Scarf or booties

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After getting back to the compound, Bucky brought the desserts to the kitchen and everyone else retired to their suites. Loki promised to come over later for tea, and Steve headed to Nat and Bruce's suite to get Roxy and Tom back while you put away the strawberries and your new books etc. Steve was gone a good ten minutes, and you were about to go check on him when he came back in with both pets. Tom immediately jumped down from his arms and padded his way over to you and meowed. You giggled and got both Tom and Roxy some treats to have as a reward for coming home with no issue. Roxy took her denta-stick to her bed and curled up to eat it, while Tom ate his treats from on top of the counter where you put them.
"What's the yarn for, Angel?" Steve asked, seeing you had left it on the coffee table.
"I wanted to knit something," you shrugged, looking away.
"How about baby booties?" he asked with a sly smile.
"For who?" you asked, caught off guard.
"How about us?" he asked, licking his lips and gave a soft smile.
"Us?" you echoed.
"I want to take that step with you" Steve said softly, walking over to you and putting his hands on your waist before pulling you in.
"Steve, it's not that easy" you put your hand on his chest and shook your head. "I'd be put off missions, and what would I do for work? I couldn't live here if I got pregnant" you said in a rush, feeling anxiety rushing into your entire body.
"You would still live here, you would just do something different" Steve shook his head in defiance. "I've always wanted a family, and you're just the dame I've been looking to do it with" he dipped his down slightly, and you could see that your hesitation was causing him some pain. "I'll work it all out with Tony when it happens" he said, trying to reassure you.
"Steve, I'm scared of that happening" you bit your bottom lip. "I mean, you saw what I came from. I don't want my kids growing up with that possibility. Our job is dangerous. I don't want them wondering if mommy or daddy is going to come home. I want them to always know that we will be there" you pulled away from his loving embrace.
"Then we leave it behind" he said as if it was just that simple.
"What do you mean? We can't just leave" you raised your hands and slapped them on your legs feeling like the conversation had come out of nowhere.
"Why not?" he asked, crossing his arms. "I'd leave all this behind to be with you, and have a little family of our own. Tell me you've thought about it" he looked at you pleadingly.
You took a moment to compose yourself and found yourself going down that train of thought. What it would be like to raise a baby with Steve, have a family of your own that your parents would probably adore. You knew that Clint made it seem so effortless, but Laura stayed at home with the kids. You didn't want to be a stay at home mom either. But maybe you could for a little bit. You didn't know, you just knew you needed some air.
"Just think about it," he said, his voice softening. "For me," he added, his eyes pleading with you.
"I'll think about it," you agreed softly. "I need to go..." you grabbed your knitting needles and yarn.
"Baby, please stay" he said softly.
"I just need to think, I'll be back" you promised and walked out of the room. Steve sank onto the couch and cupped his face in his hands and gave a loud sigh. He knew what he wanted, he just needed you to be on the same page.

You went as far as Nat and Bruce's place and walked in to see Nat was sitting on Bruce's lap sideways and they were watching TV together.
"Songbird?" Nat asked, looking over. She took in your demeanor and she suddenly looked suspicious and she pointed at you, and beckoned you over with one finger. You gave a slight pout, but diligently walked forward to her. You walked around the couch and stood in front of her and Bruce, blocking the TV, and Bruce looked up at you worriedly. "What did he do?" Nat asked, not mincing words.
"You look distraught," Bruce added with a nod.
"Steve brought up having kids" you said with a bit of a sigh.
"Sit" Nat patted the couch and you squeezed your hands on the yarn and needles a little before sitting down. "Why are you so upset? It's a natural progression in a relationship?" she asked softly.
"But I wouldn't have anywhere to live," you said in a small voice.
"Here is your home," Bruce said easily. "No one would take that away from you" he shook his head.
"But if I'm not working..." you started to argue.
"We could use you in the lab," Bruce replied quickly. "Maybe you could go back to school and finish your courses," he added. "Peter and Pietro did it, and they worked when they could. Those boys spend more time in the lab then they do on missions"
"I for one would love to see you raise a little family" Nat said, giving her opinion. "You have the chance for something Bruce and I always wished we could have" she added softly.
"Really?" you asked hopefully.
"Steve wouldn't let you be homeless, Songbird. Neither would Tony. We would help you go back to school, or we would just take you to work in the lab with us" he reassured you.
"Think about it" Nat said, reaching over and touching your shoulder in a motherly way.
"You two should adopt" you gave a soft smile. Nat and Bruce shared a secret smile and nodded in agreement, however didn't delve more into the subject.
"What are you making?" Nat asked as you made up your mind and started with your stitching.
"It was going to be a scarf" you gave a soft sigh. "Now I'm not so sure" you admitted. "I'm letting my fingers decide" you gave a gentle smile.

"Is it for Steve?" she asked.
"Yes, definitely for Steve" you nodded.
"Take your time, let me go make some tea" Nat got up and went into their small kitchenette.
You continued going one stitch at a time, starting out small. Nat brought the three of you in some tea and settled back in on Bruce's lap and went back to watching her movie. As you continued on creating your little project, the room remained mostly silent. Your phone dinged a few times but you wanted to straighten out your head a little before you went back to Steve. You knew he was likely worried about you, but you had to make up your mind. You had wanted a family when you were younger, but after the accident in college you didn't want to take that chance anymore. Life is too precious and you were terrified of what the future would hold.
The rhythmic clicking of your needles was overshadowed by the movie, but the small vibrations gave you some sense of peace. A few hours passed, and the only movement was either Nat or Bruce warming up the tea, or one of them selecting another movie to watch. Bruce's reassurance had really hit home for you, and reminded you that you were a part of a family again, and you didn't need to worry half as much as you had been. You finally finished and realized you had quite a bit of yarn left, and started working on a second project, not wanting to give up your peace. A large part of you yearned to be with Steve again, cuddling in the living room since you did have missions coming up this week. You wouldn't have as many opportunities to do this.
"It's almost supper time" Nat said, turning off the TV after a while. Their second movie had finished, and your tea had long since been done as well.
"Is it?" you asked, fully concentrated on your task.
"Loverboy has also been texting us asking where you are," she added softly.
"He probably knows" you barely looked away from your hands.
"I did tell him" Bruce offered with a simple smile. You shrugged, and Nat took your first project and held it up to scrutinize.
"Well done" Nat gave a bright smile. "Now put that down for now" she put her hands over your needles and you paused to look at her.
"Let me finish this row" you gave a slight pout and she rolled her eyes before pulling back her hands. You finished your row, and she took the project out of your hands and set it down on the couch.
"Come on" she tapped your lap. "Come with mama Nat and papa Bruce" she insisted. You got to your feet and obediently followed the two of them out of the suite.
"Are you coming back to our suite after?" Bruce asked as he closed the door behind the three of you.
"I think I'll go back to my room after I pick my stuff up. I just needed a minute to think" you followed them slowly down the hallway.
"Why are we sulking?" Loki asked, coming up behind you and you yelped and jumped slightly.
"We are worried about carrying children," Nat explained quickly, knowing Loki was a close friend.
"Why? You would make a fine mother" he gave a soft smile. "You know many women still work in the field during their pregnancies. Back in Asgard it was a common occurrence until the mother was showing. You shouldn't have any issues"
"It's not a sure thing" you shook your head.
"Isn't it?" he asked curiously and you stopped to look at him. He shrugged and made his way by you and it made you wonder if there was something you were missing.
"Did you get anything at the flea market?" Nat asked him as he passed by.
"Book's and strawberries" Loki slowed his pace.
"Oh, I'm visiting you" she chuckled.
"As did Y/N" he added quickly.
"Mama's coming over tonight" Nat gave you a playful slap on the behind and you yelped with a soft giggle and nodded that you understood she was having a hankering for some fresh fruit as well.
"Understood" you smiled and continued on your way. 

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