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When Clint left for the night, you went into your bedroom and Roxy came in quickly. She took the dog bed on the floor, which you pouted a bit at. You were looking forward to sharing the bed, but you also didn't want to push her boundaries too far. Tom on the other hand was already on one of your extra pillows and hamming it up. He emitted a loud purr as you went about getting dressed for bed, and your nightly skincare routine before returning to the bedroom. You looked at him, and realized he felt right at home. You couldn't help the giggle that graced your lips. Your hips swayed as you made your way to the bed in your white satin nightgown that went to your knees. A breeze came in your window causing the fabric to ripple slightly. You put your phone on the charger and turned out the light in the bedroom before pulling back your satin comforter and slipping between the now red blankets and sheets. Tom came over and laid across your side as you grabbed one of the extra pillows and held it close. Little did you know this would be your new normal for the week.

You slept fairly well, dreaming about Steve and his wonderful lips and how you wanted to feel them against your own again before bed. When you woke up in the morning, the first thing you did was get up and put on one of your pink zip up hoodies and assumed that no one would be outside. You quickly clipped the leash on Roxy who was already pawing at the door, wanting out. You put your pair of red converse sneakers and put a few treats in your pocket before heading to the door. You quietly made your way down the hallway and down the stairs. When you got outside, you took a deep inhale of the cool morning air, and gave a slight shiver as the breeze whipped past your legs and up your nightgown. You gave a yawn as you started heading towards the grassy area for Roxy to do her business. She quickly went, but seemed interested in the different scents so you let her walk around for a moment. You heard boisterous laughter in the distance as two figures started jogging towards your direction. You felt a little embarrassed that you were still in your nightgown, and looked down at the white satin material as it shifted with the breeze, showing a bit more of your thighs than you were prepared for anyone to see. You quickly put your hands down to stop the flimsy material from showing much more than it already was. Roxy pulled slightly on the leash, and you started following her blindly, while trying to keep your nightdress down at your knees.
"Hey doll" Bucky called out as both he and Steve started getting closer. You flushed and gave a small smile.
"Good morning, gentlemen," you nodded to them and Roxy pulled again, taking away your hand from your nightgown and the breeze made the fabric rise up again.
"Good morning" Steve nearly purred at the sight of you. He watched as your cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked you up and down for a moment just studying you. You seemed to be struggling your first morning as a fur mom.
"We just finished our morning jog," Bucky explained when you gave them a questioning gaze. You nodded in confirmation and Roxy started pulling again. You gave up on holding your nightgown down and followed her lead. "I'm going to go hit the showers" Bucky clapped Steve on the shoulder and quickly left. Steve reached a hand out for Roxy's leash and you hesitantly surrendered it. She didn't seem to get away with pulling as much with Steve, he just held her firmly close to him. You put your hands down to the fabric of your nightgown again and stood in front of Steve silently while he bit down on his bottom lip studying you.
"You know it should be illegal" Steve finally broke the silence.
"What should?" you asked, a little surprised he was starting the conversation this way.
"You looking that good first thing in the morning" he purred, taking a step towards you.
"You're one to talk" you looked him up and down in his grey jogging pants and white muscle shirt. He seemed unbothered by the slight chill in the air, and had a light sheen of sweat on his brow. "Aren't you cold?" you asked after a beat.
"No, but you look like it. Come here" he motioned for you to come closer. You took a few timid steps towards him and his face broke out into a grin as he wrapped his arms around you, sharing his body warmth. He was indeed warm, and that radiated through your upper body. "What time did Clint finally leave?" he asked in a whisper.
"Maybe forty-five minutes after you did" you mumbled into his chest and wrapped your arms around his slender waist, just enjoying the moment for what it was.
"I was trying to wait him out too" Steve chuckled and you felt the vibrations right to your core. You flushed realizing he wanted the good night kiss as well. "I could settle for a good morning one..." he drifted off, pulling back slightly and looking at you hungrily.
"I could too" you quickly agreed and looked up at him with your lips slightly parted. He brought his hands up and rested them on your shoulders before he used his free hand to tip your chin up slightly more and held it securely between his two fingers. His head dipped down slowly until his lips breezed across yours. You hummed happily against his lips, loving the intimate contact. His hand that was holding the leash snaked down around your waist and pulled you flush against his body. Your hands came up and rested on his shoulders so you could keep your balance, because Heaven knew your knees were getting weak. He tilted his head to the side, and you were anticipating the feel of his tongue on your lip, and you were not disappointed. You eagerly opened your lips for him and his tongue went in smoothly, as though it belonged there. Your heart started thundering in your chest, and it was all you could basically hear, with the exception of the soft moans coming from both of you and Steve. You felt heat start building in your molten core, and Steve pulled back from the kiss and rested his forehead against yours for a moment, both of you breathing the same air. He puckered his lips and brushed them against yours again, in a soft but chaste kiss.
"Flowers" his face broke out into a grin.
"I didn't put on my lotion yet" you looked at him confused, but he didn't respond. Roxy pulled on the leash again and Steve groaned letting his arm move freely, but moved his other arm to be around your waist instead.
"Are you headed for your morning tea?" Steve asked with a glint in his eye.
"Roxy and I woke up well before breakfast, so I think so, yes" you nodded quickly.
"Good, I'll take a quick shower and have a coffee with you" he gave you another chaste kiss on the lips. You looked down shyly after he kissed you with a flush on your cheeks and he chuckled again. "Get used to it" he whispered into the cusp of your ear, and you felt a delightful shiver go down your back. You bashfully put your face into his chest and rocked your head slightly. He brought his hand up and placed it behind your head in a loving motion, and he kissed the top of your head again. You felt Roxy come over and sit down beside your shivering legs and you knew she was done for the morning. "Let's get you inside, hmm?" he asked and you nodded, feeling a little bashful. He waited patiently for you to pull away, and you took the leash back from him, leading the way back inside. He ran forward to get the door for you so you could go in first and you got up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek before rushing inside.

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