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Wanda, Nat, and Pepper had the energy of teenagers on energy drinks as you made your way through the mall. You had to bring your bags back to the SUV a few times since you didn't want to keep carrying so much stuff with you as you walked through the mall. The trunk was full, so packages were starting to fill up the back seat as well, and you weren't sure if there was going to be enough room for you and Wanda on the drive home. You had gotten plenty of new jeans, sweaters, and t-shirts since you had plenty of clothes for the gym. You knew you were overloading your closet, but on the same token, it was getting colder out, and you wanted to make sure that you had winter clothes for when the snow started falling. You had gone through and donated a large portion of your wardrobe in the spring since Pepper was doing a fundraiser, and you had wanted to help. You recognized that Wanda and Nat had done the same thing, so it was likely why there were so many clothes being purchased. You did buy Steve a few more sweaters and shirts, hoping he would take the hint that you wanted some of his clothes in your closet as well.
The four of you were carrying handfuls of bags again when you stopped at a restaurant in the mall and went in to stop for supper. You had been at it most of the day, and had only stopped in the food court briefly to fuel up before going at it again.
"So tell me about Daddy and museum" Wanda giggled after you had given your drink orders. Nat and Pepper looked up in shock and you flushed a deep red.
"It's some of our words we use in the bedroom" you stammered a little.
"How are you handling the supersoldier stamina?" Nat asked quickly.
"Pretty good. I can keep up with him most of the time, but that's why we have safe words" you gave a soft smile. "He's a very attentive lover"
"And you still haven't told him you love him yet" Pepper frowned slightly.
"I plan to, tomorrow" you admitted. "It's time, he doesn't have to say it back. But I feel like I'm going to implode if I don't tell him soon"
"I remember feeling that way with Bruce" Nat gave a soft sigh. "We danced around the subject for so long, and then one day he just said it while I was about to head out on a mission. I could see it in his face that he meant it. The rest is history"
"And you guys have been together since the Avengers were at the tower, right?" you asked for confirmation.
"Yes, it's been a wonderful ten years," Nat nodded.
"Why haven't you gotten married?" you asked softly.
"I never thought that it would be in the cards for me. Bruce seems happy the way things are, and I don't want to push him" she shook her head. "Can you imagine the papers if the black widow got married to the hulk?" she giggled.
"It would be the wedding of the century" Wanda cooed to her. "Vision and I want to have a small ceremony, with just family and friends"
"Have you decided on a date yet?" Pepper asked quickly.
"No, we aren't in a hurry. After the whole ordeal with the accords years ago, it's nice to just take our time and be with one another. Pietro seems to like the family dynamic as well. I sometimes get them both to watch the old shows on the tv with me in the evenings. It was nice last week, I had Alpine to snuggle while we watched "I love Lucy." Wanda had a broad smile on her face.
"I was wondering why you were always in such a hurry after supper" Nat chuckled. "We spent our evenings with Tom who is quite the cuddler. Bruce and I just adore him"
"I know I've lost my cat" you giggled.
"He just has an alternate home if you are away on missions" Nat reminded you. "I kept sneaking him out of Sam's place" she added with a mischievous smirk.

"Have you decided on what you want to eat?" Pepper asked after a few minutes of looking over the menu.
"Chicken parmesan" you set down your menu with a slight sigh on your lips. You heard your phone ping and you took it out of your pocket and a smile instantly went across your face. It was a text from Steve with a picture of Roxy eating chips from Bucky at the table. You instantly sent him a heart in response, and you could see he was in the middle of typing something.
"What's that big smile about?" Nat asked with a smirk.
"Steve is writing to me" you cooed looking at your phone.
"Are you coming home soon?" you saw it come up on your screen, and you could feel the hopeful tint in the wording.
"We are just about to eat" you texted him back.
"Meet me in my room, all the pet stuff I ordered came in today. Roxy and Tom are set up in my room too" Steve wrote back within a minute. You flushed and sent him a quick "ok" in response. You felt touched he went that far, and knew that you spent a lot of time at your place. It was only right to go to his place sometimes too. If the pets were set up at his suite, there was no room for argument there. You were also a little relieved, since you had been feeling a little selfish.
"Someone looks happy" Pepper giggled a little, taking in your entire demeanor.
"Steve bought stuff so that my fur babies would be comfortable at his place too, so I guess I'm spending the night at his place tonight" you put your phone away again.
"It won't be long until we have an extra room again" she smirked.
"I have too much stuff for one of us to move into the other's suite" you quickly shook your head.
"We shall see Songbird, Tony normally think's pretty far ahead" Nat winked at you.
"He can't be thinking that far ahead already" you shook your head.
"Oh, you would be surprised" Pepper took a sip of her wine, with a roll of her eyes.

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