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The rest of your weekend was wonderful. You really got to enjoy yourself on your mini vacation. You had set up an appointment to find out how long you were with Doctor Cho, without giving her any details. You made it sound like it was just a physical request. You went horseback riding with the family a few times, and both Bucky and Steve seemed to have a wonderful time. Steve, Bucky, and Clint made their way into town on Saturday to get some more of the weekend deals that were going on, and when they got back you politely waited before you went in to help Steve with his wrapping. By Sunday night you were exhausted, but filled to the brim with the feeling of love. Steve got into the habit of having your tea ready before you even got out of bed after now knowing the cause.
When you got home Sunday night you dragged your feet as you went back into the compound from the jet. Even Bucky carried your luggage to help out. To be fair you had made the family a large rib meal with ten racks of ribs that you slowly roasted in a turkey pan for the entire day. You figured it was his way of saying thank you. As soon as you got upstairs you just kicked off your shoes and socks and laid face first on the bed. You woke up once to Steve undressing you, and putting one of his baggy t-shirts on you, and giving you a soft and sweet kiss on the forehead before he got into bed beside you.
When you woke up Monday morning, Steve had your tea waiting beside the bed, and you sat up long enough to take a sip and its magic worked almost instantly. Steve wasn't in bed, which made you frown however Roxy was missing as well. You quickly made your way to the bathroom and did your business before walking out into the living room in just the t-shirt only to see Bucky and Steve sitting in the living room drinking coffee and not talking at all.
"Jesus! I didn't see anything I swear!" Bucky quickly averted his eyes and closed them.
"Angel? What are you doing up so early?" Steve asked after punching his best friend.
"You weren't in bed" you blushed and hid back in the bathroom.
"Put on some shorts, would ya?" Bucky asked quickly. You heard another smack as you ran back to the bedroom still red faced and put on a pair of long pajama bottoms, before going to the side of the bed and drinking the rest of your tea. You still weren't feeling good, and regardless of your embarrassment, you had to go back out there.
"Angel" Steve knocked on the bedroom door before he came in. He saw you sitting with the empty coffee mug, and you sitting with your head down between your shoulders. "Are you okay?" he came over and got down on his knees to look up at you worriedly.
"I don't feel good," you whispered.
"I'll go make you some more of Loki's tea, okay? Come on out. Bucky promised to behave himself" he touched the side of your cheek, and kissed you on the tip of your nose. "Please?" he asked and you nodded. He took your empty mug and got back up to his feet and he held out his spare hand to help you up to your feet. You stood up on your feet and he kissed you softly on the forehead before he tugged on your hand and led you out. Bucky was sitting on the couch red faced and looking anywhere but at you. Steve led you to the loveseat and waited for you to sit down before he let go of your hand and he headed to the kitchenette. You patted the cushion beside you and Roxy jumped up and snuggled into you.
"I'm sorry" Bucky finally broke the silence.
"For?" you asked, still embarrassed.
"Seeing you in your underwear" he mumbled.
"It's my mistake. I didn't know you were here, I forgot you like to come in the mornings. I was feeling groggy" you admitted with flushed cheeks.
"Groggy eh?" Bucky perked up at that bit of news.
"It was a busy weekend, and don't even think about mentioning her legs" Steve called over his shoulder.
"You do have nice legs" Bucky gave his classic flirty smile.
"Bucky" Steve gave a warning growl, while your face went red again.
"Steve likes them," you mumbled.
"Damn right I do!" Steve chuckled, and came back in with your tea. He set down your mug in front of you and scooped his arms under you, picking you up and you let out a squeal. He took your spot on the loveseat and he sat down and held you on his lap until you were steady. "I hate they are covered right now" he rubbed his hands up and down your thighs.
"Dude, I am right here" Bucky sassed him.
"Get used to it," Steve shrugged.
"What's the plan today?" you asked, having forgotten to check the mission docket for the week.
"Today its the gym for us, and the lab for you" Steve continued to rub your legs.
"Hmm" you leaned into his chest and sighed to yourself. Roxy whined and went to the suite door and pawed at it. "I better take her out" you went to get up but Steve held onto you.
"I'll take her out" Bucky got up quickly. "I'll be right back" he smiled and headed out.
"Drink your tea, baby" Steve whispered to you as soon as the door closed. You reached for your mug and blew on the heat vapors before taking a sip. You drank half the mug and set it back on the table before leaning into Steve again.
"I think I need stronger tea," you mumbled.
"Or maybe you just need daddy to take care of you" Steve looked at you with barely concealed desire. "We still haven't celebrated properly" he reminded you.
"Bucky won't be long," you giggled.
"I don't need long," he winked.
"You and I both know that's a lie" you full out laughed.
"Fine, but tonight make sure you are rested before bed" he nipped at your earlobe.
"I'm just tired from such a long weekend" you kissed him on his bearded cheek.
"Did you want me to go get you Tom?" he asked.
"No, I'll get him after breakfast" you shook your head. "He's probably munched on kitty caviar all weekend" you giggled.
"Well, Pepper did say she was looking forward to taking care of both cats" he chuckled.

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in!" Tony seemed exuberant that the three of you had come down for breakfast. The whole team was present with the exception of Loki and Thor who had gone back to Asgard.
"Welcome home" Pepper gave a kind smile.
"You look exhausted" Nat looked at you worriedly.
"Did you get enough sleep, starshine?" Bruce asked you as you got closer.
"I think I just need a few more hours to feel right again" you yawned as you sat down beside Nat. She immediately wrapped one arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for a one armed hug. She kissed your cheek and gave you a motherly smile.
"Maybe get some more sleep after you are done in the lab for the day?" she suggested.
"Maybe" you agreed. "What's for breakfast?" you gave her a kiss on the cheek before moving away. Steve sat down beside you and his hand went directly to your upper thigh.
"Eggs, bacon, toast, fruit salad and yogurt" Happy advised you with a bright smile. "Did you get a chance to see the tree yet?" he asked.
"Not yet" you shook your head.
"It's wildlife themed this year" he seemed excited.
"At least it's not a 12 foot bunny again" Pepper chuckled while Wanda giggled.
"That sounds wonderful" you smiled and Steve passed you a platter of food. You took what you wanted and passed it down to Nat. Steve flexed his hand on your upper thigh and brought his pinky up a little higher and you shivered.
"I saw you have a doctors appointment with Doctor Cho this morning, is everything alright?" Tony asked you as you were about to take a bite of your fruit salad mixed with yogurt.
"Yeah, it's just a check up" you lied quickly.
"You are looking a little pale, maybe you should lay down this afternoon after working in the lab for the morning" he seemed worried.
"Thank you, Tony" you gave a brilliant smile. "I might just, if we get everything done that needs to be done" you agreed.
"How were the cats this weekend?" Bucky asked after a brief pause.
"Wonderful. It was hard to get them to come down for breakfast" Pepper cooed. "Tom and Alpine got a little spoiled this weekend. We gave them lots of treats. They got their own cat tree to share by the window and their own plushie pet beds for the living room area. They had wet food a few times a day, and treats every time they were good boys, which was always" she brought you up to date. "I can't wait for them to come visit again!"
"Well, they are welcome to come visit any time" Tony agreed, and you were a little surprised but didn't say anything however smiled.
"Thank you for taking such good care of them," you smiled.
"Can we take Roxy for tonight?" Pepper asked, giving her best doe eyes.
"Sure" you didn't have it in your heart to say no. "She needs a walk before bed though" you warned.
"We've seen you guys taking her out, not to worry. We will take good care of your girl" Pepper promised.
"Does that mean I can have a night with Tom?" Wanda asked and you were floored.
"I guess so," you nodded, a little surprised with the turn of events this morning. "But he is joining me for my afternoon nap" you advised the entire table quickly. "And Roxy," you added.
"Can't let me pull that one past you, huh?" Sam chuckled.
"What if we went back to the animal shelter and saw if they had any more that needed a home?" Steve asked Tony.
"I'm not against it. These three are spoiled, I imagine we would spoil a few more" Tony nodded. "I'll make a few calls," he shrugged.
"I also wanted to make some adjustments to the missions this week. I'll be in the office for the morning" Steve advised him.
"A last minute change?" he asked in surprise.
"More of a necessary change I think. We need to keep things fresh" Steve shrugged, not letting on to his real reason for changing things around. You looked at him from the side of your eyes and he had a smirk on his face.

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