Mission reports and an evening walk

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"Fuck, I can barely remember all the stores we went to" Clint rubbed his face shortly after lunch. He was clearly still tired, but the four of you were seated in the living room, diligently working on the mission reports.
"Don't you still have the receipts? I need the names too" Bucky looked at him and Clint gave a heavy sigh.
"I'll run upstairs and get them from Y/N's bags. At least those are time stamped" Clint got up from his chair and made his way upstairs. You had been struggling with the same thing, and found yourself grateful that Clint was running upstairs to get the intel. You were taking your sweet time, and adding additional details to your first night there, making sure to mention you had eyes on the target, and he had eyes on you. You had your legs up on Steve, and he had his laptop balanced on your shins while you worked. Steve looked tired, but determined to finish his report. You knew he had more stuff to go over later, and he had mentioned he had to go to his office for a bit later. You figured it was more than likely about next week's missions, and you couldn't wait to find out what you were doing next. You assumed it would be back to storming Hydra bases, but you weren't a hundred percent sure on that one. Clint came back a few minutes later with the receipts and he started sorting them out on the coffee table in order of where all you had visited. Bucky came over to sit on one side of him and you found yourself moving to sit on the other side of him as you started taking notes for what to put in your report. The three of you worked in tandem, detailing everything you possibly could in your notes before moving back to your respective seats. Steve lifted his laptop expectantly to you to put your legs over his lap again and you gave a soft giggle before complying with his request.
"Did you need the specifics and price of the jewelry?" Clint asked, holding up the receipt to Steve who shook his head.
"I memorized it, and already paid toward the credit card for it" Steve shook his head.
"What about the other receipt?" he asked, throwing you the side eye and you looked up curiously.
"Did I miss one?" you asked quickly.
"No" Bucky shook his head while you saw Steve's ears go a little red. You shook your head and bit your bottom lip, deciding to let it go. You focused on your report and detailing everything you could possible. There was a lot of information to go over and specify. You were glad that when you were in your hotel room you didn't have to specify what happened, otherwise that would be a little embarrassing. The last thing you needed anyone to know was how frequent you and Steve had made love while on the mission.
It was getting close to supper time, and you realized you were only halfway through doing your details on the mission report, and frowned.
"Let's call it for the day, we can get back to it on Monday" Steve suddenly announced and the three of you gave a collective sigh of relief. Steve closed his laptop and you followed his lead, closing yours up. You figured at worst you would work on it over the weekend when you had spare time.
"I'm going to get my dirty clothes and grab the jet. Laura and the kids are waiting for me, I'll eat with them" Clint stood up and did a small stretch.
"I'd better bring this upstairs, I'm going to be busy after supper with putting everything away" you gave a soft sigh and stood up as well.
"Do you still have hot chocolate?" Bucky asked a little hopefully.
"I sure do," you nodded with a quick smile.
"I'll help you put everything away..." he trailed off.
"I'll pay you with hot chocolate while Steve is busy approving next week's mission dockets" you giggled with a slight wink. Bucky broke out into a smile and closed his laptop, standing up as well. "But, you have to take Roxy for a walk with me," you warned him. Steve gave an audible groan and looked at you.
"Can't you guys wait for the walk?" Steve asked a little hopefully.
"Nope, and you'll be busy. I'm stealing your boys for the night" you bent down and gave him a quick, chaste kiss on the lips. He hummed and gave a soft sigh before nodding, knowing you were right.
"I still get the sunset" Steve warned you and you gave a quick nod before following Clint and Bucky back upstairs to put your laptops away, and for Clint to get ready to leave for the weekend.

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