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Steve held you for a few more minutes before giving you a kiss on top of your head and pulling back and looking down at you worriedly. You forced a smile and looked up at him in the face, and he gave a small smile back.
"Come on Angel" he whispered.
"Yeah, we need to go before I start clearing this place out on my own," Clint quickly agreed. "I think most of this would be better off in the garbage bin."
"It's all I used to have," you frowned.
"Thank God Tony found you. You don't need any of this anymore. We will come back on Thursday and clear this out since no one is on a mission that day" Clint started leading the way out. You quickly grabbed your purse and took out the padlock from the inside and followed both men out of the storage unit. Steve reached up and closed the door for you, and you put the padlock back on again. Steve went to your passenger side door and opened it and waited patiently for you to get into the car. You slipped in, and he reached in and put your seat belt on you before he closed the door. You watched out the windshield curiously as Clint made his way back to the fence and gate that blocked the building from the main road, and he easily scaled the fence, going back to the SUV that was just outside. You realized they had both scaled the fence to get to you initially. Steve got in the drivers side and put on his seatbelt and reached over and put his hand on your leg for a moment.
"Next time wait for me, okay?" he asked softly.
"Okay, next time is apparently Thursday" you quickly agreed.
"After we are done with our mission reports we will grab a few trucks and make our way out here. Is there anything else that you wanted from there?" he asked a little curiously.
"I only wanted what was in the backpack. Everything else can go to charity" you shook your head. "I was too scared that being with the Avengers was temporary that I packed it away so no one would see it. But it doesn't seem to be temporary anymore, so it's time" you replied as he drove towards the gate. He looked at you and you gave him the passcode to get back out again. As soon as the gate started to open, Clint backed out onto the road and Steve quickly followed him. Steve reached out and held your hand as he made his way down the road, letting you sit in silence.
Clint parked in front of one of the very diners that you used to work at, and Steve parked behind him. Steve told you softly to wait for him, and he got out of the car before running around and pulling your door open for you. You unbuckled yourself and got out of the car, and Clint made his way over.
"This place looks good" Clint gave a quick smile. "I texted Tony that we won't be home for supper"
"I used to work here" you admitted softly. "They don't pay their staff much, but the tips helped a lot"
"We will have to make sure to tip well then. This doesn't seem like the safest neighborhood" Steve looked around with a slight frown.
"I used to live down the street. It's not that bad" you said as the three of you went to the front door. The chime of the door rang out as you walked through and you looked around the small diner that was more of a grease spoon, and the familiar scent of burgers and french fries assaulted your senses.
"I never thought about it, but this is the good Samaritan's old stomping grounds" Clint realized.
"It made sense to take care of my neighborhood first," you shrugged and led the way to one of the tables that had a view of both exits and sat down with your back to the front door, knowing that both Clint and Steve would want to have their back to the wall. Steve sat down across from you and reached out and took your hand to hold in his. The waitress bustled over, snapping her bubble gum in her mouth and looked at the three of you curiously as though she was trying to place where she knew you from. Clint ordered three soda's and she handed over the menus. You pulled your hand away from Steve for a moment to give the menu a cursory glance, but you remembered the diner's special burger was always a favorite and you decided to get the platter. You hadn't had it in a long time, and it seemed fitting. You put your menu down, while Steve and Clint seemed to still be deciding.
The waitress came back with your drinks, but saw the boys were still deciding so she walked away again.
"I give up, what's good?" Clint asked you, putting his menu down.
"The diner's special burger platter, it's what I'm getting" you gave a small smile.
"We are getting three then" Steve put down his menu and seemed to be studying you closely. "What's that?" he gestured to your necklace.
"My parents' wedding bands" you said a little shyly, looking down at where they settled on your chest.
"We need to get you a stronger chain for that" Steve said decisively.
"I was going to put it away in my closet when I got home" you flushed a little.
"Do you have a jewelry box yet, songbird?" Clint seemed curious.
"No, I didn't really have jewelry to put away before. But now that I do, I guess I should order one online" you shrugged.
"Why don't you pull out your phone and take a look to see if you can find one you like" he gestured to your purse sitting on the seat next to you. You grabbed your phone and started going through Amazon to see what all they had to offer. "Let me see it before you buy it" he warned you while you nodded, looking at your screen. You were glad they weren't asking you too much about your past, and seemed to be respecting your privacy. The waitress came back and Steve ordered for the three of you before she disappeared again. You found a vintage mother of pearl jewelry box that you liked, with a design of swans and roses on the front. You hummed to yourself and Clint reached his hand over asking for your phone. You passed it to him and he nodded, and pulled out his phone. "Is this the one you want?" Clint asked for confirmation.
"I think so, I like it and it has good reviews" you nodded. He typed into his phone and paused for a moment.
"Alright, it will be here next week" he gave a sly smirk.
"But you don't know my password," you said, a little confused.
"I bought it, I need to get to treat you too" he winked at you.
"Thank you papa Clint" you realized he had bought it on his own account.
"Anything for you kid" he shrugged and handed you back your phone. You quickly closed the app and saw you had a few worried texts from Nat, and you messaged her that you were fine and you would be home for tea. You put your phone away and you saw Steve jump as his phone went off. He sent off a quick text and put his phone back in his pocket.
"Sam and Bucky are going to take out Roxy so we can go straight up to our suites and have tea tonight" Steve gave you a soft smile and reached out his hands for yours again.
"Willingly?" Clint chuckled.
"When it comes to Roxy, they get along," Steve smirked. "They like to torment each other, but she gives them another focus" he added with a good natured chuckle.
"Roxy is a very special girl" you smiled happily.
"She really is. She makes me want to get a dog too" Clint admitted. "The kids just loved her, and so did Laura," he added. "Are you coming to the house next weekend?"
"You mean after we have Thanksgiving on Thursday next week?" you asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Yeah, you and Steve can come out to the house for the weekend. Bring Bucky with ya, and we can do the family thing" Clint gave a grand smile. "I can set up Bucky on the couch if Nat and Bruce agree to come too," he added quickly.
"What about Sam?" you asked, trying to make sure that he wasn't left out.
"He's going to see his sister and her kids, he won't even be at Thanksgiving" Steve rubbed the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand.
"As long as he isn't left out" you gave a soft sigh. You leaned back, but held fast onto Steve's hand, trying to get comfortable in your seat. The waitress came back out with the three platters and set them in front of each of you. You let go of Steve's hand and quickly dug into your burger first. The boys hummed happily as they ate, and the three of you ate quietly. The waitress refilled your drinks and asked if there was anything else you needed, but you were too full for much more. You thanked her and she came back a few minutes later with three cheques. Steve quickly grabbed all three and went to the front cash register and paid for all of your meals. By the way you saw the waitress balk, it seemed Steve left a sizable tip. Clint gestured for you to get up, and he led the way to the front door where Steve soon joined you and he led the way to the car.

Getting back to the compound, you grabbed your precious backpack from the back seat as soon as Steve parked the car. He gave you a soft smile before getting out of the car, and rushing to your side to open the door. You held the backpack to your chest as you slipped out of the car, and you gave him a soft smile.
"Thank you honey," you whispered to him, and he closed the door behind you. Clint got out of his SUV and led the way to the front doors. He held the door open for you and Steve to walk through before he closed it behind him.
"I'll be right there, I'm going to see Nat and Bruce for a minute. They were worried about you too" Clint said as you started making your way up the wooden stairs.
"What are you going to tell them?" you asked softly as you made your way up.
"Just that you went back to your old stomping grounds and it brought back some memories" he replied with a shrug. "I won't tell them about the storage unit unless you want me to. I'm pretty sure it's going to be public knowledge once we go to clear it out" he warned you.
"You can tell them" you consented.
"When you are ready, we can talk about what's in the bag" Clint told you, and you flushed slightly but gave a soft nod. You walked towards your room quietly, with Steve right beside you, his hand protectively in the small of your back. You opened your suite door and saw there was no Roxy and no Tom in your room. Clint walked past your door and headed to Nat and Bruce's place, while Steve followed you into your room. He noticed you paused and he looked around the room and looked at you curiously.
"Roxy and Tom are missing," you told him in a whisper.
"Well I'm pretty sure Tom is probably at Nat and Bruce's place. Roxy is out for her walk with Sam and Bucky. Why don't you go put your bag away, and I'll get started on your tea," Steve leaned down and gave you a kiss on your temple before making his way to your small kitchenette. You nodded and headed into your bedroom, then the closet. You set the backpack on the dresser and you unzipped it slowly taking a large breath. You pulled out the five photo albums and held them close for a moment. You walked back out and put them on your book shelf and saw Steve watching you curiously.
"I'll show you maybe sometime" you offered shyly, and he nodded in response. You went back and got your little teddy bear and brought it out and put it up on the bookshelf, on one of the higher shelves as you didn't want him to fall down or get ruined. You went back and checked through your backpack and there were a few tokens left from your old life, but you didn't have the emotional capability to go through them right now. You zipped it closed and stored it in the back of your closet. You took off your necklace and pulled off the two wedding bands, and placed them in your underwear drawer for safe keeping. You put your necklace back on, and then took off your jacket and shoes. You put on your slippers and came back out to see Steve was in the middle of making three hot chocolates and your precious tea. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his slender waist and he paused for a moment, placing his right hand on your clasped hands in his front. You gave him a chaste kiss on the back of his shoulders and he gave a soft chuckle.
"I'm almost done, baby doll" Steve put the kettle back down and started stirring the cups.
"Thank you for coming today" you whispered into his back.
"I'll always be there for you. I'm glad that Clint called to check in on you, you shouldn't have gone through that alone" he spoke softly, annunciating his words carefully. He finished with his task, and put his hand back on your again, and just took a moment to enjoy the snuggle. "The guys will be here soon," he whispered.
"I just needed a moment" you whispered back and pulled away. He turned around quickly and kissed your forehead again.
"Here, take your tea. I'll grab their drinks and you go get comfortable," Steve handed you your tea mug. You reached up on your tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking away. You went through the bedroom and opened the door with Steve quick behind you holding his hot chocolate. You sat in the middle of the long bench, and Steve sat down next to you, and wrapped his spare arm around you before he took a sip of his drink. He hummed happily to himself before putting the yellow mug on the side table. You looked down at your own yellow mug and took a sip of tea, humming happily. Steve had made it perfectly. You leaned more into him and looked out at the compound grounds waiting anxiously for the others to join you.


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