An evening quickie

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After supper, Bucky took out Roxy and Sam who had gotten back from his date joined him. You had really wanted to go, but Steve insisted on going back upstairs to "talk". Nat, Bruce, and Loki all reminded you that you were due for tea that evening and the sunset. You admittedly were excited for the event because you would also get the opportunity of going to the farmer's market tomorrow with them, making it a more group event. Steve had proudly shown off his new watch at supper, and made sure to flex his hand every so often to show he was wearing a watch to anyone that looked in his general direction.
Steve led you to the staircase after supper and seemed to be getting anxious you were taking so long in comparison to his long strides. He suddenly picked you up and carried you like a new bride up the stairs eliciting a laugh out of you as he rushed to the suite. He easily went to your shared suite and kicked the door open the rest of the way since you had gotten into the habit of leaving it partially open and he kicked it closed with his foot before he leaned back on it and he grinned down at you.
"Captain" you purred to him.
"God I love you" he set you down on your feet long enough for you to get your bearings before he grabbed you by your hips and turned you so your back was against the door and he pressed his body up against your own while his lips sought out your own. You easily opened your lips to him and his tongue was toying with your own, making your body go completely relaxed in his hold. He played you like a finely tuned piano. You could feel the heat building up in your molten core and you knew your panties were already soaked. He pushed his hips forward as he took your bottom lip between his teeth and he pulled softly making you moan out loud. You did a small hop and jumped up with your arms on his shoulders as you wrapped your legs around his hips, grinding yourself against his hard length. He moaned and balanced you with one arm under your butt and the other arm on your back. He carried you blindly towards the couch and he sat down, spreading his legs wide apart. You moved your legs so your thighs were on either side of his legs and you ground yourself against him more while he kissed you breathless. His hands went under your shirt and he squeezed at your bra clad breasts. His nimble fingers found your nipples and he pinched them on both sides and pulled slightly making you whimper. His lips went to your jawline before making his way down your neck, nipping on your earlobe on his way down.
"You're wearing too much clothes," he growled.
"We have company coming" you said breathlessly, and you rolled your hips against him and he groaned.
"Fuck them, I need you. I've needed you all day" he rasped and gently bit down on your collarbone.
"Steve" you moaned and he pushed his hips upwards. You could swear you could feel him twitching in his jeans. You were willing to throw caution to the wind, and it was like he sensed your surrender. You suddenly found yourself on your back and he was sucking on your nipples through your bra and t-shirt. You ran your fingers through his hair and pulled slightly, before using one hand to pull up on his shirt from the back. He pulled away long enough to pull his shirt off and he threw it to the side. He unbuckled his jeans and his erection was nearly peeking out of the material of his underwear as pulled down the zipper. You pulled your shirt off and undone the button and zipper on your jeans. Steve was quick to grab your jeans and pull them all the way off. He frowned that he had forgotten to grab your underwear and he growled at the flimsy fabric that was acting as a barrier between him and what he wanted. He dropped your jeans to the side and used his hands on either side of your hips and ripped the material of your panties and he pulled them off and let them fall to the side. You cried out in surprise and he shrugged.
"I'll buy you new ones" he promised before he grabbed each one of your legs and he separated them so he could get more in between them. He laid with his chest on the couch as his face went to your sopping wet pussy, and he swiped his tongue between the folds. You immediately put your legs over his shoulders and your hands in his hair to help guide him where you needed him. He slowly pressed two fingers into your center as his lips and tongue found your sensitive nub and you cried out and pulled slightly on his hair. He growled as he lapped at your juices and thrust his two fingers in and out of you. You started moving your hips in tune with his movements, and he curled his fingers in the most perfect way before you saw stars burst in front of your eyes. You felt the absence of his face and fingers and suddenly his lips were on yours and you felt his large dick suddenly inside of you. He waited until you were done flexing around him before he started to move his hips. His hands went to your breasts and he pulled down on your bra before he started massaging your breasts again.
"Fuck me daddy" you cried out and he suddenly started moving against you harder, pushing you more into the couch. You moved your hips in tune with his movements and whimpered. He let go of your left breast and started rubbing your clit in clockwise motions.
"Cum for me again" he demanded but your body was already in bliss. He started sucking on the side of your neck, leaving a large wet hickey in his wake. You scratched your nails down his back and he whimpered as he got closer and closer to his own climax. He seemed determined that you were going to cum again, whether you liked it or not. "Come on baby, one more time" he said through grit teeth before his lips claimed your own again. He pushed in deep as you felt the coil of your orgasm release and you cried out and dug your nails in. He pushed in one, two, three times and suddenly you felt him twitch before he released his load inside of you. His kisses went from urgent to sweet as he stilled on top of you. He waited until you were done orgasming before he slowly pulled out. He grabbed his shirt and wiped both you and himself down before he stood up with a proud smile and held out his hand to you.
"I need to go pee" you said with a slight flush on your cheeks.
"Don't push me out of you, I fully intend on making sure your body remembers it belongs to me again tonight" he winked at you.
"Go get changed Steve, we need to be presentable" you giggled and ran to the bathroom.
"I'll get the clothes" he offered as he started picking everything up.

The two of you went with matching navy blue pajama sets, with you putting on your pair of beige uggs to keep your feet warm since that seemed to be so important to Steve. You tidied up the bedroom while Steve went and put the water on to boil and tidy up the rest of the living room. You lit a candle to get rid of the smell of sex in the air, just in case. You weren't done long before a knock came at the door and it was Bucky, Sam and Roxy. You welcomed them in with open arms and gave Roxy a few treats before taking over the kitchen to make three cups of tea and two hot chocolates. You texted Loki that his tea was almost ready and he was at the door within minutes carrying Tom who seemed pleased with himself.
"Anything you haven't read?" Loki asked first thing, as he put the book in his pocket back onto the shelf.
"I haven't had much time for reading lately, feel free to any of them" you waved as you finished preparing the tea. Loki selected another book and seemed pleased with himself. He made his way back through the bedroom to the balcony, and left the door open giving the room a slight chill. You handed both Bucky and Sam, who were waiting eagerly, their hot chocolates and they headed outside to join Loki. Steve came over and wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed you softly on the cheek.
"Do I really have to share you?" he whispered in your ear and you giggled softly.
"Yes, we need to share our time with our family" you turned your head and kissed him softly on the lips. "Grab your tea" you whispered and he groaned before grabbing the steaming mug. You ducked out under his arm with your own mug and headed out onto the balcony with Steve close behind you. You looked over and saw Loki was holding Tom still and petting him softly while sipping his tea. Nat and Bruce were out on their balcony as well with their own tea.
"There's our Starshine" Bruce smiled happily as soon as he saw you.
"Hi papa Bruce" you smiled broadly and took your usual seat with room for Steve to sit down. He quickly took his spot, set down his tea and pulled you in close under his arm.
"How was your day?" Nat asked looking pointedly at your neck and your new mark with a soft chuckle.
"It was good, busy" you nodded and took a sip of your tea. "Are you and Bruce going to the farmer's market tomorrow?" you asked quickly.
"No, we wanted to stay in. They moved to the indoor market and honestly we both like it better in the summer" Bruce answered for both of them.
"What about you Loki?" you turned your attention to him.
"I hadn't thought about it," Loki shrugged.
"Good, you're going" you gave a wide smile.
"Who will keep darling Tom and sweet Roxy company?" Loki asked quickly, already knowing that Bucky and Sam were going.
"We will keep them," Nat offered quickly.
"Will I have to fight you to get them back again?" Steve asked quickly with a smirk on his face.
"You fought well, but I let you win. But no, we will let Songbird pick them up. Make sure you bring extra bags because she likes her books and they have seasonal candles out right now" Nat warned Steve.
"Noted" he chuckled with a shake of his head. "Where's your book, Angel?" Steve asked you.
"I left it on the bedside table, I haven't been reading much" you shrugged.
"I'll get it" Sam offered and got up quickly. He came back a few moments later and handed you your romance novel and he smirked. "Looks like a good book, I might ask you to borrow it sometime" he chuckled.
"Loki seems to like them" you gave a soft smile, and Loki smirked but took another sip of tea. You opened your book and quickly started reading, remembering where you were after reading back a few paragraphs. The sunset's colors of golds and hues of reds flooded the compound surrounding the group of you in a peaceful like state. Roxy laid at Bucky's feet, seeming just as content as Tom was. Soft conversation was shared about everything, and yet nothing at all. It was the perfect way to ned the night. 

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