" Steve teased Bucky who nodded, but continued to sip at his coffee.
"I might go get a refill," Bucky nodded. "We haven't gone for our morning run for a while punk, are you slacking off on me or what?"
"I've been enjoying the mornings with my dame" Steve gave a bashful smile.
"You shouldn't be giving those up" you shook your head, taking a sip of your full mug and smiling to yourself because Steve got it perfect every time.
"How about this? I'll go for my runs in the morning with Roxy and Bucky if you don't mind me slipping out of bed early" Steve offered.
"Counter offer, I'll take out Roxy while the two of you go on a run, and I'll get a coffee maker and have coffee made for when you get back" you smirked at Steve.
"I'll counter that with you make yourself at home in my suite and use my coffee maker, but you also sleep in at least on weekends" Steve chuckled, enjoying this game.
"I can live with that" you decided.
"We will have to make them quick runs" Bucky smirked, looking between the two of you.
"Once winter hits we will have to put a pause on them" Steve licked his lips as he watched you sip at your coffee again.
"Winter is basically here" Bucky barked a laugh. "We have a snowfall warning on our phones" he pointed out.
"I guess that means no more evening tea, or morning coffee" you said softly with a slight pout on your face.
"We will just change the location, baby doll" Steve pulled you in close to his body again, kissing the top of your head for good measure.

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