A future with Steve

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"What in the Hell happened?!" Steve demanded as Bucky kicked the door off of its hinges and he came out with you balanced between his two arms.
"Punky here thought it would be a good idea to jump in front of a bullet for me" Bucky willingly let Steve take you from his arms and Steve held you close to his chest.
"Why didn't you call out on comms?" Steve growled.
"They had blockers up," you said a little weakly.
"Songbird?" Clint's voice came through. "What happened?"
"I got shot" you turned your head to look towards the trees.
"Twice, once in the Kevlar" Bucky added and you glared at him. He just shrugged as Steve kissed the top of your head, and held you protectively. "We've got five bleeding out, and ten down for the count for hostages. We didn't get the data yet" Bucky updated both men.
"Is the base secured?" Clint's voice came through, he sounded a bit upset, but was trying to keep his cool.
"Not yet, I was getting Punky out first. I'll go back in and secure it. We didn't get the data yet" Bucky admitted.
"We've got to get back to base" Steve shook his head and kissed your forehead again. You were watching the treeline, and Clint suddenly became visible and he made his way towards you quickly.
"I'll get the data, but you two need to bring in the prisoners. Steve, I'll take Songbird back to the jet and give her an injection of morphine. She can put pressure on the wound, and we will finish up. I'll send a text to Shield that we need medical attention as soon as we land" Clint seemed to be trying to think as calmly as possible.
"She's hurt Clint! We need to get back as soon as possible" Steve shook his head, not agreeing at all with Clint.
"Hey, I get a say in this and I say we finish the mission. I need that morphine shot though" you groaned as you moved in Steve's arms. You clenched your teeth in utter agony, and squirmed with the discomfort and pain radiating through your whole body.
"Steve, give me my daughter," Clint said with worry evident in his face. "I'll take her back to the jet, you two start bringing the prisoners. I'll take care of her, Steve" he assured him. Steve looked like it physically pained him to hand you over to Clint.
"I can walk" you growled through grit teeth.
"Not on our watch, punky" Bucky growled back. Steve gingerly placed you in Clint's arms and you wrapped your good arm around Clint's shoulders and tried to slow your breathing down. The pain was intense, coming from both your chest and collar bone. Clint quickly made his way back towards the jet, being as graceful as possible. You barely felt the jolts from his steps. You turned your head to see Steve watching you forlornly while Bucky was trying to grab his attention to go back inside. Once he was out of view you huffed from the pain radiating through you, and closed your eyes.
Before you knew it you were back in the jet and being placed in your seat again. Clint was in full dad mode. As soon as you were seated he went and got the med kit, giving you the morphine shot in the leg first. He pulled out the disinfectant and poured it over your bullet wound, quickly wiping it clean with gauze. The blood was still coming out quickly and he frowned as he grabbed more clean gauze and applied pressure to the wound.
"I think the bullet is still in there," he frowned. "Doc is going to have to put you under when we get there, for this one at least" he wrapped your wound tightly, and stood back with his blood soaked hands. "I need you to stay awake, can you do that for me?" he asked, eyeing you closely.
"Yeah, I've got this. Go get the data" you nodded slightly, not wanting to move too much. If you were going to be honest with yourself, sleep would be a relief with the amount of pain you were in and you were feeling a little woozy from the blood loss.
"I'll be on comms, just keep talking to me" Clint wiped his hands on his tactical pants.
"Stop worrying, just go get the data. Make those two start hustling" you moved to lay on your side and Clint frowned.
"Do not go to sleep" he warned you. "Sing me a song" he added quickly.
"I'm not singing, we are on a mission" you reminded him.
"Humor me" he crossed his arms, clearly not leaving until you started singing. You rolled your eyes and started singing softly, and you saw him turn up his comm. He nodded to himself and ran back towards the building. For the next excruciating hour you had Steve and Bucky loading up prisoners, and constant orders from Clint to keep singing. You were getting tired and just wanted to close your eyes for a few minutes. Everytime Steve came into the jet he would come over to check on you, and kiss your forehead, leaving quickly only to come back as fast as he could to check on you again. When Clint came back, he was carrying one of the last prisoners, and dropped him unceremoniously towards the end of the jet. He made his way to the front and started powering up for a quick takeoff. You finally gave into temptation and closed your eyes for a moment before the world went dark.

"Angel" Steve was shaking you, and you woke up abruptly, still feeling like you could sleep some more. You were tired and everything hurt, but not as badly as before you came back to the jet. You looked around and saw both Clint and Bucky were looking on worriedly, and you could tell you were in the air.
"What?" you asked, a little confused.
"I told you not to sleep, kid" Clint looked visibly relieved.
"I'm tired" you whined.
"Baby doll, you can't sleep," Steve huffed slightly. "Come here" he picked you up and put you on his lap. You curled into him and he rubbed your back. "Can I see your wound?" he asked, but used an authoritative tone. You leaned away from him and gave him free reign to look as much as he pleased. He lifted the gauze slightly and grimaced. "She's still bleeding" he reported to Clint and Bucky. "Let me see where the other shot was" he looked at you and you nodded, standing up. You wobbled a little unsurely, and Bucky looked away as you unzipped the front of your suit to reveal a large purple bruise where the bullet hit, just under your breast. Steve reached forward and zipped you back up and pulled you down onto his lap again. You sighed and listened to the sound of the motor going while you saw suspicious looks being thrown in your direction from both Bucky and Clint. Steve was holding you close and kissing you on top of your head, as though he would never let you go.
The prisoners started waking up and kicking up a ruckus, but Bucky just calmly went and got duct tape and tapped their mouths shut without anyone asking him to do it. Over twenty prisoners were on their way for processing, and five of them were going to have to go to the medical bay to be assessed first. Thankfully it was going to be a different wing than the one you were headed to.
As soon as Clint landed the jet, he opened the back up and several agents were already waiting. You saw six stretchers and Doctor Cho was standing there with a grimace on her face. Steve unbuckled and carried you effortlessly out while agents were filtering in to grab prisoners.
"Busy day?" Doctor Cho asked, looking pointedly at your collarbone.
"Something like that. I gave her a dose of morphine three hours ago" Clint came up behind Steve while Bucky was directing the Shield agents.
"Be careful with our Songbird" Bucky called over and you rolled your eyes. He had been acting like a brother more and more lately, going so far as to give you a nickname that was close to Steve's.
"She's in good hands," Doctor Cho promised. Steve laid you down on one of the stretchers and strapped you in carefully. He bent down and gave you a kiss on your forehead, tip of your nose and then your lips. "Steve, I need to take her," Cho reminded him and he grimaced and pulled away.
"I'll be there soon" he promised, looking at you worriedly.
"Not until she's done in the regeneration machine, Rogers" Doctor Cho rolled her eyes and two of her assistants started rolling you towards the building with Doctor Cho quickly behind them.

Once you were brought into the medical bay, they quickly made you take off your suit. It was a long and painful process, but you didn't want them cutting it off either. You knew you could patch the bullet hole easily, or at least Tony would. Once you had the paper gown on, you were back on the table and saw the anesthesia mask coming after they put in the IV. You hated being put under, but you were so tired, you were willing to take it. You started counting back from ten, and didn't even make it to five before you passed out.
When you woke up again, you were in the regeneration machine naked with Steve sitting beside the long coffin-like device. His face looked somber, but it lit up the moment his eyes made contact with yours.
"Hey baby doll" he smiled, and you swore he could light up a room. "How are you feeling?" he asked quickly. You moved slightly and felt a pinch of pain and you grimaced. It was a sobering reminder that you had been indeed shot.
"Sublime" you lied, and you could tell he knew different.
"What were you thinking back there?" he asked in a whisper.
"That you couldn't live without your Bucky" you whispered back. "Besides, he's like the big brother I never had."
"He's wearing Kevlar too, the bullet wouldn't have hurt him" Steve shook his head. "Baby doll, I can't live without you either. I want to marry you someday, and I can't do that if you're not here" he said with such conviction that you were in shock. You felt your heart pounding in your chest. First he had brought up going off the birth control and now he was talking about marriage. Your heart was a flutter and you wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch him, kiss him, hold him. "Please, be more careful on these missions for me" he implored.
"I swear for you, I honestly will. I was just worried you would lose your Bucky" you licked your dry lips, looking at him. His hair was tousled and looked like he had been running his hands through it quite a bit. He looked honestly stressed. "I love you, I'm not going to leave you yet" you reassured him. "I want a future with you too"

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