Stolen kisses

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Steve was smooth as he drove you back to the compound, keeping your hand clasped with his. He confidently drove as though he had been driving your car for as long as you had been. When you both got back to the compound, Bucky and Sam were waiting outside for him with grins on their faces, and Steve grimaced.
"I'll walk you upstairs to get Roxy" he warned you.
"If you're sure" you nodded and he gave you a quick smile. You had a feeling him coming to get Roxy was an excuse to get you alone to kiss you again. You really hoped it was, you loved the feeling of his lips against yours, and you were hungry for more.
"How was your date?" Sam asked as Steve opened your door for you again.
"Wonderful" you cooed, keeping eye contact with Steve. His face broke out into a grin, and he handed you your car keys after closing the door behind you. You quickly locked the doors and started towards the front doors with Steve close on your heels.
"Where do you think you're going, punk?" Bucky barked a laugh.
"We are taking Roxy with us tonight" Steve gave a wan smile.
"You sure that's all you're doing? I can see the beard burn from here" Sam teased and you felt your face flush.
"I'll be right back" Steve didn't bother answering him. He put his hand in the small of your back as you walked inside, and he led you up the stairs. You started to slow your steps when you got to the top of the stairs and you saw Nat was just coming out of her room with Roxy. Steve audibly groaned at the intrusion, he had hoped to get an end of date kiss for the second time tonight.
"Hey, I was just about to take her out" Nat gave a knowing smile, and bit the inside of her cheek at the look on Steve's face.
"I'll take her from here, I told Y/N I wanted to take her on my walk" Steve stepped forward, taking his hand off of you and reached for the leash. Nat shrugged and handed him the leash, and pulled the bag of treats out of her pocket and handed them to him as well. "I guess I'll see you when we get back" Steve turned to you, you could see his face had darkened a little bit.
"I'll be in my room" you nodded.
"Don't forget to wear your jacket if you go outside. It's cold out" he reminded you and you gave a shy smile, and a nod.
"See you in a bit, Steve" Nat told him, reminding him that she was still present. Steve groaned and nodded before walking away with Roxy. She wagged her tail, excited to be going for a walk. Nat waited until you both heard the front door close before she gave her catlike smile and gestured to you. "And?"
"I swear he's perfect" you swooned a little.
"Go get your tea, meet me on the balcony. I want details" she grinned and you nodded, heading into your room. You went to boil the water first before going to find a pair of fluffy pajama bottoms and a cotton t-shirt to wear with a sweater. Steve was right, it was getting too cold out for what you normally wore. You quickly went back and made your evening tea before heading out onto the balcony where Nat was already waiting with Bruce.

"Two dates in two days, you're pushing the rules around there punk" Bucky commented as they started making their way around the compound outside. Roxy seemed happy to be taking the lead, and taking in all the scents. Steve hummed to himself, his thoughts still with you and the stolen kisses of the day. He knew he was pushing it a bit if he was going to be honest with himself, but he couldn't help it. You were everything he ever dreamed of, and then some. He loved how responsive your body was to his kisses, and how you almost molded to him perfectly. How the scent of flowers seemed to engulf him every time his lips met yours or if he held you a certain way. He was certainly learning how to make you tick. He already knew several ways to turn you on, without even having taken the next step. He couldn't wait to cement the relationship, to make it that it was official and it was only the two of you seeing one another. He knew you didn't go out on other dates, but it bothered him you still had Tinder on your phone. He wanted the app gone already. He admitted he was a possessive man, a jealous man. He just wanted you to show him that it was only him on your mind.
"She's addictive" Steve finally answered, licking his lips and he could still taste you on them.
"You say that a lot, man," Sam reminded him.
"It's true" Steve's face broke out into a grin. "We went for a walk, that's all"
"You smell like chocolate" Bucky chirped as Roxy suddenly stopped to take a pee.
"We had hot chocolate," Steve continued to smile.
"Well, you can't pull the gentleman card again, we know you've been kissing her" Sam grinned to himself, and Steve's face lit up.
"She has the perfect lips," Steve whispered. "She's perfect for me"
"I won't argue with that" Bucky picked up a rock and threw it into the woods. "She's the type of dame your mom would have loved"
"With a dame like her, I wouldn't doubt it" Steve broke out into a smile again. He thought about how your body felt under his hands, for what little he had touched. He was also admittedly thinking about the lace outline of your panties he spied when he was checking you out earlier after breakfast. He knew you liked lace and had noticed it plenty of times before. But now he was so close to getting to feel the hem of them on his own. He didn't want to push you for sex, as much as he wanted it. But to feel your undergarments through your clothes would be a close second for now. He was already planning on how he was going to sneak into your room later. He was of course going to use Roxy as the initial excuse. They rounded the corner and he looked up quickly to see you were out on your balcony with Tom on your lap, talking animatedly with Nat and Bruce. He watched as you brushed your hair out of your face, and he remembered how the tendrils felt like silk against his fingers. He saw you spot them, and he waved to you and you gave a wave back quickly. Nat and Bruce nodded their heads in their direction, but they weren't the ones that had Steve's attention. Steve had half a mind to turn around and march his way back up to your room and give you that good night kiss early. He was determined he was getting the goodnight kiss tonight. He missed out on it last night, although this morning made up for it partially.
"How far are you taking this?" Sam asked, referring to the relationship.
"She's the one" Steve barely spared him a glance. "I'm not letting go," he admitted softly as he continued to gaze up at you.
"Isn't it a bit early to decide on that?" Sam seemed surprised.
"Once that punk has his mind set, it's hard to convince him otherwise" Bucky replied wisely. He knew Steve better than Steve did sometimes.

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