Deliciously sore

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When you woke up in the morning, you were deliciously sore and very satisfied. Your body was completely relaxed and curled up to Steve who was already awake and watching you, with what looked like love evident in his face. You caught your breath, wondering if you accidentally said it in the throes of passion last night, but he didn't say anything. He leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips, and you hummed happily.
"Good morning" he pulled back from the kiss, looking a little proud of himself.
"A very good morning to you" you purred to him.
"Are you rested?" he wiggled his eyebrows at you and you giggled.
"Roxy needs to go outside," you reminded him.
"Fine, what about coffee?" he asked, pulling you in and tugging slightly at your hair.
"Coffee sounds wonderful" you sighed, brushing your lips against his again.
"I'll go get coffee, you get changed into something comfortable for the morning" he kissed you again.
"Alright" you waited for him to get up. He went and put on his boxer briefs and grabbed the rest of his clothes, and his two mugs before going out the balcony door. You heard a cat call and your invisibility took over immediately before you heard both Steve and Bucky laughing.
"That's not even a real walk of shame" Bucky's voice traveled into the room.
"I'm not ashamed" Steve called back and you heard his door close. You got out of bed feeling a little tender and made your way to the bathroom to use the facilities. You took a moment to brush your very messy hair, and teeth, before coming back out and headed into the closet to grab a pair of dark blue leggings and a black v neck t-shirt. You pulled down Steve's hoodie that was still in your room and put it on quickly, and came back out to look for your sneakers. By the time you were laced up Steve was in your living room getting Roxy and waiting for you. You came out and he grinned looking you up and down.
"You said you were leaving one kiss mark" you flushed a bit, having seen several in the mirror.
"I said you had to leave one visible. Now you have a choice of which one" he winked at you. "Come on, the coffee is brewing" he held out a hand expectantly and you took it.

The walk with Roxy wasn't too long, she seemed to just pace around after going to pee. She came back to you both looking for treats, and Steve took one out of his pocket and gave it to her. You thought about telling Sam that she likes to chase after sticks, so he would have something new to do with her while you were gone. You looked around for a stick to throw, but didn't see one. You knew you would have to walk further, but by the look on Steve's face, he wanted to go back in and have his coffee. When he pulled on your hand, you just let him lead the way back upstairs. He stopped at his room, and you went to your own. When you walked through, you stopped to grab Tom to bring on the balcony, and he meowed a bit in protest. You gave him a kiss on top of the head and headed to your bedroom. You stopped a bit short of your balcony door, seeing that Bucky was already waiting on your balcony with a grin on his face and his coffee cup in his hand. You opened the door and walked out and he smirked at you.
"Good morning doll" he winked at you.
"Good morning Bucky" you flushed a bit as he looked pointedly at the kiss marks on your neck.
"How was your night?" he asked a little mischievously.
"It was good" you stopped short of saying too much. You sat down on your swing and started rocking yourself right away.
"I bet it was good," he chuckled. "Are you all set for the mission, miss distraction?"
"I just need to pack to be honest. The dress I'm wearing doesn't allow for any weapons" you frowned a bit.
"You are just as lethal with your body as you are with any weapon, I'm sure you can figure it out if it comes down to it. Besides, I won't be too far away, and you'll have Stevie there with you" he reassured you.
"Hey ya jerk, what are you doing here?" Steve came out with two steaming mugs of coffee. You giggled a little at the opening line.
"Keeping your dame some company punk. It's coffee time. You're late" Bucky smirked at him. "How was your night?"
"It was good" Steve kept his answer short and sweet.
"I bet it was," Bucky chuckled as Steve slipped over the railing and came to sit down next to you. He handed you your coffee and you took a grateful sip. "I was going over the mission details, are you sure you want me that close to the party?" he asked, looking a little worried.
"Yes, just in case something happens. Clint is going to keep eyes on the outside, and you will be wearing a mask on your vibranium arm and face so you'll blend in with the party. Just try not to walk through any metal detectors" Steve quickly nodded.
"I avoid those like the plague," Bucky shuddered. "I hate them"
"I don't blame you" you sighed, leaning towards Steve as he put his arm around you. You nuzzled into his chest and he hummed happily to himself.
"Loki finally came home at five o'clock this morning" Bucky updated you both.
"Good for him, he must have had a good weekend" you smiled happily.
"You and him both" Bucky rolled his eyes and you blushed again.
"You know, you should make your way out to Clint's one weekend. I think you would like it there. Wide open spaces, horses, kids, great food...." Steve drifted off.
"You're bragging you had one of Y/N's homemade meals again punk" Bucky quickly pointed that fact out. You smiled in spite of yourself.
"It was so good, you have no idea" Steve openly bragged. "Laura is a pretty good cook too," he quickly added.
"What did you kids get up to while you were gone?" Bucky asked as though he didn't already know.
"We went horseback riding, watched some movies, played outside with the kids... it was a pretty full weekend" you gave a bright smile.
"Horseback riding sounds fun," he smirked.
"It was pretty fun. Their horses are fairly tame, and it was a smooth ride out" Steve nodded. You took another sip of your coffee while Bucky and Steve went back to talking about the mission again. You were half paying attention, your mind back on last night and the many times Steve made love to you. You were having a hard time keeping a goofy smile off of your face. Steve's hand started making tiny circles in your upper arm and you felt a shiver of delight go up your back. You finished your coffee and Bucky immediately grabbed your cup and went and got you a refill. While he was gone Steve tilted your face to look up at him and he brushed his lips against yours in a lingering kiss. When he came back he chuckled but handed you your mug back. He had remembered how you took it perfectly.
"I'd better get back to my room, I need a shower before breakfast" Bucky said after a while.
"Thank you for visiting" you smiled warmly at him.
"It's a nice way to start the day, even if I'm the third wheel," he joked.
"How about a valued friend?" you asked.
"I can handle that" Bucky grinned and put Steve's chair back on his balcony before making his way back to his room. Steve waited until his door was closed again before bringing his full attention back to you.
"Are you rested now?" Steve murmured to you.
"We should both take a shower" you drank down the last of your coffee.
"I like the way you think," he chuckled.
"Separately" you giggled.
"I don't know if you know this, but I'm big on saving the planet. I think we need to conserve water" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"I need to shave," you giggled.
"Your skin is smooth as silk" he countered quickly.
"I'd like to keep it that way" you blushed.
"Bring your shaving kit with you, you can do it at the hotel. I'll even help you" he chuckled, leaning in and kissing you along the side of your neck.
"I don't want to pack that much, I won't be long" you promised.
"Promise?" he asked, looking at you hungrily.
"I promise, I'll even text you when I'm out" you leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.
"Fine, but I really think we should be conserving water" he pouted slightly. You giggled and gave him another lingering kiss on the lips.
"I'll see you soon" you handed him your empty mug and grabbed Tom, opening the balcony door. Steve watched you go back inside before he made his way back to his suite.

You took an extra long shower, making sure to exfoliate, shave and wash every crevice that you could. When you got out you made sure to put on your body lotion everywhere and sat naked in your bathroom looking in the mirror. You were still a little tender from last night, but that was worth every moment. You were a little tired, but also knew you could sleep on the jet, and you had plenty of time to go over the mission docket as well before the actual mission. You had already glanced over it twice now, and you were just the distraction at the party. Your target was the man throwing the party, who may or may not be into dealing with weapons trades with Hydra. You didn't even know yet if they were apart of Hydra. Steve was supposed to lose his way around the house and check the office to see if he could find proof of it. The more you thought about it, you thought maybe Scott would be better to bring on the mission since he would be able to get almost anywhere undetected in his Antman suit. You wanted to ask Steve about it, but at the same time you didn't want to seem like you were questioning how he and Tony were running the team. You came back out and just put on clean undergarments, but the same leggings and shirt before going and making the bed. You picked up your phone and saw you had a missed text message from Steve saying he was out of his shower. You texted him back and told him you just got out. He messaged you that he was on his way and you giggled to yourself, checking the time. You didn't have long before breakfast.

"Hey baby doll" Steve came in through your living room while you had turned your attention back to the bathroom and your makeup kit.
"I'm in here" you called, flipping your damp hair out of your face as you carefully examined what was coming with you.
 "It smells like flowers in here" Steve came into the bathroom with a grin on his face. "Well, that's because of the soap and body lotion" you giggled.
"There's another flower I bet I can get to bloom" he stalked towards you and you flushed, turning quickly at the counter.
 "You can smell when I'm turned on, can't you?" you said with your face bright red as you demanded an answer.
"Perk of being a super soldier. It its any consolation, you smell like flowers" he gave a grin, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you close. He picked you up easily and set you on the edge of the bathroom counter and he sank to his knees and you felt yourself instantly getting wet seeing him between your legs again. He took a deep inhale and looked up at you with a grin. "I knew I could make that flower bloom" he gave a prideful smile. "Now I should do something about it" he kissed the inside of your clothed thigh.
 "Steve" you whimpered. "We don't have time"
"I need to take care of you, and you have needs" his eyes glinted in response. "I don't need much time" he gave your heat a chaste kiss before he stood up again. He pulled you off of the counter and brought his head down to give you a hungry kiss. You gave into the kiss, not wanting to miss out on a moment of what he had planned. His hands went to your hips and he slowly started pulling down on your pants and panties at the same time, pulling them down to your hips before he turned you in his arms and he bent you forward over the bathroom counter. You looked up and watched him in the mirror as he pulled down his pants partially and his cock sprang out. He lined himself up with you, and slowly started to push in and you cried out as your body flexed around him. As soon as he bottomed out, he reached one hand around to start toying with your clit, and he started moving slowly. He grunted with the effort of moving so slowly. You started rolling your hips with the movements as he continued to thrust in and out, and that seemed to coax him to go faster.
 "Do you have any idea how good your tight pussy feels on my cock?" he asked as he snapped his hips in. "I'm going to take you as often as you let me" he growled as he pushed in again. You cried out. "You smell so good baby doll, you have no idea" he kept talking and you whimpered as you continued fucking you hard from behind.
 "Steve, please!" you cried out as you felt your orgasm coming quickly. Something about his dirty talk, coupled with the way his hips snapped in, and the way he was rubbing your clit in just the right way, you were so close to your release.
 "Cum all over me" he commanded, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. He gave a few more thrusts and you cried out as you finally came and you nearly saw stars. He snapped his hips in a few more times before he stilled and he moaned your name. He bent forward, taking his hand off of your clit, and he reached under your top to take your breasts in his hands while he kissed the back of your neck. He pinched and folded your nipples through your bra before he backed up slowly, pulling out of you. He went and grabbed a fresh washcloth and reached past you to get it wet with some warm water, and he wiped down between your legs. He put the cloth to the side, and gave the right cheek of your ass a soft kiss. He pulled your pants up, before pulling up his own and he gave a bright smile. He looked at his watch and his smile went even wider.
 "And we aren't even late for breakfast" he winked at you in the mirror.

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