Live Forever

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The following morning Steve woke up first and pulled your naked body against his a little tighter. He had woken you up a few times during the night to make love again, and you never turned him down, only seemed to goad him on. He looked down at you, feeling like he was overflowing with love for you. His hands itched to sketch the way you looked with your head resting on his chest again, and the small smile you had on your face in your sleep. You had gotten up during the night to take your pills as well as to wash your makeup off. He loved the way you looked without makeup first thing in the morning. He thought you didn't really need it, but you seemed to like putting it on. He ran his fingers through the satiny tendrils of your hair, and hummed to himself.
Yesterday hadn't panned out much mission wise. You had done your part and had kept the target, Patrick, distracted. Steve had watched Patrick in his office for a bit before he went to the hotel. He had tried to get into the house, but it was a fortress and he didn't want to set off any alarm bells. Not yet at least. He followed him most of the day, and Patrick was following you with some interest. He had gone to the hotel to find out what stores you were going to, and it wasn't missed on Steve that he had also tipped the receptionist and a security guard a sum of money each. Steve figured it must be nice to be a multi-millionaire, and able to give away money like that. He felt a little jealous that another man thought he could steal you away from him, and he felt a little more possessive over you because of it. He hadn't been kidding yesterday when he said he would burn the world for you. He was always the hero, but for you he would become the villain. He had to catch himself several times during the mission, he wanted to tell you that he loved you. But he didn't want you to think it was for the mission that he was saying it. He wanted you to know he was talking to you for real, and it was just the two of you in the scenario.
You gave a small shiver in your sleep, and Steve pulled the Egyptian cotton sheets up more around your shoulders to give you more warmth. He leaned down and kissed you on top of your head affectionately, and sighed to himself. He knew Bucky and Clint would be showing up soon. Today was a tour of London, and taking you shopping again. The idea was to get more of Patrick's attention, with a carefully planned schedule that corresponded with Patricks known habits, along with more shopping for shoes and clothes for you. Steve had already reached out to Tony to ask him to send him the bill for the jewelry shop, not bothering to explain himself. Tony did ask why, but he didn't want to answer him over text that he didn't want you wearing jewelry that another man had bought you anymore.

You moved slightly and nuzzled into his chest more, and a smile broke out across Steve's face. He knew you were starting to wake up, and he couldn't wait to gaze deeply in your eyes again.
"Good morning" he whispered to you as your eyes started to blink open. You quickly had a smile go across your face and you looked up at him a little shyly.
"Good morning" you blushed, and he swore he would never get tired of seeing you blush. You always seem to flush so easily. "How long have you been awake?" you asked him, brushing some of the sleepy dust from your eyes.
"Not that long," Steve lied. He didn't want to admit he was just enjoying watching you sleep. You nodded and closed your eyes again, rubbing your hand up and down his chest. "The boys will be here soon with breakfast" he warned you.
"Right, the mission" you sighed and opened your eyes again. He wondered if you had honestly forgotten you were on a mission, or if you were just enjoying a good morning cuddle. "One of us should hit the showers" you gave another sigh.
"You go first, take your time getting ready. I'll have breakfast brought up again" Steve whispered to you. You looked up at him, and all of his willpower was gone. He leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, and started pulling you up towards him more so he could continue to kiss you. You readily accepted his kisses, parting your lips almost immediately to grant him entry. You let out one of your soft moans, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had time to take you again. He loved hearing your moans and cries of pleasure.
A knock at the front door made him still, and he slowly pulled back from the morning kiss. You huffed slightly, but pulled away.
"I'll go, thank you for the morning kiss" you whispered to him and blew him a kiss, a large smile across your face. Steve waited until you were in the bathroom before he grabbed his boxer briefs off of the floor and one of the robes and put them both on. He grabbed his mask and snapped it into place and made his way to the front door.

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