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Steve proceeded to carry you back down the stairs, and straight into the limousine again. The driver chuckled, and you were giggling at Steve's antics. Your feet were admittedly getting sore from all the dancing in the jet and walking around, but you weren't willing to call it quits yet. You still had one more surprise in store for him, and you didn't want to disappoint him.
As you got back to the airport and went through security you couldn't help but keep sneaking peeks at your ring, admiring the fact that it really did look like an engagement ring. If that didn't tell people you were in a committed relationship, you weren't sure what would. Steve took every opportunity to touch you when he could. You had a feeling he was already planning the night ahead. Little did he know, you were already five steps ahead of him for once. You were eyeing the tie he was wearing, thinking of all the ways you wanted him to use it on you. You had a feeling you had found the right piece to make Steve lose control, and his remarkable restraint. You hoped that the safe words weren't going to be heard tonight. He had given you more than you could ever dream of, and now that he knew how you felt and as surreal as it was, that he loved you too, you didn't have to hold back when you talked to him anymore. It was freeing in a sense.
Steve led you into the jet and he got you set up in the copilot chair. Once he closed up the back, he came back to you and looked down at your feet pointedly.
"That's got to be hurting" he chuckled and got down on his knees and unlaced your shoes before he slipped them off of your sore feet. You moaned happily at the sudden relief, and he spied some blisters since this was your first time wearing these shoes. He picked up your feet and kissed where the blisters were. You hissed between your teeth at the sudden pressure, but he was gazing at you so lovingly you bit back any further complaints. "How did this happen?" he asked, still holding your right foot up.
"New shoes" you blushed, and he hummed.
"Anything I can do to help?" he asked a little hopefully.
"Do we have any bandages? If you put a bandaid on top of them it helps" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"I'll go get them" he set your foot down and went to the med kit that was to your right on the wall. He pulled out the box of bandaids and started taking the plasters out of their wrapping and he sat on the floor again and started putting them on the blisters loosely. "I hope you know this means I'm carrying you back inside. I can't have you walking in those shoes again if they are going to do that."
"I should have broken them in first, but I just got them and I was pretty excited to look my best for our date" you gave a shy smile.
"Baby doll, even when you are walking around in sweatpants and an old t-shirt I think you look beautiful" Steve looked at you, and you could see the honesty reflected in his face. "But when you wear stuff like this..." he trailed his eyes up and down your form. "I start mentally calculating how much it would cost me to rip it off of you" he added with a sly smirk.
"This is satin!" you exclaimed in surprise.
"But it's so tempting" he stood up and kissed you hard on the lips. He moved away and went and put away the med kit and the garbage away before he took the pilot chair and started the process of taking off.

Steve played romantic music for the duration of the flight home, and by the time he landed the jet, it was dark out and the compound was illuminated by the outdoor spotlights that were strategically placed to not be on the personal rooms. Compound B and C used for staff as well as parties in the same order, were lit up as well. You finally pulled out your phone and found yourself surprised to see it was almost midnight already. You bent down and picked up your shoes, fully intending on putting them on but Steve stopped you.
"Let me carry you" he shook his head.
"How are you going to close up the jet?" you asked with a nervous giggle. "Or open the doors?"
"You'll do it, I'll just carry you" he shrugged as if the answer was obvious.
"What if I'm too heavy?" you asked, biting down on your bottom lip.
"I'm a super soldier, you are light to me" he rolled his eyes with a good natured chuckle.
"You do need to give me a few minutes when we get inside for me to take off my makeup" you were mentally planning on how you were going to get to your teddy before he saw it.
"I'll take you up to your suite, and then I'll go wait in mine for you. Roxy is with Bucky, and Tom is obviously with Nat and Bruce. We can use my room for the night" Steve conceded.
"Well, I do have clothes there" you smirked, trying to remember if you had a robe, and decided you would put on one of Steve's zip up hoodies to go to his room instead. Hopefully no one would be awake at this hour. You both unbuckled and Steve reached for you. As soon as you were securely in his arms, you put your clutch and shoes on your stomach towards your hips and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
He walked carefully out of the jet, and you hit the control panel to close the doors as soon as he was out. You giggled at the hilarity of the situation as he chuckled with you trying to maneuver with him slightly in the way. When he got to the compound doors you grabbed the door and Steve kicked it open, walked through and kicked it closed again. He held you close to his chest as he took the steps two at a time going up, and he strode past all the doors going straight to yours. You giggled and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"This is the part where you let me down," you whispered, grabbing your clutch and shoes.
"You have five minutes, or else I'm coming looking for you" he looked at you with a heated gaze.

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