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Going to the café was a great experience. You both had a light lunch, but a decadent dessert to finish the date. You had seen Steve wince a few times, but he seemed determined to keep the date going. You didn't want the date to end, but at the same time, you wanted to get Steve home and resting comfortably like he should have been for the day. Once you were done lunch, the pair of you went back to the car and Steve, as always, opened your door for you first. You rewarded him with a soft kiss on the cheek, and he broke out into another grin. He seemed to be enjoying all of the affection you were displaying without a care in the world that someone else would see. He drove you both back to the compound, and you both shared a heated kiss in the front seat of your car. He made a comment about flowers again, and you blushed thinking he had no idea what he was doing to you. Then again, maybe he did. When you got inside, you decided to put your jacket in the front closet, and helped Steve take off his jacket again. Once you hung up both garments you turned to look at Steve and he was smiling to himself and you couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up inside of you.
"What's the plan for the afternoon?" Steve asked, reaching out and grabbing you by the hips and pulling you close.
"How about we both go get changed into something more comfortable, and we can sit in the main living room. You bring your sketchbook, and I'll bring my book with my fur babies. We can watch some tv, or listen to some music. I'm pretty sure that there's some hot chocolate in the kitchen" you laid your hands on his broad shoulders and leaned in ever so slightly. Steve leaned in more, quickly closing the distance between the two of you.
"Pretty sure I can think of a few extra things" Steve whispered softly to you, licking his lips and his gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips.
"Oh yeah?" you licked your lips in response. Steve didn't want any more conversation, and closed the distance between the two of you, brushing his lips against yours. You tilted your head to the side, and licked his lips asking for entry and his tongue went past your lips almost immediately. He hummed as he pulled you impossibly closer, and you brought up your hands to run through his hair.
"Aww" you heard Sam coo, and you had gotten such a fright you went invisible for a moment.
"I told you it was lucky, punk" Bucky laughed as you and Steve separated from the kiss, but Steve kept his hold on your hips keeping you close. You became visible again, and looked over your shoulder at both men with flushed cheeks.
"How was your date?" Sam asked, seeing Steve glare at him over your shoulder.
"It's not over yet" Steve announced, surprising you. You looked at him curiously and his glare turned into a soft smile. He leaned down and kissed you on your forehead. "She's my dame, and I get to decide when it's over" he added in a whisper.
"I think I'll run upstairs and get changed" you were still embarrassed that they had caught you off guard like that.
"I'll join you" Steve finally released his hold on your hips and you pulled away.
"We were going to invite you for a walk, but I'll take that as a no," Bucky chuckled to himself.
"Definitely a no" Steve broke out into a grin while you started walking away. His eyes raked over your entire retreating figure before he remembered he was supposed to be following you. He saw your lace panty line again, and groaned to himself. If he wasn't injured, he would be keeping you somewhere private where he could run his hands over your ass again. He wanted you sitting on his lap facing him again, and to feel you roll your hips against his well endowed length. He imagined himself running his hands through your hair that felt like silk on his hands, and nearly missed a step as he followed you up the stairs. You turned quickly to look at him worriedly and he gave a bashful smile.
"Are you okay?" you asked quickly.
"I'm alright baby doll. I just wasn't watching where I was going" he flushed a bit, feeling like he had gotten caught in his dirty thoughts. "How was ladies night last night before I got home?" he asked as you hit the top step.
"Oh, it was canceled since Nat wasn't home yet" you shook your head, looking a little put out. "They wanted to reschedule for next weekend, but I promised Clint that I would head over there, so it's the week after next. We are going to take the full Saturday and go shopping" you gave a bright smile as you made your way down the hallway.
"I'll try to keep myself busy" Steve said offhandedly. You gave a small giggle, pausing at his door.
"You need to spend time with your boys too, Steve," you reminded him.
"You're prettier to look at" he winked quickly.
"Oh, you" you blushed and took a few steps away. "I'll meet you downstairs" you headed past your room and stopped in front of Nat's door, knocking lightly at the wood paneled door.
"I'll be right down" Steve promised and walked into his room.

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