Black Friday shopping

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As soon as breakfast was done, you put on your boots and followed Laura who was wearing black leggings and one of Clint's black hoodies with large snow boots. The two of you went to Laura's minivan and climbed in. It was a long drive into the city, and stopped for a hot chocolate at Starbucks. Steve had been very reluctant to let you leave, and insisted that you sent him messages during the day to check in. Bucky seemed excited to be having a guys day with the kids, while Lila was already pulling out the nail polish and you knew they were in for a headache.
The first place Laura stopped was at Walmart and the two of you went in excitedly thinking it really was a one stop shop. You both grabbed a cart each, and prepared to make some serious damage. You first went to the cosmetic's section and picked out some makeup and nail polish for Lila. You picked out some for yourself as well, but decided you would get more high end stuff online for Laura, Wanda, Pepper and Nat. You headed next to getting hair stuff for stocking stuffers, then to the pharmacy. You picked up Avenger band aids as a joke, and cleaned out their entire supply. Laura had gone to the front of the pharmacy away from you and paid for something before sliding it into her purse. You decided to let her have her secrets for now and sipped at your hot chocolate while continuing to browse. Once she caught up with you, the two of you went through the rest of the store, overflowing your carts as you went. You checked in once with Steve once, but knew you were out for the day, so you chose to keep the texts further apart. You both agreed to get the gift wrap at the dollar store since it was a bit cheaper.
After you paid for all your wares you went to the dollar store, and that took you to lunch. Laura took you to Jean's diner for lunch and you were admittedly tired from your big excursion, but also knew that it wasn't nearly over.
The small diner was full of patrons and you seated yourselves at a small table in the back with your phones out and already still shopping. You were madly craving a burger and fries with cheese curds and gravy, and a side of coleslaw. You picked out the biggest burger they had, which was the diner special with bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onion rings and their special bbq sauce. Laura giggled as you ordered everything out carefully, and advised you wanted mushroom caps to start. She piggybacked on your order and handed over the menus after you both ordered iced tea.
You ordered multiple things to be delivered to the compound, really enjoying all the deals you were finding, and you made sure to get everyone in the compound and Clint's family. You even found an electric blanket for Happy who had been complaining that it was too cold in his suite lately. You used Tony's handy template with everyone's size for clothes or shoes, then went off their personal styles from there. You also managed to find several stocking stuffers that you were proud of.
You both ate in companionable silence, but you did notice that Laura kept touching her purse as though she was double checking it was there frequently through the meal. You finished up and ordered strawberry cheesecake for dessert, and you extra whipped cream to go on top of it. You put your phone down and gave a bit of a sigh since you were waiting for dessert to come.
"What is it?" Laura asked you.
"I need the rest room" you gave a shy smile.
"Oh good, I've been waiting for this" Laura grabbed her purse and pulled out two pregnancy tests.
"What the... no. No I don't need that" you flushed.
"Trust me on this one. Did you want me to do one too?" she asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Are you pregnant?!" you asked with a soft squeal.
"It never hurts to check. I'll tell you what, you go first. Once you come back, I'll go do it too and we can show each other the results. We will never have to talk about it again if they are both negative" she added with a remarkably calm demeanor.
"It's just a touch of the flu" you took one box unsurely.
"Trust me," Laura said confidently.
"We are not telling the boys about this right?" you asked, biting your bottom lip.
"Not a word unless you want to" she nodded.
"I'll be right back" you sighed and took the box with you.
You went down the long hallway to the women's bathroom and opened the box, taking a moment to read the instructions. You set the instructions and the box to the side before sitting down to do your business, peeing on the stick midflow. You quickly put the cap back on and sat it on the side of the sink. Your mind drifted off to what if it was positive. Steve would likely be over the moon. You didn't know if you were ready, but on the same token, would you ever be ready? You washed your hands and grabbed some extra paper towels to wrap the test in once you were done, so you could show Laura that the test results were going to be negative.
You paced in the small room, routinely looking at your watch thinking this was silly. The room was decorated with a small painting and a vase of flowers, but otherwise it was fairly bland. You looked at the test once it had been five minutes and stood in shock.
Two little lines just changed your entire life in the course of a moment. You quickly wrapped up the test in the paper towels, after throwing the box with instructions away. You looked at the test again and leaned your back against the wall, still astounded by the results. You weren't sure if you wanted to cry or throw up. The reminder that Laura was waiting with your cheesecake though, drove you to leave the bathroom. You put the test in your sweater pocket and went back to the table. Laura was just finishing her dessert and looked at you with a soft smile, looking at your pale complexion and already knowing the results before you walked into the bathroom.
"I'll be right back" Laura grabbed her box after you sat down and she left, giving you a few more minutes to get your thoughts together. You thoughtfully picked at your cheesecake and ate it a small bite at a time. She came back a few minutes later and sat across from you.
The waitress came and collected your plates and gave you wet wipes for your hands, and the bill. Laura whipped out her card and paid quickly, but asked for a few more minutes and refills on the drinks. The waitress nodded and gave you both refills before she left the two of you sitting in your little cozy spot in the back of the restaurant. Laura pulled her test out of her sweater pocket and placed it on the table face down. You screwed up your courage and took out your test too. You flipped yours upwards and Laura gave a soft smile before doing hers as well. Her test was negative, but yours was positive.
"Are you ready?" Laura asked you, nodding towards the test.
"I... I don't know" you admitted.
"Well, you have two options. Meet this head on and have the baby, or we make an appointment for an abortion" she said in soft voice and you looked at her shocked. "I know this can't be easy" she added, putting her hand on top of your own.
"No, I want it" you blurted out, not realizing until that moment how much you did.
"That's my girl" she smiled approvingly. "When are you telling Steve?" she asked.
"I guess when we get home" you sighed, running one hand over your face.
"Good girl, he will be over the moon" she smiled. "I texted Clint already and they are ordering pizza for supper. We just needed to pick up the soda pop, but we did that when we were at Walmart. Now lets just..." she reached over and rewrapped your pregnancy test for you and you took the finished product and put it in your purse. She nodded and put her's into her own purse to dispose of later. "Drink up" she reminded you and you nodded. You drank back your iced tea quickly and the two of you got up and left.

Laura didn't say anything else about the pregnancy test, letting you digest the news in your own way. The two of you made a few more stops, one of them being the drug store to get prenatal vitamins. You stashed them in your purse as well, making a mental note that you would have to buy them again. She stopped at Starbucks again on your way back to the house and you got another hot chocolate as you looked up online what foods and drinks to stay away from while you were expecting. You didn't want to hurt your baby before you even had the chance to be a real mother to them.
When you got back to the house you looked back in the van and it was packed to the hilt with things the two of you had bought. Yours were all tied with a bow, while hers were not. You went to open your door but the door opened on its own and there was the loving gaze of Steve and his boyish smile. Clint was already making his way to Laura's side of the van, while Bucky and the kids seemed to have remained inside.
"Hi Angel," Steve said softly and you unbuckled your seatbelt before sliding out and you were automatically wrapped up in his heavily muscled arms.
"Hi baby" you sighed, pushing your face more into his chest. All your doubts melted away as he kissed you softly on top of your head.
"I waited all day for you. Looks like it was worth the wait, as usual when it comes to you" Steve added slyly.
"You've been talking to Bucky again, haven't you?" you giggled.
"Maybe" he chuckled. "So what am I bringing back up to the room?" he asked expectantly. You hesitated and he looked at you curiously. You just reached up and brushed your lips against his own, cherishing the moment. He hummed into the kiss, running his hands up and down your back.
"I love you, I hope you know that" you said, pulling away from the kiss.
He broke out into a chuckle and put his index finger under your chin and tilted your face up to look at him. "And I love you, my Angel '' he said in his sweet voice that was just music to your ears. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving that to you" he added with a wink.
"Just the rest of your life?" you asked teasingly.
"Oh doll, it's going to be a lot longer than that" he kissed you on the tip of your nose with a chuckle before he pulled away and went to help Clint with getting the bags out of the back of the van.  

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