Practice dance

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It was hard to fill out the paperwork with both Roxy and Tom on your lap, and Steve took pity on you. He took the forms and started filling them out for you, before surrendering them to you for the signature. You were surprised he put almost everyone on the team as reference, including himself, for both Roxy and Tom. You flushed a little seeing he was so meticulous in making sure each section was completed. You signed the documents with flourish and handed them to Lily who was still eyeing Steve, something you observed, but tried not to get jealous over. He was a beautiful specimen of a man. Tom made his way over to Steve for some pets, and Steve seemed happy to oblige him. Roxy gave your face a tentative lick and a small whine when you stopped petting her. You giggled softly and went back to your task. Steve moved in to sit closer to you, his leg brushing against yours as he let his legs splay out in front of him. Tom seemed to appreciate all the extra attention once Steve was done filling out the paperwork. You stayed for an extra half an hour before you realized you were keeping them open past their office hours, and let Lily take Roxy and Tom back again. You sighed, and waited for them to leave the room before you carefully started trying to get back up. Steve was quick to stand up, and offered a hand to help you back up. You groaned a little as you bent your leg and took his hand to get back off of the ground.
"Are you okay?" he asked in a hushed tone.
"I'm good," you smiled easily. He pulled you in a little closer, and you looked up into his eyes in slight shock that he was suddenly so close. "It's getting better" you reassured him, stuck in his baby blue eyes.
"You're bringing home two now?" he whispered, not wanting you to move away. You gave a nod, and saw him slightly bite down on his bottom lip and your gaze flickered down to his lips. His lips looked perfectly soft, and kissable.
"I better get you home so you can shower, and get yelled at by Tony" you spoke slowly, trying to tear your gaze from his lips. You flicked your eyes back up to his, and he smiled fully and he leaned in slightly.
"Worth it" he breathed, his eyes looked down at your lips and he licked his lips in anticipation.
"Okay, the forms are in order" Lily came back in and let out a squeak. You both broke apart quickly and you flinched.
"Thank you" you cleared your throat, while Steve flushed looking away. "We should get going" you limped towards Lily who quickly backed out of the room.
"Thank you" Steve's voice sounded from behind you, and the pair of you made your way down the long hallway to get back to the front office. The receptionist waved as you both went through the front door, and the bell shrilled out again. You jerked a little, and felt a wave of pain go up your leg again and you let out a small groan.
"Mind if I drive us home?" Steve asked as soon as you got in the parking lot.
"You look a little worse for wear" you pointed out quickly. He was still full of dirt and blood from the mission.
"I'm okay to drive" he chuckled and took his shield off of his back and carried it in his hand. You handed him your car keys and he unlocked the car, jogging forward to open the passenger side door for you. You gave a shy smile and slipped in whispering a quick thank you, before he closed the door after you were seated. He ran around and put his shield in the back seat before slipping into the driver's seat. He had to push the seat back a bit to adjust it to his size. You put on your seatbelt and waited patiently for him to put on his. "I'm really sorry I'm late" he repeated himself.
"You already apologized, it's okay. I understand" you smiled easily and forced yourself to look out the front window. "I think that dance is out though" you added a little shyly.
"I just need a shower, I'll be working on my report tomorrow. We are on for that dance, unless your leg is too sore" he looked at you worriedly.
"It's not" you shook your head, biting down on your bottom lip anxiously. Steve confidently backed out of the parking spot and started to make his way back to the compound. He had one hand on the wheel, and the other hand on the center console, almost tempting you to reach out and take it. You politely looked out the passenger side window and watched the view as it went by.

As you were going through the city, you saw Peter and Pietro out doing their patrol from up on top of the city buildings. Pietro left a silver streak behind him as he moved, where Peter was just swinging from one building to another.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve broke the silence.
"I just saw Peter and Pietro doing their patrol. Those boys work so hard" you gave a soft smile. "They probably haven't even finished their reports from their missions earlier today" you mused.
"I know Peter used to stay up late into the night doing his" Steve cast you a glance.
"Pietro too. Maybe now that they are closer together, they will work on them at the same time" you gave a soft smile.
"They are pretty close" Steve nodded in agreement.
"They used to sit out on the back balcony and have a few beers after an exceptionally long day, I hope they keep up the habit of relaxing together" you sighed.
"They will," Steve promised. You gave him another smile and went back to looking out the window.
"Thank you for coming today" you whispered a little shyly.
"I wanted to be there" Steve gave you a smile, and you wriggled slightly in your spot. You loved his smile, and his perfect teeth.

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