Made with love

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Steve gently rocked the swing, while Loki balanced Tom on his legs from the chair at the small table in the corner. You were enjoying your tea immensely, and focused on your book as you snuggled under Steve's arm. He had picked out some music and it was playing softly from his phone. To your surprise it was your liked songs that you had played frequently in the main living room. He had told you previously he had made a list, but he was hitting it bang on tonight. You heard your suite door open, since the balcony door was still open and the tic tac of Roxy's paws on the floor as she made her way first to her water dish and then to the balcony door. She came out and went straight to you and Steve.
"Hot chocolate! Score!" you heard Bucky exclaim from the small kitchenette.
"Thank you!" Sam called out. You were busy scratching Roxy behind the ears when the two gentlemen came out with their hot chocolates and big smiles on their faces.
"Thank you very much," Bucky said as he sat down.
"Loki made it," you told them quickly.
"He knows how to make it pretty damn good" Sam took a sip and hummed to himself.
"He also made me some special tea" you cooed to Roxy and she wagged her tail happily.
"Special tea eh?" Bucky asked, and he looked at Loki with an unspoken question. Loki hid a smile and shrugged. "What's it taste like?" he asked, turning his attention to you.
"Christmas" you sighed.
"That's coming up quick. Anything you want or need?" he asked you, and you saw him look at Steve for a second.
"Nope, I'm all set" you smiled. "What about you?" you asked.
"I'm all set," he chuckled.
"Now that ain't true. You've been fangirling over that new set of knives you found online for over a month now, but you don't want to give them your credit card information" Sam rolled his eyes.
"I'll get em when I'm ready" Bucky quickly defended himself.
"Knives?" Loki asked, his interest piqued.
"Yeah, they are made of stainless steel with a silver and black handle" Bucky pulled out his phone and proudly displayed the screenshot of the set he had been looking at. You looked over and made a mental note of the web address at the same time.
"Those are lovely, do they also come in gold?" Loki asked, and you smirked knowing exactly what you were getting the two of them.
"Yeah, I'lll email you the details," Bucky nodded.
"Just text it to him, it's faster" Sam sassed him.
"Right, I'll text it," Bucky agreed quickly, and did just that. Loki took a brief moment to look at his phone and nodded to himself before putting his phone back in his pocket and turned his attention back to Tom.
"I do believe it's my turn with Tom tonight" Loki scratched the large cat behind the ears.
"I don't even have the heart to say no" you admitted softly.
"Good, it's done then. I'll fight Nat and Bruce another time. They are about to come out, and it's best I lock my door" he stood up.
"You're leaving?" you asked, a little disappointed.
"Even a god can fear Natasha's fury" Loki chuckled. "Don't forget to have tea in the morning instead of coffee" he reminded you.
"I have no complaints. Will you be stopping by?" you asked.
"Possibly" Loki nodded. "I'll see you in the morning" he left without another word, carrying Tom like he was precious cargo. You couldn't help but giggle and took another sip of your tea as Roxy laid down on the balcony floor.
"He is right about one thing, no one wants to see Nat mad" Sam whispered.
"No, I'll definitely pass" Bucky agreed and drank back his hot chocolate.
"It's too late to run you cowards" you rolled your eyes, seeing that they were about to make a quick exit.
"Damn" Sam looked over to see Nat and Bruce coming out of their suite with their tea, all bundled up for the night.
"Hey Songbird... gentlemen" Nat nodded to everyone as she sat down at her little table with Bruce. Her sharp eyes didn't miss that Tom was missing for a second. "Where's my boo?" she asked as Bruce sat beside her.
"Beside you" you pointed at Bruce with a smirk.
"No, my other boo. My baby boo" Nat pouted.
"She means Tom," Bruce explained.
"He's spending the night with Loki," Bucky told them with no hesitation.
"Damn it" Nat glared at no one in particular. "I wanted extra cuddles tonight" she sighed and looked over and started eyeing Roxy. "I call Roxy," she said quickly.
"Oh, come on now. I wanted the night with her" Sam groaned.
"Too late, I have dibbs" Nat shrugged.
"When do I get dibbs?" you burst out laughing.
"You have to admit, since you got your fur babies, team morale has gone up. Everyone wants them around" Bruce chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry Starshine, but you lost both of them for the night."
"Tomorrow I call dibbs on both of them" you decided quickly.
"I concur" Steve agreed.
"We could get Tony to just install pet doors on all of our suite doors so they can go to whoever they please" Nat said and you looked at her shocked.
"No way, that would take away the sound proofing!" you exclaimed.
"I imagine there's a lot of us that appreciate that sound proofing," Bruce chuckled.
You appreciated the gentle teasing, and gave a soft giggle but turned your attention back to your book. Bucky and Sam were the first to leave for the night, and Bucky picked up Roxy so you could give her a kiss on the end of her nose before he put her on Nat and Bruce's side of the balcony. You finished your tea and yawned and Steve took that opportunity to take your cup and book from you and stood up and offered his hand to you. You took his hand and stood up and turned around to get the blanket. You blew a kiss to Nat and Bruce before going back through the balcony door, and Steve closed it behind him as he came in. You put the blanket away and kicked off your booties and pulled off your sweater and shivered at the coolness in the air. You heard Steve washing the dishes in the kitchenette so you grabbed one of his t-shirts and a change of panties and headed to the bathroom to do your business. You changed while you were in there, and when you came out Steve was already in bed in just his boxers and reading something on his phone with a smirk on his face. He looked up and a huge smile went across his face, and he pulled back the blankets for you to slip in.
You got into bed and curled up to Steve while he pulled the blanket up around your shoulders. He gave you a kiss on top of your head and you nuzzled your head onto his chest. He whispered he loved you while you peacefully fell asleep.

You woke up feeling nauseous again and huffed. You opened your eyes to see Steve was sketching on his side of the bed and looking between you and the paper intensely. He realized you were awake and he smiled.
"Good morning Angel" he said softly.
"I don't feel good," you pouted.
"Are you nauseous again?" he asked worriedly. You nodded and he put down his pencil to touch your forehead and he frowned. "No fever" he commented softly. "I'll go make you some of Loki's tea, you can stay in bed" he set down his sketchbook and looked at the drawing to see it was of you sleeping, and looked very detailed.
"No, I'll get up," you tried to argue.
"No Angel, stay in bed. I'll be right back" Steve bent across the bed and gave you a kiss on the forehead. You hummed for the kiss and watched him leave the room before groaning and putting your hand on your head. You wanted to vomit, but it was out of character for you to do so. You just closed your eyes while you felt the world feel like it was spinning. This feeling has been getting worse and worse lately, and more frequent.
Steve came back after a couple of minutes with the tea made exactly how you liked it. You opened your eyes at the smell and sat up slightly, just enough to take a sip. The minute you swallowed you started feeling a little bit better. Steve took the cup back and you sat up a little straighter in bed. He took a few of the pillows and fluffed them up and put them behind your back so you could sit up easier and handed you back the mug. He left the room momentarily and came back with his own cup of instant coffee and sat on the edge of the bed beside you.
"Maybe we should cancel the training session in the gym today" he said with concern laced in his voice.
"I'm already starting to feel better," you assured him. He looked at the mug of tea a little confused and watched as you sipped at it. He shook his head as though to dismiss a thought and drank some of his coffee. There was a knock at the door and he huffed slightly, and put down his mug to go get a pair of pajama bottoms on before he went to answer the door.
"Good morning!" Bucky said as soon as the door opened. "Look who I found?" he asked and you peered out the opening of the bedroom door to see Bucky, Loki and Tom standing there. Steve looked back at the bedroom worriedly. "Don't worry, we won't be intruding," Bucky walked in and went straight to the kitchenette to brew a pot of coffee. Loki came in, and Steve sighed before closing the suite door. Loki brought Tom in to see you and he started purring right away at the sight of you. Loki put him on your lap and perched on the side of the bed.
"Are you enjoying the tea?" Loki asked.
"Yes, of course. You made the ingredients with love" you gave him a wan smile.
"Allow me" he took the nearly empty cup and went out of the bedroom. You heard him in the kitchenette and he came back a few minutes later with a refill of your tea and you smiled appreciatively.
"Thank you Loki, you didn't need to do that" you touched his hand.
"It's what friends do," he assured you. You both smiled at each other and you couldn't help but feel blessed. He was like the older brother you never had, but then again, so was Bucky. You could hear Bucky and Steve bantering out in the living room and you relaxed as you sipped your tea and just talked about your plans for the day with Loki. It was agreed that you would spend the afternoon reading together in the living room after taking Roxy for a well deserved walk after lunch.

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