Headed to Clint's

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"Are you ready to work on your mission report, songbird?" Clint asked as you sat at the dining room table, having breakfast. You had been sitting there, feeling completely relaxed, and almost blissful as you ate your food. Steve had sat down beside you, and had his hand on your thigh tracing small circles on your leg as a constant reminder that he was there.
"Yeah, my laptop is already in the living room" you nodded quickly as you were almost finished with your plate. "I just have to go upstairs and pack after lunch and I'm done my reports of course"
"Don't forget to pack warm, the kids want to have a picnic tomorrow" Clint warned you. "They are excited that you have your boyfriend joining us," he added with an impish smile.
"How did they take the news that I have a boyfriend?" you asked, feeling a little unsure.
"Lila said she knew you and Steve would make the perfect couple, and said you should have asked her for dating tips earlier" Clint chuckled. "The boys are just excited for another guy to come around the house. Laura set up the guest room you usually take for both of you to use"
"Thank you" Steve was quick to smile.
"Don't thank me too quickly. It's still within hearing distance of our rooms, it's not like the compound where our suites are soundproof" Clint leaned forward. "You know that Y/N is like one of my kids, right?" He gave a dangerous smile.
"I wouldn't do anything to hurt her" Steve promised quickly.
"I'd kick his ass," Bucky quickly offered.
"How was your run this morning?" you asked him as soon as you saw a way to divert the attention elsewhere.
"You mean after I was done tormenting you and Stevie? Too short, but it was good to stretch my legs" Bucky grinned in response.
"I'll get you out again after you are done with your mission report" Steve promised.
"Count me in, I know I won't have time to go for a run this weekend" Sam chimed in.
"Sarah keeping you busy? How's she doing?" Bucky gave a sly smile.
"She's doing just fine, and without you I might add" Sam gave Bucky a slight shove on his arm. Bucky chuckled and you looked at Steve to see if he would let you in on the joke.
"Bucky might have flirted with his sister" Steve whispered to you, and you gave a soft giggle.
"Well Bucky is charming" you admitted.
"Really?" Bucky turned his attention to you and raised his eyebrows with a half smile.
"Bucky" Steve used his captain's tone and cleared his throat. Bucky burst out laughing and shook his head.
"She's yours punk, everyone can see that" he shook his head. "Hell, I knew that over a year ago," he added quickly.
"Did you need help packing, pet?" Loki turned his gaze on you and you gave a shy smile.
"No, I'm good. I already know what book I'm packing to go with my clothes, and that usually takes a majority of my time to decide" you admitted softly.
"I'll be going to the tea store this weekend, I'll pick you up some more tea" he told you, rather than ask.
"Thank you, I appreciate it" you smiled broadly at him.

You sat in the living room with Bucky and Sam working on your report while Loki and Thor had gone to their room to work on theirs. You were stretched out on the loveseat with your legs dangling over one of the arms, and a throw pillow under your head as you typed away. Steve came in halfway through the morning with his drawing kit and sat under your legs, and balanced his sketchbook on your thighs while he started drawing. You didn't dare move a muscle besides the ones in your hands, afraid of messing up his sketch. Tom was laying on the couch beside Sam, while Roxy was laying on the floor beside you now. She had been gone with Steve most of the morning, for what you guessed had been a walk, based on the way Steve looked when he came back in the room.
You took a break for lunch, and Steve left his sketching supplies in the living room on his seat while you left your laptop on yours. The four of you ate quickly with the rest of the team, and Tony asked for an update on the reports, and all five of you admitted to still be working on them. Tony didn't push any further, knowing that you all were diligent in doing your reports.
After lunch you went back to your reports with Steve sitting under your legs. It was halfway through the afternoon when you sent off the email with flourish and smiled happily to yourself.
"All done?" Steve asked you, looking over from his drawing.
"I just finished" you nodded with a pleased smile on your face.
"It was four at the front door, right?" Bucky asked, looking up from his computer.
"Five" you corrected him. He huffed and you saw him start to revise his report and shaking his head.
"You should have gone in with her" Steve seemed a little perturbed still.
"Yeah, and the metal arm totally wouldn't have given me away" Bucky bit back sarcastically. "Loki was our best play" he added quickly.
"He's right, without Loki I wouldn't have made it in as easily or stayed undetected as long as I did" you agreed with Bucky. "It was good the boys were waiting for us outside and offering support, but inside was busy and I needed a guide to get where I was going"
"What are your plans now?" Steve looked at you a little hopefully.
"I've got to bring Roxy out and go pack" you thought about it for a moment before answering.
"I'll take out Roxy, I'm already packed. You go get ready. I'm sure that Clint is excited about going" Steve pulled your computer to the side, and leaned over to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Are you sure?" you asked quickly. He nodded and you got up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before quickly leaving the room.

You spent the better part of an hour packing your overnight bag. You made sure you had your medication, as well as your book for the weekend. You grabbed enough matching lingerie for the entire weekend, along with two negligees, and some warm clothes to go outside. You also packed an extra outfit for just lounging inside over the next few days, just in case. By the time you were done, you took a moment to look around the room. You went and grabbed Roxy's treats, and one of her toys just in case and put them in your purse. You knew you had an extra phone charger at Clint's place already, and he was putting you in your usual room that had an ensuite bathroom with some of your lotions and soaps you had left there previously as well. You quickly picked up the bag, and your purse and made your way towards the door when you heard a knock. You grinned, thinking it was Steve and opened up the door quickly.
"All set, songbird?" Clint was standing on the other side of the door with a grin on his face.
"All set, it helps that I left so much at your place already" you gave a smile.
"Where is Steve?" he looked in the room and you shrugged.
"He took Roxy for a walk I think" you answered quickly.
"You better text him, I can't wait to get home. Laura has a special meal cooked up for us" he gestured to your purse, and you pulled out your phone. You messaged Steve that Clint was excited to go, and he messaged you back almost immediately he was on his way.
"He's coming" you updated him.
"The kids are excited to meet Roxy" Clint reached for your overnight bag and a gleeful smile on his face. "I sent them a few pictures of her already" he started leading the way down the hallway.
"It's been over a month since I made my way to your place, I'm excited to see them" you admitted as you followed him.
"I'm just grabbing my bag" Steve met you on the stairs with Roxy on his heels.
"Hurry up Captain, my wife and family are expecting us" Clint told him good naturedly. You took out your phone as you continued to follow Clint to make sure that Nat and Bruce were still watching your Tom, and Nat promised he would be in good hands.
By the time you got to the Quinn jet's, Steve was behind you again, moving in a rush. Roxy was quick on his heels and she easily followed the three of you into the jet. Clint put your bag beside his on the floor, and Steve quickly followed suit before Clint closed up the back of the jet.
"Are you ready?" you asked Steve, a little excited to get away for the weekend.
"I'm ready" he gave a soft smile, and leaned down to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Remember, no shop talk on weekends" Clint called back from the pilot seat.
"It's a work free weekend" Steve readily agreed.
Roxy went to find a corner to lay down in while you and Steve both strapped in for the flight. Clint waited until you were both secured down and he took the jet off the ground, excited to get home.

"It's about time!" Laura called as Clint opened the back of the jet shortly after he landed. Cooper, Nathaniel and Lila came running into the jet going to their father first to hug him. He embraced the three of them quickly and gave them each a kiss on top of the head. He grinned as Laura came in and slowly made her way towards him, and the kids backed away as she got to him and he wrapped his arms around her happily.
"Hey beautiful" he whispered, giving her a kiss on the lips.
"Gross" Nathaniel screwed up his nose and the three kids came running to you and gave you a group hug. You stopped to kiss each of them on top of the head.
"I knew you and Captain America would make a cute couple" Lila pulled back with a smile, looking between you and Steve. "You talked about him so much on the weekends..." she started and you put your hand over her mouth while your cheeks flushed.
"Steve doesn't need to hear about that" you shushed her.
"You mean how much you like him" she sang and giggled, running away.
"Come on, mom made a huge supper" Cooper went over and grabbed which bag he knew was yours.
"What's for supper?" you looked over at Laura curiously.
"I made bar-b-que, since it wasn't too cold today. We are having burgers and potato salad" Laura grinned. "Welcome back Steve, it's good to see you again" she welcomed him.
"Thank you, it's an honor" Steve grinned and went to grab his bag.
"Are you sharing a room with Y/N? Mom only cleaned Y/N's room" Nathaniel asked quickly.
"I am, yes. Is that okay with you?" Steve asked him, a slight flush on his cheeks.
"I guess it's okay. Just try to keep the kissing thing to a minimum. She's like our older sister, and no one wants to see that" Nathaniel shuddered looking at you.
"Hey, kissing isn't that bad," you giggled. "It's nice. You'll see someday" you warned him.
"Hey, we promised no teasing this weekend" Laura reminded him.
"I'm just being honest" Nathaniel shrugged and walked out beside Cooper.
"Do you two kiss a lot?" Lila asked Steve who grinned in response.
"Enough with the third degree. Let's go get settled in so we can eat" Clint put a stop to all the questions, and you all headed out to the house.

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