Tony's party

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Finishing at the breakfast table, you shyly waited for Steve to remove his hand. He did it painfully slowly, and every nerve ending in your body was alive at the memory of his touch when he was done with you. You slipped out of the room, after putting your dishes away, and headed directly towards the living room armed with your phone. You opened up one of your reading apps and you found a comfortable spot on the couch. You curled up in a corner and started a new book, already enraptured with the words on the screen. You had spent most of your morning up until lunch, on the couch. Peter and Pietro came in and played video games for a while, before Happy came and told you that you received your packages. You rushed to the front door and grabbed the three large boxes and carried them up the stairs to your suite. You could barely contain yourself as you unpacked the boxes and put everything away in the living room and bathroom. You excitedly put the kibble bags to the side, promising yourself you would fill them as soon as you brought home Tom and Roxy. You made sure to fill the litter pan in the bathroom before taking the empty boxes back downstairs to go to the recycling. You noticed Sam, Steve, and Bucky were missing from lunch, and pouted inwardly at it. You had been looking forward to seeing Steve again, he had you in such a state since this morning. You wondered if he really meant that comment about being a good girl that he would finish what he started, lingering so closely to your lips. You quickly ate, and made your excuses to leave the room as fast as possible, heading back upstairs to your suite to spend your afternoon reading one of your new novels.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon you heard a light knock at your door before the handle turned and in walked Natasha, fully armed with her makeup kit, her dress, her shoes, and her purse for the evening.
"What are you doing?" she demanded, seeing you sitting there in the same outfit on your couch, completely comfortable.
"Reading?" you asked, holding out your book for her to see. She set down her supplies and crossed her arms before lifting her chin slightly.
"You need to go wash your face before I start on your makeup" she announced and you grumbled slightly, putting your book down on the coffee table before standing up with a slight huff. "No sass from you, young lady. This is one of Stark's big parties, and we have to go as a family with a united front. You being there is important" she reminded you.
"I'm going" you sighed, and walked into the bathroom. You quickly took out your face care regime and turned on the tap. You took the time to make sure your face was completely washed and hydrated with lotion before coming back out of the bathroom and heading into the living room where you saw Nat had already taken out your red satin, halter dress with the empire waist and a large black belt of sequins sewn into the fabric. The dress went to your knees, and the black high heels would surely elongate your legs so you looked taller. You noticed she even grabbed a black clutch that would offset the outfit completely. You smiled softly as you walked towards her and sat on the couch opposite from her.

"We are going to make you a star" Nat started pulling out all of her products and setting them down on your coffee table. You grabbed your cup of tea and finished it quickly, knowing that once Nat started on her mission to doll you up you were not going to be able to move as much, let alone have a drink. "Just relax, and let me take care of you" Nat cooed softly and you closed your eyes as she set to work.
She had been working on your face for the better part of an hour when she finally finished and gave a contented sigh. The entire time she had remained completely focused and barely uttered a word, let alone allow you to speak. She also worked at your hair, doing an elegant bun at the top of your head with curls framing your face.
"There, now you can go take a look" Nat tapped you on the side of the leg and you opened your eyes finally.
"Thank you" you gave a sigh of relief.
"I'm going to take over your bathroom, and get mine done too" she started gathering her arsenal and headed towards your bathroom. You got up and went in and were in a bit of a daze seeing how she had contoured your face perfectly, and added the perfect amount of highlight to your cheekbones. Your eyes had the perfect winged tips, with dark browns and a gold shimmer on your eyelids, creating the perfect evening look. She had done your lips a vivacious dark red, that mirrored the color or your dress and you couldn't help but feel excited about tonight. "Go get dressed" she chuckled when you kept looking at your face in awe. She was really good at makeup, and you barely recognized yourself.
"On it, mom" you giggled and walked out, into the living room to grab your clothes. You quickly went back into the bedroom to change, not thinking about the open blinds, but only of getting ready for the party. You heard one of the jet engines roaring outside, and knew instinctively it was Clint and Laura arriving for the party. You finished getting dressed, and went into your closet to grab a pair of tiny diamond earrings you had received as a birthday gift from Tony last year. You figured he didn't know what else to get you, since you seemed to have everything you wanted. You had also heard him say more than once, that jewelry was his go to if he didn't know what to get a woman. You sat down on the side of the bed, and started reading your book again, when Nat came into the room and she was already fully dressed with her makeup completely done.
"You look gorgeous!" you exclaimed, looking at her in awe. Nat was wearing a little black number, and really looked inspiring.

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