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You finished breakfast around the same time that Steve finished his. He squeezed your thigh, and gave a smile. You grabbed both of your plates and brought them into the kitchen before coming back out. You screwed up your courage and leaned over Steve to give him a soft kiss on the cheek before sitting back down. His ears went a little pink, but his face broke out into a boyish grin as his eyes sparkled looking at you. You had done it on a whim, feeling closer to Steve now. He had technically shown affection in front of the team first when he started kissing your knuckles at breakfast. You were just following through.
"Are you ready for our date, baby doll?" Steve practically purred to you.
"I'll just run upstairs and grab my purse" you nodded, grabbing your coffee cups and juice glasses for both you and Steve. You wanted to take care of him as much as possible while he was injured.
"I've got to grab my wallet" Steve lied, he wanted to go grab the roses for you.
"It's in your pocket, silly goose" you giggled, pointing at his back pocket.
"I need something out of my room" he flushed a bit, standing up to join you. You ran the dishes in the kitchen and came back out. Steve patiently waited and took your hand before leading you back towards the stairs again.
"Don't forget I've got your fur babies, so have fun" Nat called to you.
"I might run into your suite to get their treats" Bruce warned as the pair of you walked away.
"I'll leave them visible" you called over your shoulder while Steve swung both of your hands slightly as you walked. The pair of you walked up the stairs together and slowed as you got to Steve's suite. "I'll see you in a minute" you promised him.
"I'll be waiting" Steve gave another boyish grin and you giggled before walking away. You barely noticed that Roxy didn't follow you, but Tom had and he was meowing loudly as you got to the suite door. You opened the door and he padded into the room like he owned the place and jumped up onto the couch. You grabbed your purse, and pulled the treats out, making sure they were visible on top of your fridge. You gave Tom a scratch under the chin before turning back towards your door only to see Steve standing just outside the door frame with a dozen red roses in his hand, and a huge grin on his face.
"Steve..." you gasped, and walked towards him. "When?" you asked in a daze.
"Bucky helped," he quickly explained.
"They're beautiful" you cooed, taking the roses and inhaling their scent. You quickly brought them to your kitchenette and grabbed the vase that Steve had bought for you the first time he bought flowers for you and pulled it out, not wanting to throw away the other bouquet you already had. You quickly took out your scissors and snipped off the ends of the roses, and took them out of their wrapping before putting them into the water filled vase, and you went to put it on your walnut coffee table. You went back to Steve who held out his arms to you with a slight wince and you carefully went into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you before pulling back, and touching you under the chin to make you look up to face him. He softly massaged his lips into yours, and you hummed happily into the kiss. You loved the way he treated you. You tried not to lean too much into the kiss, keeping in mind Steve's bruised ribs. "Thank you" you pulled back from the kiss, and gazed up at him adoringly. He gave another genuine smile and took your hand, brushing a kiss across your knuckles. "How about I drive today, hmm?" you asked softly.
"No way, I'm keeping our destination a secret" Steve chuckled. "Go grab your jacket, baby doll" he reminded you, and you nodded, heading to your bedroom and grabbing your black leather jacket and slipping it on quickly. You came back out and Steve automatically held out his hand expectantly for your hand, and you took it. You handed him your car keys, and he smiled boyishly, holding them with his spare hand. "You're going to love today, and if you don't we will go somewhere else"
"I think wherever you decided, it's going to be perfect" you cooed as the pair of you made your way down the hallway. "Will you need help putting on your jacket?" you asked after a few minutes, once the pair of you made it to the bottom of the stairs. Steve grimaced, realizing he should probably wear his jacket. "Let me help you," you insisted, letting go of his hand and going into the front closet. You picked out his jacket and held it out expectantly. Steve gave a soft chuckle and put his wounded side first with a grimace on his face. You helped pull up his jacket to his shoulder and he reached back and put in his other arm. Steve finished shrugging on his jacket and quickly put his better arm over your shoulders and pulled you in, giving you a kiss on top of the head.
"Thank you" he murmured into the top of your head.
"It's no leg massage" you giggled.
"We make quite the pair, at least we aren't injured at the same time" Steve teased as he led you towards the front door.
"Oh, that would be terrible" you gasped, making a move to grab for the door, but Steve grabbed it first with his long arm. He grimaced slightly and you looked at him worriedly. "Are you sure you want to go out? We can stay in, have coffee or tea. We can lay around the living room and watch some documentaries" you offered, worried about his ribs.
"We are going" his face was set with determination. You gave a slight nod, and he led the way to your car. As always, he opened the passenger side for you first and you slipped in before he made his way around to the drivers side.

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