Another night in the park

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Steve led the way home, with Bucky and Sam in the back being curiously quiet for the entire drive. You looked out the window at the streets that you used to call home. You longed to be back at home in your bed, but you still had things to do. Scott had texted you that he had taken Roxy out for a run while you were out, and sent a picture of her carrying a stick proudly in her mouth. You texted him that you were on your way home, and he sent you a thumbs up emoji in response. You wondered silently if you now had to fight Scott for your dog back too.
Once you got back to the compound, you had to hurry inside to go for supper where the rest of the team was waiting expectantly. You mumbled your apologies, with Steve quickly behind you taking a seat. The rest of the guys came in and barely said a word before sitting down. No one really said anything, although you had a feeling Tony already had an idea of what happened based on his forgiveness that was easily given when you came in. Roxy ate her entire dish of kibble and came over while you were eating to put her head on your lap, so you snuck her some meat from your plate. Steve wordlessly just put an extra serving on your plate, and you smiled at him in response.
After the meal was over you put your dishes away and thanked everyone in general, still feeling a little shattered from earlier. You started making your way to the front door but Steve, Bucky and Sam caught up with Clint behind them.
"Let us take her, we will make it quick" Bucky told you.
"No, it's okay..." you started to say.
"Glad that's cleared up, come on kid" Clint grabbed your hand.
"But I.." you were cut off by Steve, Sam and Bucky already heading out the door with Roxy who was barking excitedly. "What in the world..." you trailed off.
"Glad you see it our way. Come on" he smirked and started leading you up the stairs.
"What's going on?" you asked in a bit of a huff.
"We are headed to Nat's suite" Clint pulled you along.
"Why?" you rolled your eyes.
"Because she's waiting, come on" he continued to lead the way.
"But why is she waiting?" you asked as you got closer to her door, having taken a minute or two to think in confusion.
"There's our songbird!" Nat threw open her door and pulled you in for a hug, taking you out of Clint's grasp. Bruce looked over from the couch where he was sitting with Tom on his lap and he gave a small wave. "Okay, come on" Nat pulled you into the room. She led you to the couch and motioned for you to sit. As soon as you did she grabbed a hair brush that was laying on the coffee table in front of her and she handed it to Clint who stood behind you and he started to brush out your hair. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back enjoying the moment.
"Let me grab the cookies" Bruce got up from the couch and you watched him go to the kitchenette and grab a box of your favorite bakery, with sugar cookies and pink icing on top. You smiled happily feeling a bit spoiled and took one out of the box and had a big bite. "A good way to end a rough day" Bruce smiled kindly and offered Nat and Clint a cookie as well, before taking one himself. Clint paused long enough to eat his cookie, then brushed his hands off on his shirt before he went back to your hair. Nat turned on some of your favorite music and cuddled in with Bruce on the couch beside you, humming to the music while petting Tom.
"You stole my cat," you giggled.
"He stole our hearts," Nat sighed happily. You looked around the room and saw it was all set up for a cat, and knew that Tom indeed had a second home now. "I'm excited to see who else is all set up for Roxy too" she motioned her hand to the dog bed by the front of the TV.
"You're after Roxy too?" you laughed.
"She loves it here when you are on missions. Scott stole her earlier while Nat was in the gym, and I was in the lab" Bruce grinned.
"I bet Tony didn't see this coming" you sighed and closed your eyes.
"He knew it was what you wanted, I think he didn't anticipate a lot of us were missing out on that emotional connection too" he replied easily.
"How do you feel?" Clint asked after a while. You had been relaxed and just fell into a lull with the music and the feeling of his hands caressing the nape of your neck.
"Better" you opened your eyes to smile at him.
"Have another cookie" Bruce handed you the box and you took one, relishing in another bite. "I ran out before supper and grabbed them since I knew you were going to have a rough day" he advised.
"Thank you papa Bruce" you smiled at him.
"Did you want to go out and sit on your balcony?" Clint asked as you reached back to touch the fishtail braid in your hair.
"Yes please" you eagerly nodded.
"I'll go start making your tea, you just need to go get your jacket on" Clint tapped you on your shoulders and headed to the door to go to your suite.
"I'll meet you out there" Nat leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. You nodded with a smile on your lips and got up.
"Don't worry, I'll bring Tom. He's comfortable" Bruce grinned and you giggled before leaving the room.

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